Combining wallpapers in the hallway: 4 choices


Combining wallpapers in the hallway: 4 choices

Combined Wallpapers Expand the possibilities of design of the hallway not to the detriment of practicality-accomplishment - this is the part of the house, which often remains without due attention to repair, but is a very important place. Here the guest first meets the apartment and manages himself to meet her hosts. Here comes farewell to friends. Therefore, it is important that the corridor gives rise to a desire in every one who entered into it, return to the house again. One of the main components of the design of such space is the wall decoration. To this item you need to approach with responsibility, the walls in the corridor should be stylish and practical. One of the most elegant ways to solve this task is to combine wallpaper of different colors or textures.

Combined wallpaper in the hallway

Despite the fact that many do not consider the hallway an important part of their home, it must be well. To make a beautiful interior it is not necessary to spend a lot of money for building materials. You can purchase ordinary wallpapers of two types and combine them. Such a design will appeal to every creative person.

Combining wallpapers in the hallway: 4 choices

Use of dark flowers of wallpaper in the bottom of the walls minimizes operating defects

Combined wallpapers allow you to create a new, completely unique interior, of the simplest materials. With this move, you will succeed in achieving a combination - "beauty and practicality".

In the hallway, low-hour materials should be used, but you can use both the wallpapers you like, saving the bottom of the walls with dark color.

Since the wallpaper set the tone of the hallway, they need to choose them according to the rest of this space, respectively. To do this, you need to explore the rules of the combination of colors.

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With the help of the correct allocation of some sections of the corridor with brighter wallpaper, you can create an emphasis on one of the walls. This technique is used both in purely decorative purposes and for visual changes in the form of the room.

Another interesting point is that with the help of wallpaper creates a smooth transition from one room to another. This method of space design is used if they want to see all the rooms in the apartment in one whole.

Types of wallpapers in the apartment: photos of materials combined in the corridor

The choice of wallpapers in the construction markets is quite large. They differ in color, texture, and even in composition. Decide what exactly you need among this abundance of a variety of options is sometimes very difficult. To facilitate your task, we suggest familiarizing yourself with the list of wallpapers suitable for an entrance hall.

Combining wallpapers in the hallway: 4 choices

In modern conditions, under any original design, you can pick up high-quality wallpaper

What types of wallpaper are considered the most suitable for the corridor:

  1. Vinyl wallpapers occupy a leading position in world finishing materials markets. They are very textured, so with their help you can hide small irregularities of the walls. Such wallpapers are presented in absolutely different designs, so ideally suitable for the hallway.
  2. Washable wallpapers Another example of an excellent option for the corridor. This material is small dirt and increased humidity, to achieve such properties helps an invisible film pasted on the wallpaper cloth.
  3. Liquid wallpapers are not the most famous, but very practical option. They are great for making a corridor or living room. Their unusual texture will give the hallway of mystery and a fabulous charm.
  4. Gymelomes - relatively new material. They are eco-friendly have a long service life. They can be used under painting.
  5. Textile wallpapers look very noble and expensive, but they can not be so often washed. If you want to use them in the hallway, then the walls are better to break the walls.
  6. Paper wallpapers are cheaper than other options, but they are short-lived. In the corridor, they can only be used in combination with more enduring options.
  7. Wall murals look incredibly beautiful and unusual. With their help, you can create a completely unique and unique interior in the hallway.
  8. Flizelin wallpaper is easy to glue on the wall. They can be painted, and they are not afraid of moisture.

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All these wallpapers are used quite often for the design of the corridor and hallway. They have their advantages and disadvantages. To make a hallway not only practical, but also beautiful, you can combine some types of wallpaper.

If you combine wallpaper from different materials, then special attention is paid to the joints. If they are too noticeable, then use moldings or plinth or plinth for their decor. Especially interesting is the inserts from paper or textile wallpapers, framed by plinths, as if painting.

Rules for which we combine wallpapers in the hallway

Combined wallpapers should look appropriate and attractive. Ideas that perfectly fit into one apartment are completely not suitable for another.

Combining wallpapers in the hallway: 4 choices

Light tones with nonsense ornament visually increase the volume of hallway

If you are not sure of your designer abilities, you can contact professionals or find a suitable combination of thematic magazines.

Even with a good taste, it may be difficult to choose the appropriate option for the hallway of a certain size. You can choose a wallpaper, based on your fantasy, but at the same time, given the basic combination rules.

Comferate wallpaper correctly in the corridor:

  1. For small hallways or long narrow corridors, it is better to choose the wallpaper of bright shades, while they should not be bright large drawings. For greater practicality, you can arrange the walls below with non-gamry washing wallpaper, for example, gray, and the upper part of the room is separated by light canvases.
  2. For large parishings, bright wallpapers with a noticeable ornament are perfect. You can single out such an accent only one wall or combine expressive colors throughout the corridor.
  3. To stretch the room up. Use vertical inserts or wallpapers with vertical stripes. If you want to slightly reduce the height of the room, it is better to choose a web with a horizontal pattern.
  4. When choosing wallpaper, remember that the walls must be harmonized not only with floor and ceiling, but also with furniture.

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These are the main aspects of the choice of wallpaper in the corridor. Acting according to them, two types of material you can create unexpected compositions.

Ideas of combining wallpaper in the hallway

You can use absolutely different ideas for decorating your hallway. The main thing is that they fit into your interior and corresponded to the nature of family members.

Combining wallpapers in the hallway: 4 choices

Making the hallway, try to stick to the overall style of the apartment

To better cope with the wallpaper combination, use the table of the correct combination of colors and shades.

An excellent option for a small hallway will be the combination of photo wallpaper with a perspective and monophonic lights. For a long narrow corridor with high ceilings, a combination of dark striped canvases of light walls and bright wallpapers with a pearl sampling located in the rest of the hallway will help to diversify such a composition, separating two types of material. To decorate a large space, you can make all your fantasy, here you can use both bright or dark wallpapers, slightly reduce the size of the room, and the bright canvases increase it.

Make it right: combining wallpaper in the hallway (video)

Combining wallpaper in the hallway allows you to make this room original and stylish. Use this technique with the mind, and the entrance to your home will be the pride of your whole family!

Detail: how to combine wallpaper in the hallway (photo examples)

Combining wallpapers in the hallway: 4 choices

Combining wallpapers in the hallway: 4 choices

Combining wallpapers in the hallway: 4 choices

Combining wallpapers in the hallway: 4 choices

Combining wallpapers in the hallway: 4 choices

Combining wallpapers in the hallway: 4 choices

Combining wallpapers in the hallway: 4 choices

Combining wallpapers in the hallway: 4 choices

Combining wallpapers in the hallway: 4 choices

Combining wallpapers in the hallway: 4 choices

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