Culinary book with your own hands: scrapbooking ideas with templates


Cooking ancient times is considered to be some magic. Food can be cured, give the mood, even return the love of life. Like each wizard, you need your grimar, and the cook requires a good book for making your secrets and secrets of cooking, or the preparation of recipes are borrowed from other arts. Therefore, the culinary book with your own hands is like a good dish, but which is kept for years.

Recipes on the spring

The basis for such a collection will be a metallic or plastic spring to which pages will join. For the book you will need:

  • The required number of sheets of A5 format;
  • two cardboard sheets of good density;
  • four sheets of paper for scrapbooking;
  • Several thin plastic or cardboard sheets for sections;
  • spring;
  • stickers with the names of dishes or cuts from magazines, unnecessary books, etc.;
  • Scissors, pencil, glue, hole punch.

The beginning is to design a notepad cover. Sheets of scrap-paper apply to the cardboard, wrap around 1 cm on each side and glue.

Culinary book with your own hands: scrapbooking ideas with templates

The inner part is also weching the paper so that its edges do not take to the edges of the covers by 0.5 cm.

Next, you should prepare stickers with inscriptions and tags for separators, you can use the following templates by printing them on the printer:

Culinary book with your own hands: scrapbooking ideas with templates

Culinary book with your own hands: scrapbooking ideas with templates

Culinary book with your own hands: scrapbooking ideas with templates

Culinary book with your own hands: scrapbooking ideas with templates

These stickers should be cut, laminate on one side of the scotch.

Separates should be a bit longer than notepad sheets and its cover. They need to make protruding bookmarks, exhausted before this pencil. Each edge of the separator is marked with a pencil line, after which, depending on their quantity, the extreme lane shall be chosen on this amount equal to each other in length. The final stage will be trimming the unnecessary strip to the place of the tag. There should be approximately such dividers as in the photo:

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Culinary book with your own hands: scrapbooking ideas with templates

They are glued according to the size of the tag with inscriptions.

Culinary book with your own hands: scrapbooking ideas with templates

After the proceeded need to fold the notebook in the future sequence and proceed to work with the hole panel. The holes must coincide with the spots of the springs, so the rule will be suitable here: to death seven times, once again, in the case of a book - once a puncture. It should be accessed on a rough leaflet.

To the notebook you can add a clamping gum, having done two holes in the back cover from above and below, traveled through them a gum, the tails of which to fix in the inner part of the scotch or tie to each other.

Notepad will have something like this:

Culinary book with your own hands: scrapbooking ideas with templates

You can also use the following fixtures of page bond:

  • Metal two rings for albums;
  • shoelaces, rope or ties, fastened in the holes of sheets;
  • Stationery of sheets - 4-5 holes, which, after flashing, threads are honeclosed by a bend of the first sheet of the book;
  • folder.

The cover can be made soft, sticking into cardboard and wrapped with scrap paper or tissue polypropylene film. Instead of ties, you can use a button-button, a magnetic button or a common with a satin or crocheted loop-bound.

Volume option

If a notebook does not suit the cook, he should get acquainted with the master class for the manufacture of this book. This will require:

  • sheets in the required quantity, A4 format;
  • Cover from unnecessary book, notepad, album, etc;
  • Scrap-paper for covering the cover;
  • kraft paper;
  • figurine punch;
  • scissors, stationery knife, strong threads with a needle;
  • two stationery clamps, glue, pencil;
  • decoration elements;
  • instant coffee;
  • ink;
  • Ribbon and 4 lover.

Coffee is necessary for dyeing sheets of paper, giving them an eye effect. For this, a warm solution with coffee is poured into a baking sheet, which alternately put sheets of paper to their full blotting, after which the paper is hanging on drying. After drying, sheets align the iron. Each sheet smoothly bend in half, edges decor the hole, making them openwork.

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Culinary book with your own hands: scrapbooking ideas with templates

Paper should be added to a flat stack, the top and bottom of the workpiece to press the stationery clamps by putting the paper squares under them so as not to spoil the sheets.

Culinary book with your own hands: scrapbooking ideas with templates

At the root of the workpiece, we make a pencil quantity along 6, according to which the stationery knife is carried out shallow notches.

To sew sheets, you need to take two bands of the tissue, place them on the outlined areas so that two areas from the edges and the average are free.

Culinary book with your own hands: scrapbooking ideas with templates

Through the notches of each sheet a snake to make a thread so that it goes to the top areas with tissue stripes. All sheets are stitched as described in one tight binding, the end of the work on which is made up with a good strong knot. After placing the clamps on the workpiece again, the root wrestling with transparent glue, put under the press, for example, from several heavy books. Drying should last a few hours.

Culinary book with your own hands: scrapbooking ideas with templates

Cover wrapping kraft paper, bending into the inner part of the edge of 4 cm, carefully cutting and gluing paper.

Culinary book with your own hands: scrapbooking ideas with templates

For an external cover decor, we cut two fragments from scrap-paper to half a hundred-meter less than one coverage of the cover. Fragments can be sewed to the typewriter or manually. Add decorative elements according to your fantasy or using pre-prepared ideas.

Culinary book with your own hands: scrapbooking ideas with templates

Culinary book with your own hands: scrapbooking ideas with templates

Culinary book with your own hands: scrapbooking ideas with templates

To tying a book, you need to make holes in the middle of the face and the back cover, which cover the chapens. Through the holes stretch the ribbons, whose edges on the covered covers are fixed with glue and scotch.

Culinary book with your own hands: scrapbooking ideas with templates

To combine the cover with glued sheets, we apply a square of paper to the glue, which, smearing glue and on the other hand, put into the cover.

Culinary book with your own hands: scrapbooking ideas with templates

Forwards for the book, we make from ordinary sheets of paper, in size they should be half acestimeter to be fewer covers. They are glued at the beginning of the book and at the very end.

Culinary book with your own hands: scrapbooking ideas with templates

The name of the book can be printed on the printer or apply in your own ink.

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Culinary book with your own hands: scrapbooking ideas with templates

Video on the topic

Video to create a culinary book with your own hands:

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