Is it possible to glue wallpaper for overdue wallpaper glue


Study repairs at home, you will inevitably encounter a number of difficulties that need to be overcome. Everything begins with a big desire to transform your room and ends with one of the last stages - shook wallpaper.

Is it possible to glue wallpaper for overdue wallpaper glue

Box of wallpaper glue for flieslin wallpaper

For this simple process, we will need wallpapers themselves and glue, which tightly stick to the wall. And if you have the wallpaper, most likely new, straight from the store, then glue, perhaps, was lying on the shelves of cabinets, he remained since last repairs.

Here and arises one of the interesting questions - whether glue is suitable for work, if it is already overdue. Let's look closely at it.

The composition of glue

To try to do at least some conclusions, we first need to know what the bulk glue consists of. Different types of glue have a different composition.

The usual, as it is often called, the universal wallpaper glue consists of a modified starch, methylcellulose and additives against mold of fungicides and bactericides. Starch is 98% of the composition, and the additive of about 2%.

Is it possible to glue wallpaper for overdue wallpaper glue

The composition of ordinary wallpaper glue

To create a stronger glue, which will keep on the wall dense wallpaper from vinyl, PVA (polyvinyl acetate) is introduced into the composition.

From the point of view of a simple manual, everything is logical - vinyl wallpaper - polyvinyl acetate. In addition, still grandmothers taught adding PVA to the wallpaper glue, welded from starch on the stove, so everything is correct.

PVA will occupy about a quarter of the whole composition, therefore, we get - starch 73%, PVA 25%, additives 2%.

Is it possible to glue wallpaper for overdue wallpaper glue

Composition of strong wallpaper glue

The most serious composition is obtained when the starch for proportion is compared with the PVA, this glue is already able to keep the glass wall on the wall, and even with several layers of paint. The proportion of such a superal composition is as follows: Starch and PVA 48-50% and 2% additives. Yet the mold must be struggling.

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Is it possible to glue wallpaper for overdue wallpaper glue

The composition of the superstile wallpaper glue

It turns out that with any scenario, components in the wallpaper is not so many. The base is the adhesive components of starch and PVA, the shelf life for which, subject to proper storage, is practically not limited.

Shelf life

All manufacturers of the wallpaper glue, the composition is almost identical. Of course, everyone considers it precisely its modification of the starch faithful, but by and large, the components are all the same, only additives from mold and fungus are distinguished, but they make up a small part.

However, the shelf life of the wallpaper glue in various manufacturers is seriously different, it varies from 2 to 5 years. Some, the most bold producers indicate 10 years.

It is worth noting that manufacturers indicate the shelf life of the wallpaper glue almost half less than the actual one. Consequently, if a period of 5 years is specified on a pack of glue, then in fact it varies from 7 to 8 years.

An important point in this case is storage conditions. Dry mixes should be stored in a hermetically closed container, in a dry place, preferably dark. In this case, they do not threaten moisture ingress.

Our wallpaper glue is no exception, so some firms manufacturers are facing double packaging. At the beginning of the sealed package, and then in the cardboard box, on which all information about the composition is placed.

Is it possible to glue wallpaper for overdue wallpaper glue

Russian wallpaper glue for light wallpaper

By the way, many people are also important information, how much glue is stored in the finished form. These data are most often present on the package. The packaging is generally present a lot of useful information that needs to be taken into account.

The time specified on the package varies from two days to a month, provided that the finished glue will be tightly packed.

To block oxygen access to glue - it means to extend the life and prevent drying.

It is advisable not to tighten with the sticking of the wallpaper and do it for 1-2 days, because that it would not be spoken by manufacturers, ready-made wallpaper glue, still loses part of its functional, with long-term finding in working condition.

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Let's go back to our composition, which has lain on the shelf some time. In any case, nothing prevents us from trying glue before serious work. To do this, it is recommended to make a small amount of water powder and try to glue the wallpaper or paper on it.

  • If the glue was kept in good conditions, he would safely show, for which he was capable of having lost his adhesive qualities and is ready for work.
  • If he is no longer like a powder, but it looks like a tight lump, then, most likely, he was wetted. In this case, its adhesive properties have already manifested itself, it is no longer recommended to use such glue.

However, if you do not want to risk, and you don't want to do experiments, just buy a new composition. The wallpaper adhesive is inexpensive, besides, in any construction store there is a worthy choice of manufacturers.

Is it possible to glue wallpaper for overdue wallpaper glue

Putting of the wallpaper glue from one of Lerua Merlin store chain brands

It is recommended to use the new composition and wallpaper manufacturers, because they do not want their products to cause some complaints when sticking.

Summarizing the above, I want to note the basic theses:

  • It is very important that the wallpaper glue is stored in all the rules, then its shelf life increases;
  • In the appearance of the wallpaper glue, you can immediately understand, it is worth using it or not if you doubt - test;
  • If you do not have a soul to experiment, just buy a new glue.

We hope that in independence on what glue you used when placing wallpapers, the result you got excellent.

By the way, you can buy a new wallpaper glue in one of Lerua Merlen's construction hypermarkets known in Russia.

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