How to drive out air from the heating system


Normally working heating in winter is a vital necessity. Without heating in our climate, do not survive. But a periodically earlier than a working system starts to collect - the radiators do not heat or badly warm, there is an extraneous noise (bugger). All these are signs of what air appeared in the heating system. The situation is not rare, but bringing discomfort.

What threatens the air in the heating system

Everything, probably, had more than once with the fact that heating is included, and some radiator or a whole group heats up badly or are still cold. The reason for this is the air in the heating system. It usually accumulates at the highest point, displacing the coolant from this place. If a lot of it accumulates enough, the circulation of the coolant can generally stop. Then they say that the heating system formed an air traffic jam. Professionals in this case say that the system has been delivered.

To resume the normal operation of heating, you must remove the accumulated air. There are two options for this. The first is most often used in centralized heating systems. Cranes are installed on extreme radiators in the branch. They are called descent. This is an ordinary valve crane. After filling in the system, the coolant opened it, they are held open until a smooth stream of water does without air bubbles (then water is poured by jerks). If we talk about multi-storey buildings, then during the start of the system, the air bins should be opened first, and the residues can already be displayed on apartments.

How to drive out air from the heating system

The air in the heating radiator interferes with normal coolant circulation. This leads to the fact that the battery is bad

In private systems or after replacing radiators in apartments, not ordinary cranes, but special air valves, are put on air. They are manual and automatic. They are put in the upper free collector for each radiator (preferably) and / or at the highest point of the system.

What else threatens the air in the heating system? It contributes to a more rapid destruction of the components of the heating system. At least today, polymers are increasingly used, metal parts are still enough. The presence of oxygen contributes to the activation of oxidation (black metal rust).

Causes of appearance

Air in the heating system may appear for various reasons. If this is a single problem - you can simply remove it and not engage in search of the source. If the speech is required several times during the season, you will have to look for the cause. Here are the most common:

  • Repair, upgrading the heating system. With repair work, the air in the pipeline falls almost always. It `s naturally.
  • Filling the system with the coolant. If you pour water into the system slowly, it carries a little air with me a little, passing out the one that is in the pipes and radiators. This is also a clear process, special measures also does not require.
  • Depressurization of joints and welds. This defect requires elimination, since the delighting will happen constantly. In individual heating systems, this phenomenon (leakage compounds) is also accompanied by a drop in pressure. And this is another reason to look for malfunctions. The most likely place is the connection of pipes and radiators. They can be notch. It is very difficult to look for them, since they are not always manifested. If you notice that some of the connection "dugs" everything is much simpler - eliminate the droplets. But if everything is fine, everything is fine, and the air accumulates all the time, you have to deceive the joints and seams of soap foam and watch whether new bubbles will appear. After finding each "suspicious" compounds, they are tightened, deceived by a sealant or overpass (the method depends on the type of compounds).

    How to drive out air from the heating system

    Air can accumulate in pipe bends

  • If the air droplets are already standing in the heating system (air reset valves) and traffic jams began to appear, it is necessary to check the condition of the valves, as well as the tightness of the compounds.
  • The appearance of air in the heating system can be associated with the gap of the expansion tank membrane. In this case, you have to change the membrane, and for this you need to stop the entire system.

These are the most common places and ways, what air gets into radiators and batteries. It is necessary to drive it out from there from time to time, but with the autumn start of heating - be sure.

Install the air reset valve

For the removal of air from heating on radiators, air vents are hand-held and automatic air valves. They are called differently: a slutter, air-binding, a slurry or air valve, an airmer term, etc. The point does not change.

Air valve Maevsky

This is a small device for airbagging from heating radiators manually. It is installed in the top free collector of the radiator. There are different diameters for a different cross section of the collector.

How to drive out air from the heating system

Manual Air Sweet - Crane Maevsky

It is a metal disk with a cross-cutting hole of the conical shape. This hole is closed with a tape-shaped screw. Unscrew the screw into several revolutions, we provide the possibility of air from the radiator.

How to drive out air from the heating system

Device for removal of air from radiators

To facilitate air output perpendicular to the main channel, an additional hole is made. Through it, in fact, the air and comes out. During the inclination with Maevsky's crane, send this hole up. After that, you can unscrew the screw. Remove to several revolutions, do not unscrew. After stopping hissing, screw returns to its original position, go to the next radiator.

When starting the system, you may need to bypass all the air collectors several times - while the air will stop going out at all. After that, radiators should begin evenly.

Automatic air discharge valve

These small devices are put on both radiators and other points of the system. They are distinguished by what allows you to burst air in the heating system in automatic mode. To understand the principle of work, consider the structure of one of the automatic air valves.

The principle of operation of the automatic slutter is:

  • In normal condition, the coolant fills the percent chamber for 70. The float is at the top, pressing the rod.
  • When entering the air chamber, the coolant is displaced from the housing, the float is lowered.
  • He presses the ledge of the flag on the gibler, pressing it.

    How to drive out air from the heating system

    The principle of operation of the automatic air shuttering valve

  • The pressed loan opens a small gap, which is enough to exit air that has accumulated at the top of the chamber.
  • As water outgoes, the air vent housing is filled with water.
  • The float rises, freeing the rod. He returns to the scene at the expense of the spring.

This principle employs different designs of automatic air valves. They can be straight, angular. Put in the highest points of the system, are present in the security group. Can be installed in identified problem places - where the pipeline has an incorrect slope, which is why air accumulates there.

Instead of the hand cranes of the Maevsky, you can put an automatic gathering for radiators. In size, it is only a little more, but works in automatic mode.

How to drive out air from the heating system

Automatic air valve air valve

Cleaning from salt

The main problem of automatic valves for resetting air from the heating system - the air removal hole often overcomes salt crystals. In this case, or the air does not enter or the valve begins to "cry". In any case, it is required to remove it and clean.

How to drive out air from the heating system

Automatic air fitter disassembled

To make it possible to do without stopping heating, they put automatic air valves in a pair with reverse. The first mounted the check valve, on it - air. If necessary, the automatic air collector for the heating system is simply unscrewed, disassembled (unscrew the lid), clean and collect again. After that, the device is ready to burst air from the heating system again.

How to get rid of air traffic jam

Unfortunately, the air traffic jam is in an easily accessible place. In case of design or laying errors, the air can accumulate in the pipes. Hug it from there is very difficult. First, determine the location of the plug. At the cork plug, the pipe is cold and hear is heard. If there are no explicit signs, check the pipes by sound - tap the pipes. In place of air accumulation, the sound will be more ringing and loud.

The resulting air plug should be expelled. If we are talking about the system of heating a private house, for this you raise the temperature and / or pressure. Let's start with pressure. Open the nearest drain valve (along the movement of the coolant) and the fuel faucet. Water begins to flow into the system, lifting pressure. It forces the plug to move forward. When the air goes to the sloppan, it comes out. Stop feeding after all air will be released - the shutter valve will stop hiding.

How to drive out air from the heating system

This is a security group. On the middle output, an automatic air vent

Not all air traffic jams are so easy. For special persistent, it is necessary to simultaneously lift the temperature and pressure. These parameters are adjusted to the values ​​close to the maximum. It is impossible to exceed them - too dangerous. If in after that, the cork did not leave, you can try to open a sloping crane simultaneously (for a system drain) and a fuel. It may, thus be able to move the air stopper or get rid of it.

If a similar problem arises constantly in one place - there is an error in designing or wiring. In order not to suffer every heating season, the valve for removing the air is installed in a problem location. In the highway, you can trim the tee and free entry to install the air vent. In this case, the problem will be easy to solve.

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