Unpretentious perennials for your garden: 10 best plants


Unpretentious perennials for your garden: 10 best plants

Unpretentious perennials for your garden: 10 best plants

With the help of perennial plants, an excellent flower garden is obtained, to care for which you do not need to spend a lot of time and effort. Every year, such a flower garden can be improved by adding new types of colors into it and adjusting the growth of plants. Perennial plants can be in one place for a long time and delight everyone with their appearance. In order for a flower garden from perennials, it looks attractive and bright, it is necessary to carefully approach the choice of the necessary plants.


Lupine is sometimes called a "perennial-sarnag" due to the fact that this plant is perfectly adaptable to any conditions. Lupine seeds are able to germinate even in small slits between the tiles of the garden path. Lupine has a huge number of different colors. The most profitable flowers look with motley color. This plant besides colors have beautiful carved leaves. Lupine look great both in the composition with other perennial flowers and separately planted islands, which will become accents of the site. Since Lupine has multiplied with seeds, it will not be much difficult to grow seedlings. This perennial can grow on any soil. Lupine is a light-affilome plant, so it's not worth landing it in shaded places.

Unpretentious perennials for your garden: 10 best plants

Unpretentious perennials for your garden: 10 best plants

Unpretentious perennials for your garden: 10 best plants

Unpretentious perennials for your garden: 10 best plants

Unpretentious perennials for your garden: 10 best plants


Such an elegant flower as an iris is simply indispensable for the creation of flower beds, decor recreation areas, water bodies and monoclumb. Irises are multiplied by the root division. This process is better to exercise early in the spring. It should be noted that irises can be different: some species prefer to grow on wet, shaded places, and some love open, sunny sites. There is a huge number of colors of this perennial. Irises are not particularly whimsical plants. However, they need moderate watering and periodic "land." It is not worth cut for the plant on the plant, so they will be better transferring severe frosts.

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Unpretentious perennials for your garden: 10 best plants

Unpretentious perennials for your garden: 10 best plants

Unpretentious perennials for your garden: 10 best plants

Unpretentious perennials for your garden: 10 best plants

Unpretentious perennials for your garden: 10 best plants

Herbal peonies

Unlike tree species, herbaceous peonies do not need special care. If you put the rhizome of the peony in early spring or autumn, already in the next vegetative season, this plant will delight lush bright colors. The only drawback of the peony is a short flowering period. These plants love abundant watering and feeding. It should be remembered that you need to feed peonies only with mineral fertilizers, the organic peonies are simply not tolerated. Also, peonies should ensure good drainage. For this, when planting rhizomes, you need to add a little sand to the soil.

Unpretentious perennials for your garden: 10 best plants

Unpretentious perennials for your garden: 10 best plants

Unpretentious perennials for your garden: 10 best plants

Unpretentious perennials for your garden: 10 best plants

Unpretentious perennials for your garden: 10 best plants

Garden chamomile

All famous garden chamomile will decorate any flower bed. The chamomile has a long flowering period and also for a long time it can be in the cut. Garden chamomile can multiply by seeds and rhizome. In order to grow seedlings, the seeds must be dried at the end of February. Adult plants can be transplanted throughout the vegetative period. In addition to all the well-known, white chamomile, there are also colored species - Pyrethrums. Flowers such daisies are slightly smaller, but it is very bright.

Unpretentious perennials for your garden: 10 best plants

Unpretentious perennials for your garden: 10 best plants

Unpretentious perennials for your garden: 10 best plants

Unpretentious perennials for your garden: 10 best plants

Unpretentious perennials for your garden: 10 best plants


There is a huge number of varieties of this unpretentious perennial. Even the types of chameleons are known, the flowers of which are capable of changing their painting depending on the lighting. These perennials adapt to growing conditions as weeds, quickly grow up and sometimes displacing some varieties of other plants from the flower garden. Without the leaves of Floxes grow approximately 8 years, but over time, their flowers are becoming smaller. So that this does not happen, the phlox periodically need to water and feed the organic fertilizer. Planting phlox is better in the spring.

Unpretentious perennials for your garden: 10 best plants

Unpretentious perennials for your garden: 10 best plants

Unpretentious perennials for your garden: 10 best plants

Unpretentious perennials for your garden: 10 best plants

Unpretentious perennials for your garden: 10 best plants


From a wide variety of varieties of many years of astra, you can choose those that will decorate the garden with their colors from early spring to late autumn. Perennial Astra love nutrient soil, organic fertilizers and lime. In order for the plants to feel comfortable and freely, landing should be done not very thick. Tall varieties of these perennials must be tied to special supports. Seared bushes Astra is necessary every 3-4 years. It is better to do this in May or August.

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Unpretentious perennials for your garden: 10 best plants

Unpretentious perennials for your garden: 10 best plants

Unpretentious perennials for your garden: 10 best plants

Unpretentious perennials for your garden: 10 best plants

Unpretentious perennials for your garden: 10 best plants

Astilba, dicentra, Lily, host

All these plants will become an excellent decoration of the shaded corners of the garden. Perennials multiply rhizome, they are very difficult to grow them from seeds. To care for these plants is very easy. It is enough to water, in the spring it is necessary to feed the organic organic, and during the flowering period - mineral fertilizers. The host has a beautiful color of the leaves. They can be blue, green, yellow, or have a white bark. Although the host is a decorative plant, it also beautiful flowers of lilac color bells on long bluers. The remaining plants also possess a kind of form and color of the leaves, but their main decorative role is blossom.

Unpretentious perennials for your garden: 10 best plants

Unpretentious perennials for your garden: 10 best plants

Unpretentious perennials for your garden: 10 best plants

Unpretentious perennials for your garden: 10 best plants

Unpretentious perennials for your garden: 10 best plants

Unpretentious perennials for your garden: 10 best plants

Unpretentious perennials for your garden: 10 best plants

Unpretentious perennials for your garden: 10 best plants

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