How to hang a picture on the wall - 10 recommendations (40 photos)


For decoration of premises, wall paintings often use. They can be selected in any room and under any wallet. You just need to know how to make a picture of the wall correctly. The main rule here is the following - art objects should transmit the mood of the interior in the apartment and the taste of the owners.


Lighting of the canvase is of great importance. But if they can be placed in the museum in one wall and set over each lamps, it is better to use good natural light in the apartment. Additional illumination can be useful when glare or desire appears with focusing on the wall. For these purposes, it is better to use LED lamps that do not heat and create a directed ceiling of light.

Backlighting pictures

Important! The maximum allowable lighting of painting 150 lux. You can use a 100W incandescent lamp or a luminescent lamp 20W. They should be placed at least 1 m from the canvas.


Do not hang pictures too high, otherwise they will not be able to admire. The following universal reception will help correctly determine the location of the web. Spend an imaginary line, back up from the lower edge of the horizontal picture of 3 cm, and hang the cloth so that the straight line is at the eye level. For vertical cloths, the same principle has the same principle. But if the apartment is low ceilings, then the distance you need to take 6 cm from the edge.

Picture location

Important! You also need to take into account the distance between the walls. There is a separate rule here. The size of the main side of the canvas must be multiplied by 3 - this is the minimum recommended distance for consideration of the canvas.

White sofa


Vertical canvases increase visually ceilings, so they are better placed on a narrow wall. Horizontal canvas lengthen the wall. They are better placed over the sofa, bed or chest. Also not necessarily make a lot of paintings in one baguette. You can pick up a universal frame for each canvas. Then the whole group will look organically.

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Tilt angle

To the canvas closely lightened to the wall, you need to pull the rope of the fastening. On the contrary, if it is necessary that the picture hung at an angle, the rope should be loosen.

flower in a pot


If there is a large wall in the kitchen, and the pictures of a small size, it is better to have them by groups around one canvase that most like most. The group should include cloths close in style or color scheme. For example, a series of battles combined with one subject.

Important! In a group of three paintings, the middle canvas is the main one.

Blue pillows

The canvas are the same size most often hang in one row at an equal distance from each other. But they look more interesting when weighing at different levels.

Computer and table

Often people perceive the canvas as an element of classical painting, requiring a large amount of space on the wall. They cannot be closed with furniture and other decor items.

Outdoor lamps

What other painting equipment can be applied in the kitchen or in any other room? A solid grinding group when the canvas closes the entire wall.

Light sofa

Important! To decide how to hang the cloth on the wall correctly, you must first draw up the composition on the floor, and then transfer it to the interior. But hang up a lot of cloths "by growth" towards an increase or decrease, it is definitely not worth it. This is a sign of bad taste.

How to hang a picture

Before hanging a picture in the kitchen, you need to prepare materials for mounting the canvas. The finishing nail in a length of 5 cm will withstand a different kind of load. However, the most optimal is an anchor screw with a circular hat. If we are talking about a plasterboard wall, then the canvas should be placed on the frame rack. This is the most fortified part of the wall under the plaster carrying the main load. It is possible to determine it using an electronic detector or manually. To do this, it is enough to knock on the surface in different places. Where there is a deaf sound, just hiding a rack.

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Wooden frames

Place the picture best on the brackets. How to determine the height on which the canvas should have already been described earlier. Attach the canvas to the wall to mark the attachment points. You need to make holes in them for an anchor screw with a smaller drill or a conventional nail with a hammer. Then it should be placed in the hole anchor screw and secure it with a screwdriver. On the created mount, you should hang the cloth in the kitchen or in the room.

Green Pillows on Kwati

Tips for mounting

Do not overload the frame rack. One or two canvas can be hanging on a wooden beam. The rest is better to place around.

  • Before spending pictures in the interior, it is necessary to note the distance between the canvas using a pencil and a ruler or multicolored stickers. During the installation process it will be easier to determine the location of the next canvase.


  • Place the pictures creatively. Six or seven canvases of different sizes visually create an effect of an increase in space. Experiment before hanging the canvas on the wall. But do not place them very high or low.

White sofa

  • Think out all the details in the interior. Little canvas will not look in different rooms, so it is better to place them on the same wall. Log in photos give more opportunities than portrait pictures. Experiment with their location in the interior until you find the optimal way.

sofa and coffee table

  • When you design, in what place in the interior hang up the picture, consider the height of the furniture, racks, the location of windows and lighting the room as a whole.

Lighting pictures

Plot vs color

What is primary: palette or content? If a pronounced stylist has a bright stylist in the interior, then the cloth should be selected. In such cases, a case-stylistic inconsistency is not allowed.

For example, if the living room is decorated in an African style with a predominance of beige and yellow palette, it is more appropriate to look at African with a blue turban than the autumn forest. Color imbalance can be corrected with accessories. For example, hang a picture on the wall over the sofa, and put blue pillows on it. Even if the first place comes out the color, the plot does not lose importance.

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kitchen cupboard

Tip! Pictures with abstractions, portraits and plants are universal. They can be used in any room and even in the kitchen.


Before you quickly spend the canvas on the wall, you need to make sure that they will fit into the interior. The perfect option, if the web is completely rhyme with the interior. Their color schemes repeat colors in the setting. Most often, the canvas merges with the situation and remains not noticed. But at the same time performs the main function - decorates an empty wall. This canvas can serve as a binding element. For example, in the kitchen with green walls and purple furniture. The image of the lilac branch will link the main colors.

Red sofa and lamp

What is worth avoided

Today, paintings in the interior are a tool for decoring. The perception of the entire room depends on the size and location of the picture on the wall. The very presence of their presence can change the usual way of life. According to Feng, so that the canvas brought happiness, you need to fall in love with the image.

Sofa and stand

Therefore, in the interior design it is worth avoided:

  • Aggressive plots in the form of floods, fires, wild animals - such canvas change positive energy.
  • The images of the elderly and broken dishes will bring devastating energy to the house.
  • In the kitchen or in any other room, you should not hang up drastically different images. Mixed energy will also do not bring comfort.
  • In the kitchen, you can raise pictures with water. According to Feng, such images attract financial flows. The living room is worth hanging dynamic paintings with an active plot. If the room or kitchen is used for frequent bidding of friends, then the images of noble animals will be appropriate.

Tip! It is desirable to pick up solutions in the blue and blue color scheme.

Proper placement of the picture on the wall (2 video)

Methods of placement of paintings (40 photos)

10 secrets of proper placement of the picture on the wall

10 secrets of proper placement of the picture on the wall

Outdoor lamps

Blue pillows

White sofa

Computer and table

Green Pillows on Kwati

Light sofa

flower in a pot

Wooden frames

Picture location


White sofa

10 secrets of proper placement of the picture on the wall

Backlighting pictures

10 secrets of proper placement of the picture on the wall

10 secrets of proper placement of the picture on the wall

10 secrets of proper placement of the picture on the wall

kitchen cupboard

10 secrets of proper placement of the picture on the wall

10 secrets of proper placement of the picture on the wall

10 secrets of proper placement of the picture on the wall

10 secrets of proper placement of the picture on the wall

10 secrets of proper placement of the picture on the wall

10 secrets of proper placement of the picture on the wall

10 secrets of proper placement of the picture on the wall

10 secrets of proper placement of the picture on the wall

Lighting pictures

sofa and coffee table

sofa and coffee table

10 secrets of proper placement of the picture on the wall

10 secrets of proper placement of the picture on the wall

10 secrets of proper placement of the picture on the wall

Sofa and stand

10 secrets of proper placement of the picture on the wall

Red sofa and lamp

10 secrets of proper placement of the picture on the wall

10 secrets of proper placement of the picture on the wall

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