How to clean and wipe the feat pillows


The most common view of pillows - down and feather. They are practically in every home. Such products are very comfortable and soft, the filler in them, in contrast to synthetic, is not "falling" and is not going to the closure.

But products from such a material quickly accumulates dust in themselves, and bacteria easily multiply in them, which harms human health. That is why it is necessary to know how to wash the fate-pillow at home.

What to do with older pillows

How to clean and wipe the feat pillows

Unlike chicken feathers, a pillow of a duck pen or goose will last up to 50 years.

Nowadays, the selection of pillows is very wide. You can purchase a down, feathers or bamboo product. Each type of filler has its advantages and disadvantages.

The most significant disadvantage of feathers and down pillows is that in the absence of competent care, they become a seating for ticks, bacteria and dust. That is why feather fillers must be cleaned regularly.

However, you should know that after a certain time it will have to get rid of the pillows, because it will be unsuitable for operation. The shelf life of such products depends on whose pen they are filled.

If it is a feather of a goose or duck, then you can use such a pillow for a very long time - up to 50 years. When chicken feathers are present in the "stuffing" of the product, then in 5-7 years it is better to get rid of it, since the filler will come into disrepair.

Where you can clean down pillows

How to clean and wipe the feat pillows

Due to the features of the filler, cleaned by down or feather pillows, you can use no more than six months. After this period expires, they will again be erased.

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You can clean the pillow with such a filler both at home and in dry cleaning, laundry or special cabin, where they are restored by pillows.

Put in order the pillow of the house is not as difficult as it seems, but there will be much time on independent processing. In addition, after washing, the filler dries for a long time, and the cleaning process stretches for a long time.

With what filler the pillows is better to buy

If you have free time, you can do everything you need. For those who do not want to "stretch" this process, the best option will appeal to dry cleaning.

How much is it worth cleaning the feathery pillow in dry cleaning

In specialized dry-cleaners and laundries you can offer two types of washing - dry and wet.

How to clean and wipe the feat pillows

  • Wet washing is carried out using organic detergents. The pen is removed from the pillow, placed in the tank and is treated with a special solution. Due to this, all bacteria, microorganisms and extraneous smells are destroyed in the filler. Then the feather is washed and dried.
  • Dry cleaning (it is also called aeriality) is an air or hot-ferry filler processing, as well as UV radiation. The feather is blocked, thanks to which the volume of the product is restored, and dust and garbage is removed. At the same time there is a treatment with ultraviolet - it allows you to destroy all bacteria. After cleaning, the new naps are filled with a cleaned pen.

How to clean and wipe the feat pillows

Pillows made of chicken pen is preferable to brush in dry cleaning.

The cost of dry cleaning services directly depends on the size of the pillow. What it is more, the higher the price will be. On average, the price varies within 400-500 rubles. Plus, the old altar will have to be thrown away, and additionally you pay for a new case.

How to clean down duct pillows at home

If you do not trust dry cleaning, you can always perform work independently, without extra money costs.

How to clean feather pillows? First you need to determine the pen and in a fortune of what kind of birds are naked products. If this is a chicken feather, then it will be better to go to dry cleaning, focusing the attention of the staff on what is needed to carry out dry cleaning, without the use of steam. Otherwise, feathers can simply crumble on the fibers.

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But if the feather is a goose or duck, feel free to work for work yourself. Clean the filler of the feat pillows can be done using a manual or machine washing.


How to clean and wipe the feat pillows

Pillows from a gesya or duck pen can be cleaned with the help of economic soap and ammonia alcohol.

To clean your pillow effectively, you must first decide which detergent you will use.

It may be an economic soap with ammonic alcohol (half a piece of soap rubs on the grater, dissolves in one bucket of water and there are two teaspoons of the ammonia).

How to clean and wipe the feat pillows

If you don't want to mess with the preparation of such a solution, use the wool tissue washing means. Work must be performed in such a sequence:

  • Pillow will disperse, and immerse the filler, laid down on the bags, into the cooked solution. It is necessary to do it carefully, tightly knit bags, otherwise the light fluff will split around the room.
  • After the whole down is immersed in the liquid, slightly "hind" with his hands and leave to mock for 4-6 hours.
  • Then remove the filler from the washing solution and rinse with clean water. Do it better with the soul. If you want to give feathers aroma, you can process them with air conditioning for linen before the final rinse.
  • To dry the feathers, spread it on a flat surface in a well-ventilated room and cover the gauze from above. The pen will be dried for a long time, usually takes several days.
  • Dried pure fluff squeeze into a new nail.

Remember that it is necessary to wait for a complete drying of the pen, and only then lay it on innautics. Otherwise, excess moisture will spoil the filler, and it will be impossible to correct the position.

Machine wash

How to clean and wipe the feat pillows

It is recommended to erase the pillow in parts, pre-placing the pen into covers.

With the help of the machine there is an opportunity to wash the pillow, without disassembling it. The main condition is to be located in a special case. If this is not done, the risk is the risk that the ping will break, and the fluff will score the working parts of the machine.

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The quality of washing the cushion "whole" is not very high, and you can count on a good result only in the case when the pen is not very polluting. If the filler managed to "dial" a large amount of dust, better a pillow with a pillow, and place feathers on fabric bags at the time of washing and drying.

How to clean and wipe the feat pillows

Wash pillows in the typewriter is necessary in the "Delicate Wash" mode and at a temperature not higher than 40s.

When washing, follow the following rules:

  • Use only special liquid products for woolen fabrics or down products;
  • Erase in "delicate" mode;
  • Use the feature of additional rinsing and pressing;
  • After rinse, leave the bags with the filler in the drum for 30-40 minutes so that the glasses are excess moisture.

Machine washing is good because after it the filler will dry much faster.

Sleeping on a clean, freshly washed pillow very nice. And it doesn't matter what you will do for this - to wash the product yourself, or beat the work of professionals.

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