Flower beds in the country do it yourself. Photo of the ideas of flower beds


Flower beds in the country do it yourself. Photo of the ideas of flower beds
Flower beds on the country always serve as a garden decoration. They can create a unique atmosphere on the site. At the same time there are several ways to create a similar beauty with their own hands.

Flower beds, according to the rules of garden design, can be divided into the following groups:

  • Flowers, on which landed flowers, create all sorts of shading bouquets.
  • Live borders. They are peculiar distressants separating lawns from the tracks in the garden. Such fences can be created from coniferous plants.
  • Rabatki can pass along the entire site or along individual tracks.
  • Mixborpores create peppermills. There are groups of plants in which several plants bloom at the same time.
  • Alpine slides.

How to make flower beds in the country with your own hands?

Flower beds in the country do it yourself. Photo of the ideas of flower beds

Selecting the plants for its site, you need to take into account the ability to provide them with water, light and comfortable temperature. In addition, green inhabitants of the flower bed must have compatibility in the growing season and flowering time. In addition, it is worth remembering both common diseases and pests. Among other things, it is also necessary to take into account their features in soil preferences, the degree of moisture and drought resistance.

Flower beds in the country do it yourself. Photo of the ideas of flower beds

When creating your flower bed, you need to be guided by color combinations of various plants, their form, as well as resistance to weather conditions.

Flower beds in the country do it yourself. Photo of the ideas of flower beds

If you wish, you can create constantly blooming compositions. To do this, we will have to take into account the frequency of flowering of each plant. It depends on whether this composition will be turned off in all color only for a while, or it will be possible to admire the flowering all summer to late autumn.

Flower beds in the country do it yourself. Photo of the ideas of flower beds

Flowers, in which the flowers are planted in levels, always look very impressive. The highest plants are placed in the background, creating a background for the average, which in turn form the most beautiful flowers located in the heart of the composition. And the picture is completed, the low, sharpening plants that serve as if the framework for the entire masterpiece.

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In addition to the height of the plant, it is necessary to take into account that the flashing spring copies must give way to bright summer favorites, and those in turn are autumn.

Flower beds in the country do it yourself. Photo of the ideas of flower beds

Bright, saturated and contrast tones give the flower garden expressiveness. You can combine all sorts of forms and various color solutions. By the way, medicinal plants along with spicy sometimes possess the magnificent ability to revive the flower garden. Perfectly fit into the flower arrangements of thyme, mint, Melissa and others.

After the image of a future flower garden has already been manifested in the head and the plants are selected, it is necessary to inspect the site and clear it by removing the extra garbage. Fertilize the ground with a compost, pour and equalize the surface of the soil. Now you can plant plants in any order in accordance with the intended effect.

Flower beds in the country do it yourself. Photo of the ideas of flower beds

At the cottage, flower beds can look with cute glades, charming islands among the greenery. Especially well they look when concluded in the framing of pebbles or decorative stone.

Flower beds in the country do it yourself. Photo of the ideas of flower beds

Each site is unique, just as the soul of each flower is unique and unique. Rejoice, enjoy and experiment. Create flower beds at your own hands and get satisfaction from every day.

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