Shells decor do it yourself: mirror, frame, candlestick (43 photos)


Vacation in the summer on the sea coast promises necessarily brought souvenirs in memory of beautiful hot days. There are many ways to use their home. There are many options, how to use seashells in the role of jewelry. You can put any room with your own hands and with interesting ideas to create a beautiful decor of seashells.

Care for marine shells

If there are many sea shells available, then at home without proper care, they will quickly begin to darken. Worse than the smell that appears in this process. To extend the life of these souvenirs, you need to adhere to step-by-step instructions.

Decorative letters

Start care of a similar souvenir from the freezing of the product itself. Collect the sinks in the package and close it, then place in the freezer for an indefinite period. When you can make mollusks, defrost them. Do not open the package immediately, otherwise you will feel the gloomy smell of marine silent mollusks. It will quickly spread throughout the room and poorly disappear. Cover your mouth and nose with a marlay bandage, put on gloves and get the internal seashells using a tweezers and a knife.


Pour mollusks with water and negotiate 15 minutes. Drain the water and after a complete cooling, neatly, tweezers remove internal content from there. Place your sinks under the flow water. Then they finally cleaned.

Decorative bank

The next stage is whitening. Prepare a glass container, fold your sinks and fill them with any whitening means. In such a state, you need to leave it all alone by a couple of hours. Further need to rinse, dry and lubricate with vegetable oil, then coat with colorless varnish.

Tip! When drying off the sea seashells, do not get drunk by sunny baths. If you reap the shells under the outdoor, they will start crumble.

Decorated bottle

Objects that will decorate

Discalration with your own hands is a very exciting and useful occupation. You can give the will of fantasy and create something new, unique with your own hands. This version of the transformation of the room will be very economical.

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New life in the home interior in such a way can be given to objects of different quantities:

  • mirrors;
  • coffee tables;
  • lamp lamps or night lights;
  • chest;
  • jewelry boxes;
  • Frames for photos.

A very different trinkets of such subjects will serve as an excellent addition to the main material. It may be marine horses, corals, asterisks, pebbles, and many other small items. They have at home.

Tip! Do not overdo it with the design of the rooms shells. It should remain light and relaxed.

If you strongly overload the space like a decor, it will look very stupid and ugly. Please note that this natural component is an excellent means not only when creating a marine image with your own hands in the house. He will be able to make the most strict interior softer and more interesting. This result is possible under the condition of the correct selection of the material.

Decor from Rakushki.

1st idea: seashell mirrors

The first thing that many girls think about the use of a natural component to decorate the houses of the shells are a framework for photos or rim for mirrors. It is these products that use special demand among the ladies.

Mirror and Tumba

To construct a beautiful mirror with your own hands, you will need:

  • mirror (in frame);
  • Thermo-adhesive gun (you can use when performing the work with transparent glue "moment");
  • shells;
  • Beads, pearls, pebbles from the river and other decorations for decorating (they can be found at home);
  • varnish (colorless);
  • tweezers.

The process of decorating the mirror with your own hands is very entertaining, but painstaking.

You need to put the mirror on the table. To cover it with a cloth or paper so as not to spoil with glue or scratches. Then heat the glue. On the inner rim, speak small shells.

decorated mirror

Tip! So that they are better attached, the glue should be poured on them.

After the outline is ready, start glue large sinks. Do not forget about organic placement of them relative to each other. Then filled with the lumens between the shells with decorative beads, pebbles, pearls, etc. After the mirror frame is completely covered with seashells, leave the product obtained. It should dry well. Usually it takes about a day. The final stage is to cover the mirror with seashells with colorless varnish.

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decorated mirror

2nd idea: Photo frame

A stylish photo frame will be able to make each shot unique. It will add a certain charm.

Making a unique frame easy enough. This will require:

  • glue;
  • shells;
  • rhinestones;
  • sequins;
  • pebbles;
  • Pearls.

Photo frame

When all components for work are ready, you can proceed to the process itself. Take a wooden frame. Mark on it the location of shells and other decorating trifles. Then with the help of glue to embody the idea of ​​life.

3rd idea: candlestick

One of the most interesting and unusual decorations made by your own hands is the seashells in the role of a candlestick. In order for such an interesting thing in the house, there will be a big shell, wick and wax.

Candlestick from Rakushki.

The process of cooking such a romantic attribute does not take much time and strength. You need to choose the biggest shell. It must be comfortable and stable. Fit the groove in it, pour it with wax, and then give cool.

Candlestick from Rakushki


Decor from seashells is an excellent chance to show yourself. It is nice to do with her own hands, to dream, it is useful to spend time and with pleasure.

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Options for decoration of marine seashells (43 photos)

Decorated bottle

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Homemade shells decor: 3 super ideas

Homemade shells decor: 3 super ideas

Decorative letters

Homemade shells decor: 3 super ideas

Homemade shells decor: 3 super ideas

Photo frame

Homemade shells decor: 3 super ideas

Homemade shells decor: 3 super ideas

Homemade shells decor: 3 super ideas

Homemade shells decor: 3 super ideas

Homemade shells decor: 3 super ideas

Homemade shells decor: 3 super ideas

Homemade shells decor: 3 super ideas

Decor from Rakushki.

Homemade shells decor: 3 super ideas

Homemade shells decor: 3 super ideas

Homemade shells decor: 3 super ideas

Homemade shells decor: 3 super ideas

Homemade shells decor: 3 super ideas

Homemade shells decor: 3 super ideas

Homemade shells decor: 3 super ideas

Homemade shells decor: 3 super ideas

Decorative bank

decorated mirror

Candlestick from Rakushki

Homemade shells decor: 3 super ideas

Candlestick from Rakushki.


Homemade shells decor: 3 super ideas

Homemade shells decor: 3 super ideas

Homemade shells decor: 3 super ideas

Mirror and Tumba

Homemade shells decor: 3 super ideas

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