Bedroom design 3 on 3


Bedroom design 3 on 3

In many apartments and bedroom houses - rooms are quite modest. But even such a room should be cozy and comfortable for their owners, as, according to research in psychologists, his interior affects the quality of sleep. It would seem that difficult to furnish it. But not everything is so simple. We suggest you familiarize yourself with the rules of the interior of the bedroom 3 to 3, the design of which can be the most diverse in color and style decision.

Pluses and minus a little bedroom

Typical flaws of bedrooms in standard apartments - low ceilings, narrow windows, small rooms. But look at it on the other hand, because the undoubted advantages of the bedroom 3 on 3 include the following:
  • It is easier to make cozy;
  • It is more interesting to develop its interior, because it is necessary to solve the tasks that are not characteristic of large rooms (visual increase in space, the choice of the correct color range and furniture).

Receptions of the visual increase in the bedroom 3 on 3

Designers are recommended when designing such an indoor design, use the following ways.

Decoration of walls, ceiling, floor

Use finishing materials for walls, floor only bright shades. Glossy paint for walls (provided that their surface is perfectly aligned) - this is what is needed for the design of such a room, but it is not recommended to apply too bright, aggressive shades, they cause fatigue. Wallpaper with a horizontal pattern will also perfectly cope with this task: pasted on a narrower wall, they will expand it.

Wallpaper with vertical stripes make ceilings above.

Designers do not advise you to choose a wallpaper with a large or veiled pattern. Such material is able to make the room less, and its design is simpler.

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Remember, in the bedroom 3 at 3 everything should be harmonious, otherwise it will not become cozy.

For the ceiling, you can also choose a shining white color (this will help visually push the walls) or the tensioning glossy design (properly installed lighting will make the room space "endless").

Flooring (laminate or parquet), laid diagonally, helps to visually change the parameters of the room.

Mirrors and glass

The use of mirrors and glass will add the volume room (for example, you can hang one large mirror on the wall or put a wardrobe with a mirror door) and hobs its borders (several small wall mirrors). Located against the window, such elements of the interior will make the space large and brighter. The same function will be performed by mirror surfaces (stained glass windows, panels) and glass furniture elements (coffee tables, shelves).

Bedroom design 3 on 3


Avoid the jet of furniture, install just the most necessary. Choose multifunctional furnishings (bedside tables combined with racks, built-in wardrobe, chest of drawers).

Laying furniture in a small room, leave its free center, so the interior design will not seem overloaded.

Bedroom design 3 on 3

Decor and textiles elements

A large number of photographs and paintings in massive frames, shelves reduce the room space. Hang one picture in the headboard and use a compact rack instead of the shelves.

Many pillows, cushion, textiles with large drawings are contraindicated with a small room.


For the bedroom 3 to 3, the ideal option is zonal lighting at which separate corners of the room are highlighted. Make it above will help wall lamps placed around the perimeter of the room. The same function performs multi-level lighting.

And the latest recommendation: Enter the entrance to the room free (open distance from the door to the opposite wall will make the space wider).

Little bedroom design can be design in almost any style. But the most suitable for room 3 to 3 are minimalism and Japanese style for which the laconicity of the interior is characteristic.

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