What grinder to choose for wood: species, features


The grinding machine on a tree at least once in life requires every man. Of course, if the repair is a very far concept for you, then the grinders are unlikely to ever need. But the real master, accustomed to everything to do it yourself, this tool is simply necessary.

What grinder to choose for wood: species, features

One of the types of grinding machines - orbital. It is designed to accurately work the high level and will suit this master of his case.

Immediately there is a logical question: what grinder to choose for a tree or other material? And choose from what. Therefore, before going to the power tools store, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the existing models and evaluate their advantages and disadvantages.

Grinding machines of a ribbon type

Let's start with the model of the grinding machine, which is a variant of the ribbon tool.

  1. What grinder to choose for wood: species, features

    The ribbon machine grinds the surface due to the rotating ribbon at the base of the machine.

    Professionals believe that these are quite powerful aggregates in the field of grinding work.

  2. Using such a tool, you are quite efficient, easy and, most importantly, you can quickly process the wooden surface of a large area.
  3. The quality of removal of the upper layer is at a high level, the processed surface acquires a perfectly smooth view. This type of tool refers to the category of industrial machines, their use can significantly reduce processing time.
  4. The inexperienced master will not be easy to cope with this grinding, as its use requires a certain skill and at least a small experience. After working for the first time, you can instead of saving time to get a spoiled surface.

Where did the name ribbon grinder come from? The definition of "tape" is due to the features of the tool design. If in more detail, its components are two rollers, one of which performs the function of the slave, the other - the master.

As a result of their movement, the tape is rotated, fixed on the sole. If you choose a cheaper model, then the sole of such a tool is likely to be made of magnesium, more precisely, its alloy. But the more well-known and expensive models of grinders in a set with the sole have a substrate, in the task of which includes the control of uniform pressed tape.

Ribbons for grinders are of different grain, which allows you to choose a tape under a certain type of surface.

Another important characteristic of grinding machines is the speed of work. It directly depends on the power of the tool. Ribbon grinders can have different power: from a minimum of 500 W to the maximum 1200 W. At the same time, the speed of the tape varies in the range from 75 to 500 m / min. Most manufacturers equip the models of the ribbon velocity produced by them.

Now let's talk about such a factor as the width and length of the grinding tape. The instrument capabilities will be directly dependent on this parameter.

  1. The longer and wider tape of grinding, the more functional, but it increases its weight category and dimensions.
  2. Choosing one or another tool, it is very important to pay attention to the size of the tape, since inexperience you can purchase so-called non-inexpals.
  3. As for the ribbon grain, there are also several options here. In order for working with grinding a pleasure and brought decent results, you need to acquire various types of tapes suitable for both rough and finishing grinding.

Some features

It is possible to estimate the quality of the ribbon for grinders in the following features: a high degree of elasticity, the edge of the ribbon on both sides is even (straight), and the joints without irregularities and very durable. If all these characteristics are suitable for your chosen tape, it means that its quality is at a good level.

Ribbon models of grinding machines in their design have a device that allows the collection of dust during operation.

It is usually located on the motor shaft (engine).

What grinder to choose for wood: species, features

The bag for sawdust helps to abide by purity, and also does not give dust particles to get into the machine mechanism.

Through a special gap of dust particles fall into the bag designed for these purposes. In addition, some sorts of grinders are also equipped with a nozzle. With it, there is a connection of the vacuum cleaner, in this case the collection of dust will be the most efficient.

If you have noticed that the nozzle is not like this, as the hose of your vacuum cleaner, should not be upset. This fact cannot be the reason for the purchase of the model you like. The problem is solved quite simple. You only need to purchase a special adapter, and if you wish to make it with your own hands.

If you have to work with large billets, you should look for a model equipped with a special stationary installation. This option will greatly facilitate work with grinding.

For those who do not have experience with this kind of tool, models that have a framework in their design carrying out the depth of grinding in their design.

And the version of the belt grinder, the sides of which have a flat design, allows grinding operations close (almost close) to the wall.

If you need a grinder to carry out work on small surfaces, then nothing to purchase a bulky unit is enough to choose a tool equipped with a narrow ribbon. Its low weight and dimensions determine the domestic name - electric file.

In conclusion, it should be noted that the work of the grinding machine of a ribbon character is performed in one direction.

Vibrating version of grinding

What grinder to choose for wood: species, features

The speed of grinding at the vibration machine directly depends on the area of ​​the working surface.

One of the important criteria when buying this type of grinding machine is the area (size) of the working surface. From this indicator will directly depend on the velocity of grinding. The standard shape of the soles in these models has the appearance of the rectangle.

But there are also tools in which it is possible to replace the sole of a rectangular shape to triangular. This properties of grinding makes it easily processing the surface of an angular nature and limited in space.

Another important indicator is the stroke of the sole (platform). What speed it moves, affects the duration of grinding work. These models provide three main options for mounting the grinding sheet. This is a so-called velcro, clamp and a combined option, which includes the first and second way.

The fastest and lighter is the mount called Velcro. But the clamping option will allow you to fix exactly the size you have selected yourself.

Such a device, as a revolver regulator, allows you to independently control this indicator, choosing the desired grinding mode for each type of work.

Like the ribbon models of grinders, vibration in most of them have a device for connecting to the vacuum cleaner. It allows you to make the procedure for collecting dust better.

In addition to the above opportunities, a thorough collection of dust particles significantly extends the service life of your grinding tool. As for the container for collecting dust, it is performed either from the fabric or from plastic. If it is a plastic version, it is also equipped with a paper filter. Experts believe that the plastic dust collector meets higher requirements and is the most practical option.

What grinder to choose for wood: species, features

Deltashly info tool is necessary for work in hard-to-reach, narrow places and corners.

If you still have not had to work with a grinding machine, you can choose a variant equipped with a device feeding if the gain occurred when pressing the tool. Such a system will help an inexperienced worker to exclude possible damage to the treated surface. Please note that with this option, the degree of processing quality is reduced, and there is also a real threat to the damage to the machine itself.

Like any other electrical tool, the grinding machine has a certain power. The difference in models within 20 W will practically affect the work, but more significant gap in the power values ​​will already be noticeable. The more power, the more reliably the power tool. The ergonomic side of the grinding machine is also not in the last place. It will depend on it convenience and comfort when working.

A variety of vibration grinders - a deltashly info tool. This model of grinding is a type of vibration options. Its sole has a triangular form resembling its appearance iron.

This is a more convenient tool for working in hard-to-reach places. As for its choice, then in the process of purchase it is necessary to evaluate the same criteria as when purchasing standard vibration grinders.

Orbital Schlifmashinka

The orbital grinding machine, or a different eccentric, is equipped with a round-shaped sole. Fastening the grinding element (circle) is performed using velcro. The process of work is carried out in two versions.
  1. With the help of rotation around the axis.
  2. Rotation in orbit.

Dust removal in such models is carried out through a special kind of holes located in the sole and in the grinding wheel itself. To collect dust, you need to use a special container. Or use the vacuum cleaner.

Please note that this type of grinding tools is intended to perform grinding, as well as polishing at a very high level.

A little about safe work

It can be assumed that the ribbon grinding model is characterized by a good level of security, but this fact does not exclude compliance with some rules when working with it.

If you are worried about your health, then when working with a grinding machine, always use such protective equipment as headphones. They will limit your hearing from the impact of the loud sounds of the working tool.

What grinder to choose for wood: species, features

For safe work with grinding, a respirator or a mask is needed, and protective glasses are required to work with the metal.

Another detail of protection is very important. We are talking about a respirator or mask. Since a lot of dust stands out in the process of this work, a high-quality mask will be able to reliably protect your respiratory organs from its negative impact. In addition, it is necessary to work in a mask, it is not recommended to remove it until you get rid of dust accumulated in the dust collector.

Do not forget that all manipulations with an electrical tool can be carried out only after it is disconnected from the network. This also applies to grinding machines, so the replacement of the ribbon or purification of the dust collector can only be carried out after the tool is de-energized.

The use of a grinding machine for processing a metal surface is allowed, but it is necessary to clean the space around from flammable materials. This is important, as in the process of working with metal, the tool can be spoken.

The power tools and turning off the power tool should also be carried out very carefully. It is for the purpose of safety of grinders that are equipped with a device responsible for blocking.

Types of grinders: professional version or household?

As for professional models of grinding machines, their main purpose is constant, long and continuous work. The professional category tool is more reliable, only high quality materials are used in its production, the same applies to the e-filling of grinders.

The capacity of the professional tool is very high, and the dimensions are impressed. Naturally, with all these qualities, the cost of the power tool is also distinguished by unavailability for the home master.

Domestic grinding machines are suitable for performance, the need for which occurs only sometimes, not constantly. The time of work that they can withstand with ease and without harm for their condition is approximately 20 hours a month.

Since the power of these models is small, then the performance keeps at the same level - not very high. The plus of household options can be considered their weight category and compactness, which means that more comfortable and comfortable work.

During the day, household grinders can work for about 3 hours, no more. And yet: working for about 15 minutes, you need to do a little break. It is necessary in order for the machine to cool.

Despite its characteristics, domestic grinding machines are considered the most acceptable option for use at home. If you are not coming the grandiose on your scale of operation, the acquisition of an expensive professional tool will be inappropriate.

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