Pond at the dacha with their hands from the tire. Photo


Pond at the dacha with their hands from the tire. Photo
The pond on the country area not only creates beauty and uniqueness, but also perfectly helps us and our green friends to carry the heat. Even a tiny water, made of an old unnecessary tire, can create its own unique microclimate around itself.

Moreover, a similar pond can be placed both in the country area in the garden and on the balcony. It is enough just to choose the size of the tire. Next, I will tell you how to make a pond in the dacha with your own hands from the tire.

Choosing a tire

Pond at the dacha with their hands from the tire. Photo

Representing where the future reservoir will be placed, we select a suitable tire. For the balcony, the wheel from the passenger car is quite conspicuous, and here for the country, larger sizes are suitable, which have rear wheels of tractors, trucks and dump trucks. Deciding with dimensions, you can go in search of the desired "Tara".

Preparation of tires

The top part is cut into the top with the knife or sawing of the metal. You can use the electroltrol bike on low revs.

We make a pond in the country do it yourself

Pond at the dacha with their hands from the tire. Photo

1. They dig a hole that has the size of the prepared tire. You can make it a little smaller, if the raised shore of the pond is thinking. The bottom needs to align and make a sandy pillow. Sand should be without stones. If there is an opportunity, you can protect with water from the powerful roots of the trees with a nonwoven needle-free travel path. We put on the prepared deepening a tire.

2. We carry out waterproofing. To do this, it is necessary to prepare a pre-special durable observer material, which is usually used for waterproofing pools. It is sold in garden shops, as well as in stores for swimming pools. We put it in the tire, and the film should go 50 cm per edge of the future pond.

You can, of course, use conventional polyethylene. However, in this case it will have to change it every year, because Under the action of ultraviolet, he decomposes and begins to flow. And he will not survive the winter at all. Although, you can put polyethylene in two layers. But in this case, no guarantees for the long-term service are not here.

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On the other hand, if you change the film for the owners of the site every year, it is quite possible to do and it. Especially since it will be at first a fairly cheap option. In any case, weighing everything "for" and "against", each will choose a more suitable option for it.

3. Pond walls. The film, which is covered by the bottom, distribute along the bottom and sides. In order for it well to lay, fill in our water water. Finally we put the edge of the film and sprinkle them with sand. It will fight it from climbing. On top of the film, elements of the decor, adorning the "shore" of our pond.

4. We look the edges of the stones. When a huge flab tire is used, you can equip it for swimming. In this case, pebbles for the shore need to choose small so that they are nice to come. Otherwise they will slide and interfere with swimming. The stones of the rounded shape will remove legs from abrasion and scratches.

When the reservoir is used exclusively in decorative purposes, the stones can be chosen more expressive in shape. First lay out large, creating the basis of the composition. Next, the picture is complemented by medium-sized stones. The final strokes will be a small crushed stone or pebble, against the background of which large "soloists" will exceed. The bottom is covered with gravel or pebbles. You can land suitable plants.

Pond at the dacha with their hands from the tire. Photo

5. The small fountain will be the last stroke for which the pump is immersed in the pond.

As can be seen, to build a pond in the country, with your own hands, it is completely simple. And everyone can cope with this business.

And when everything is ready, you can congratulate yourself with a successful done business and with satisfaction to contemplate sparkling in the sun of the pond and enjoy the quiet murmur of water.

Pond at the cottage. Video

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