How to securely attach balasins to the floor and steps


The staircase gives sophistication to any house. More precisely, not the staircase itself, and the vertical supports of the fences, which are called balusters. They not only adorn the staircase, but also make it safe. Balasins are an independent part of the design. They are made of wood, metal, stone, gypsum or glass. It all depends on the interior of the room and the personal preferences of the owners of the house.

Skillful masters are capable of making a masterpiece, which can be called the work of art. Balaasins can be decorating not only stairs. They will decorate an open terrace or balcony. Consider how to mount the bales with your own hands.


How to securely attach balasins to the floor and steps

So that the whole design is really safe, you need to securely secure the balusters. Regardless of which the material is made of vertical supports, their installation is performed at a distance of 15 cm (the distance between the vertical support centers) is considered.

Such a distance is considered optimal to ensure security in the house in which small children live. As for the height of the vertical supports, it can vary from 80 cm to 1 m.

Naturally, you can make vertical supports of any height. However, given the average human height, this height is comfortable. Balaasins need to be fixed from above and below. If you perform fasteners only at one point, the design will not be reliable.

The remaining design parameters are unimportant. You can choose massive structural elements, and you can decorate the staircase with sophisticated wrought-iron supports. Here you need to come from the interior of the room. The method of attachment depends on what material vertical supports are made of. Consider each option separately.

How to securely attach balasins to the floor and steps

But before proceeding with the technology of installing each type of Balyasin, consider the general provisions. Starting installation work follows from the installation of extreme elements of the design. Then, it is necessary to measure the distance between the extreme supports and determine the location of each vertical support. The distance between them should be equally. So that in the installation process should not be marked.

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Next, you must apply axial lines for each baluster and prepare the top of the supports to the installation. If the design is set not to a slope (for example, on the balcony), then it is not necessary to prepare the upper part of the baluster. If the supports are installed on the stairs, then their upper part need to spill a bit. This is done so that the railing after the installation lay in the form of a smooth, not a stepped line.

Fastening from a tree

Most often, the staircase in the house is decorated with wooden supports. Their installation can be performed with their own hands. The main thing is to follow some rules. Fastening a balaasine of wood to the floor is performed using screws, studs or screws. Fasteners should be made exclusively made of metal. Otherwise, the construction of the design will be unreliable.

Specialists recommend not to use a threaded connection, which weakens during operation. It is necessary to stop your choice on stealing hardware of active action. Do not use nails and wooden wrenches.

How to securely attach balasins to the floor and steps

To mount the top of the Balyasin, you must first prepare in the instruments of the grooves. These grooves must have the same size as the upper part of the vertical supports. As a rule, structural elements are not fixed directly to handrails. They put the fixing bar, and only then the handrail.

The locking plank and supports are attached to each other nails with a pin hat. For reliability, the place of attachment can be treated with a special adhesive composition.

If the staircase is set between two parallel walls or the design width reaches one and a half meters, the handrail additionally should be attached to the walls. At the same time you need to use special brackets.

It is advisable to stop your choice on vertical supports, the sides of which in the cuts range from 3 to 8 cm. Purchase vertical supports are needed. No need to save on hardware. It is from them that will depend on the reliability of the attachment. Therefore, it is necessary to give preference to those companies that work on the market is not the first year and have a good reputation.

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How to securely attach balasins to the floor and steps

Fastening forged vertical supports

Wrought items can decorate any interior. They look exquisitely and elegant. You can create a support of any form. How to mount the balasins of this type is usually indicated in the instructions that are attached to them.

But, since products have a high price policy, it is advisable to entrust their fastening to those skilled in the art.

Fastening a balasine of stainless steel

Today, quite often decorated the interior in the style of minimalism. In such a design, decorative elements made of stainless steel will be perfectly fit. Previously, such supports were used to reflect stairs located in laboratories or production shops. True, they had simpler and coarse forms.

Metal is resistant to moisture and temperature variation of temperature modes. In addition, it is enough to just care for him. You can decorate the staircase with bales of polished or matte stainless steel.

As a rule, complete and fasteners are sold. Here you can use the same attachments that are used when installing wooden supports or products made of stone. These are brackets or hinges, with which the balusters are attached to the floor.

How to securely attach balasins to the floor and steps

Fastening from glass

There are no less popular support from glass. They will decorate the room decorated in the style of Hi-Tech.

The glass fastening is performed using metal hinges. Alternatively, you can use metal nozzles in which glass elements are simply inserted. Mixed to the floor such nozzles with screws.

If the balusters are a solid glass panel, then it can be fixed by the valve method. To do this, you need to make a groove in the floor, having a depth of 15-20 mm. Then, insert a glass panel into this groove. In this way, you can enjoy glass panels that are located on the terrace or balcony. To attach a vertical support on the steps, this method cannot be used.

How to securely attach balasins to the floor and steps

It is necessary to understand that a special glass is used for the manufacture of bassine. It is a material consisting of several plates of silicate glass. A transparent polymer film is located between the plates. Such glass during mechanical damage is covered by cracks. The usual glass after impact turn into fragments.

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Balaasins are a decorative design element. But in addition to the decorative function, it is also entrusted with protective. Attaching these decorative elements can be performed with your own hands. The main thing is to choose the right fastener. The design to the floor and to the railing is attached.

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