Hidden Wiring for Eating DVR in Honda Civic


Hello car car! Most recently, the user @clevik talked about how "secretly" to power the DVR on the example of Octavia, and today I will share the instructions on the example of my civic.

Hidden Wiring for Eating DVR in Honda Civic

Immediately I will say that, unlike the mentioned post, "meat" under the cut will not be - all because the task is to save the recorder from the car's network so that the wires do not interfere) it was necessary to solve it elementary and literally in 3 minutes.

In general, I waited for a long time, when finally I define the registrar model, which would not be ashamed to use as the main and permanent one - until the recently, everything was not satisfied with everything. And now, finally, it was decided - BlackVue DR 400G-HD, the overview of which I did literally the other day.

Let me remind you that with this device there is a five-meter wire from a car adapter.

Hidden Wiring for Eating DVR in Honda Civic

At first, I powered the device from the main cigarette lighter (at the handle of the checkpoint), but the wire of the wire is not just tired - it interfered with it periodically wounds on this very handle.

Hidden Wiring for Eating DVR in Honda Civic

Later, I defeated the wire through the head restraint of the chair and through the mirror - it became more convenient, but the resulting garland more like some stretching trap and it was still not a hair dryer. And finally decided

Hidden Wiring for Eating DVR in Honda Civic

The first thing inserted the power plug into the device and extended the wire up, to the rear view mirror - where the jack of glass and the upholstery of the ceiling.

Hidden Wiring for Eating DVR in Honda Civic

The upholstery is not very tightly adjacent to the glass, so the wire managed to pave along the windshield to the front rack.

Hidden Wiring for Eating DVR in Honda Civic

If you have such a largest, you can use velcro from the kit.

Hidden Wiring for Eating DVR in Honda Civic

The front desk is finished with two materials - something similar to the fabric (there lives a airbag) and plastic. The wire went up - under the plastic, which, too, is rejected without problems with the required gap.

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Hidden Wiring for Eating DVR in Honda Civic

Hidden Wiring for Eating DVR in Honda Civic

That is, we already, it turns out, they scratched the door. There the wire was able to hide under the rubber seal, which does not fit into contact with the door, so I do not worry about its safety.

Hidden Wiring for Eating DVR in Honda Civic

Next, the wire went under the plastic part of the side rack - just like it was in front.

Hidden Wiring for Eating DVR in Honda Civic

Then - through a similar seal along the rear window - it does not open, so there is nothing to worry there.

Hidden Wiring for Eating DVR in Honda Civic

Thus, the Motok Wires was already at the trunk - there I paved it through the seal at the luggage door. Next - through the adjacent plastic part.

Hidden Wiring for Eating DVR in Honda Civic

Hidden Wiring for Eating DVR in Honda Civic

Here already the joint of two plastic parts, between which there is no needed gap. Not a problem - the wire was allowed through the area where the lid of the luggage compartment is optionally attached (I removed it to alleviate the car did not thunder on driving courses). The wire is fixed with the rear seat, which is leaking if necessary.

Hidden Wiring for Eating DVR in Honda Civic

Well, that's all - the remaining wire (about the meter) I got into the ring and stuck in the "cigarette lighter" connector, which is in the trunk, that is, the main cigarette lighters (one of the handle of the checkpoint and one in the armrest) remained free - I have a charge phone and something else will now

Hidden Wiring for Eating DVR in Honda Civic

Hidden Wiring for Eating DVR in Honda Civic

Total - nothing is hanging anywhere, does not interfere, does not disappear. There should be no problems with the warranty, with the operation of the car electronics too. Checked - everything works, I am satisfied as a boa.

At the same time, it would be much more difficult to put everything from the ceiling - and in technical terms and in terms of work with the upholstery. So if you have a spare "cigaretteler", then try to get to it; If there is not enough length of the wire (and as my experience showed, it is mainly short), then it is not so difficult to eliminate it. The minus is that in my case only one device will be powered, but the second (navigator) does not need to feed for me.

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Sorry for the dark pictures - photographed on ... Well, you understood)

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