Is it possible to paint the vinyl wallpaper and how to do it


Do you want to know whether the paint is suitable for vinyl wallpaper and do not know which it is better to choose? Now we will understand and you will be 100% understood which vinyl wallpaper under the color and which paint to purchase in a construction supermarket, on the market or through an online store with a rich choice.

Is it possible to paint the vinyl wallpaper and how to do it

When using rollers, it is necessary to carefully cry

Subtleties and nuances

The monophonic paint will evenly be applied with a roller, but for any pattern from hand or through a stencil, it is better to use the tassels of one thickness or thinner, thick. If someone in your family is pretty drawn, then in any case an interesting composition will be, do not worry. Child friends will be delighted with such progressive parents.

But not all vinyl wallpaper is equally durable. Best of all for staining is suitable dense foam vinyl. Not all types of vinyl wallpapers can be repainted. Let's figure it out what kind of material vinyl?

The basis of such wallpapers is more dense fliseline or paper, and the foamed vinyl is applied on top. This coating is not the most reliable. It can be scratched, along with paint, it can be detached. However, you need to understand which paint is most suitable for this material.

Is it possible to paint the vinyl wallpaper and how to do it

It is desirable that all family members participate in the repair

The fact is, if you choose washable wallpaper, then they do not even lie to the special, intended for vinyl paint. She will be squeezed. Because, take another vinyl coating under the paint.

Will it turn out to vinyl oil paint? Will not work. If the base is paper, it leans through the paper and will flock down the wallpaper. So, you will rather paint the plinth. Paint is suitable for vinyl only on a waterulsion or acrylic basis.

If you want to first make a monophonic background, and then across the stencil put beautiful floral or abstract patterns, you will succeed. When you paint the rollers or tassels of the canvas in the room, wait until they are completely dry and continue to decorate the wallpaper, apply drawings through stencils.

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Is it possible to paint the vinyl wallpaper and how to do it

The use of stencils allows you to quickly apply a picture on the walls.

The brush of the walls are painted slower than a roller. If you have a vacation and you are not in a hurry, look at the construction supermarket for tassels. Perhaps you have never seen such stencils before, but they are now sold, different sizes, with butterflies or animals, flowers. Choose every taste.

Experienced people advise to acquire both rollers for painting wallpaper and brushes. Recommend different stencils. Something pick up for the kitchen, other drawings are good for the living room and bedrooms, and the third is wonderful to create a sun's atmosphere in a cute children.

Vinyl wallpaper features

This is a durable coating and it masks some irregularities of the walls. Such wallpapers glue directly on the concrete wall. Before this wall must be prepared. They can be painted with water-free or apply a special primer. With such a basis, the wallpaper will go to bed better and tightly, they will not lag behind the edges.

There are 3 main types of vinyl wallpaper:

  1. At the foamed vinyl, the top coating layer is dense and pretty thick. Such wallpapers you can drag over 2 times.
  2. Flat vinyl layer of this material is thin. Often to the base of polyvinyl chloride, specialists at the factory producer are introduced various additives. For example, silk fibers are introduced during Silkography to PVC. It turns out very beautiful and quite dense material.
  3. Wallpapers from dense vinyl are obtained moisture-resistant - washing. Thanks to this, they are used in the kitchen and many in the bathroom. Often they are released under a tile or brick and even a stone. Very pretty coming out. So you can arrange a hallway.

The polyvinyl chloride coating protects the wallpaper from mechanical damage and it is possible in the case of contamination, wipe with a wet soap sponge.

How to paint the walls

Each of us helped to paint the parents at the cottage or grandmother with grandfather in the village and these skills are not lost. The main thing is to properly prepare the surface. Vinyl wallpaper need to be deguted, wipe them with a wet sponge with a detergent. You can use the dishware or liquid soap, washing powder.

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Is it possible to paint the vinyl wallpaper and how to do it

Good mood contributes to good repair

Now on the entire surface, not passing and centimeter. Apply high-quality primer. What to buy? You will advise the seller in the construction supermarket. The base will come out better. If you appline the first time the primer, it will dry and apply 2 layers. Paint only water-emulsion. It is the best for vinyl wallpapers anywhere.

Choose paint

Today, many of the sellers and those who have already painted wallpaper are recommended to acquire an acrylic emulsion paint. Such a coverage will last long. Waterproof paint. To decide which surface ultimately on the walls you want to see, check out the types of paints:

  1. Satin. The surface is obtained smooth. Wear-resistant material. It is suitable for designing any room.
  2. Semi-man. It reflects the light. It is easy to clean. Most often, using this kind of paint, make up a bathroom or kitchen, many choose it for a nursery. Before applying, as much as possible, align from above, or, significant drawbacks will clearly be viewed.
  3. Glossy. This type of paint is rarely used in residential rooms. It will make any room, especially dark, lighter.
  4. Coin. Most often it is preferred for bedrooms. She shines a little. The walls are neat and pleasant look.
  5. Matte. It is preferred for the design of spacious premises and holls.

Is it possible to paint the vinyl wallpaper and how to do it

Popular paint from the Russian manufacturer


Have you prepared the surface of wallpaper to paint? Now proceed to the process of staining. You will need such tools and inventory:

  • Brushes of different sizes;
  • Paint rollers;
  • Dishes for paint;
  • Paint.

Experienced people advise people to choose for vinyl wallpaper dispersion or coating acrylic water-free paint. If you do not want to get frustrated from the final result, consider the features:

  1. Matte paint harmoniously looks in more spacious premises, such as the hall or hall.
  2. Hylzontseva looks like a children's or bedroom.
  3. If some of the rooms are dark and you like glossy, you can paint it the walls, but you should not use it in the bedroom and nursery.
  4. People are good for kitchens or dining rooms. The main thing is that the walls are as smoother.
  5. Satin look great in any residential room.

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How to paint the vinyl wallpaper? If you dye for the first time, it makes sense to get the probes and pick up your color and kind of paint for each of the rooms. You can listen to the advice of experienced comrades or professionals.

Is it possible to paint the vinyl wallpaper and how to do it

The process is not fast, but the result is obvious

Washed walls with canvas? They must minimize in 2-4 days dry well and only then you can be beautifully painted. On one wall, apply a stroke of probes nearby and immediately understand what kind of paint and the color is better.

Walls paint, like any other surface. Treat the full room. Let it dry, and now neatly apply 2 layers. Working a roller, you will paint the room much faster. It is good to apply the paint with a spray gun. She falls smoothly, beautiful. It does not hurt to wear a mask. Specialists advise you to start painting the wall where you put furniture. Penate and in open places you have paint will fall uniformly. Do not forget that 2 layers can be applied when 1 will dry out.

Is it possible to paint the vinyl wallpaper and how to do it

When using wallpaper with a pronounced pattern, you can combine

If your vinyl wallpapers are textured, have a drawing. That paint can be applied different shades of one color gamut or different colors, as you like. It will emphasize the texture, the depth of the wallpaper and the room will come out more alive. However, lovers of monophonic surfaces do not dissuade. This has its own charm and chic.

Use only vinyl wallpapers for painting. Do not forget that detergent are not suitable. If you paint them, it will not be very high quality and such a surface can be easily damaged during mechanical exposure. If you really want to paint the vinyl wallpaper, then choose only foamed with a pattern on smooth paint will be badly kept. It is better to prefer wallpaper not on paper, but a stronger fliesline basis. Although, look at your finances. If you can afford only a thinner wallpaper with a paper high-quality base with a vinyl coating, purchase. Do not forget that the best textured, with a pattern.

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