Openwork Bolero Crochet: Schemes and Description of work with a pattern of Veser


A small knitted openwork bolero is one of the favorite items of the wardrobe of any modern fashionista. Such a stylish thing turns the usual, a modest dress in a festive outfit, and everyday jeans and a T-shirt will add style and femininity. This short jacket is well complemented by blouses and turtlenecks. Bolero is absolutely not difficult to tie with your own hands, the main thing is to choose a simple model. It will not take much time on his creation, and even a beginner needlewoman can bind the openwork bolero crochet, the schemes and description of the models can be diverse. We offer you several options.

Openwork Bolero Crochet: Schemes and Description of work with a pattern of Veser

Openwork Bolero Crochet: Schemes and Description of work with a pattern of Veser

Openwork Bolero Crochet: Schemes and Description of work with a pattern of Veser

Where did this amazing thing come from us? Bolero appeared in the wardrobe of the European in the 18th century. Before that, this piece of clothing was part of the male suit of Matador and was distinguished by the fact that it did not have sleeves nor the fasteners. Over time, women came up with supplement it with sleeves, collar, fasteners. Models have become more versatile and practical. Today, the bolero is worn almost with any outfit: evening dress, blouse, shirt and other things.

Openwork Bolero Crochet: Schemes and Description of work with a pattern of Veser

Openwork Bolero Crochet: Schemes and Description of work with a pattern of Veser

Openwork Bolero Crochet: Schemes and Description of work with a pattern of Veser

Bolero can be associated or sewed from such materials: cotton, knitwear, lace, wool, acrylic, etc., and also decorated with clamps, buttons or buttons. The openwork models associated with crochet won special popularity. Thus, it is possible to create a bolero for any time of the year, at this time spending a minimum of time. For this you only need to study the various schemes and descriptions for knitting.

Openwork Bolero Crochet: Schemes and Description of work with a pattern of Veser

Openwork Bolero Crochet: Schemes and Description of work with a pattern of Veser

How to choose a tool and yarn? Usually, when knitting uses a hook No. 4, which is universal and suited to almost any threads. But you can take another number, the main thing is to remember that the thickness of the hook depends on the thickness of the thread.

Before choosing yarn for bolero, you need to decide on the pattern pattern. For lungs and air options, it is better to take a thin yarn with the addition of synthetics. Such a product will be good to keep the form and will not lose its appearance. For thick patterns, the threads are more dense, you can even knit even 2 threads.

It is ideal for knitting an openwork bolero with a crochet Acrylic yarn - it is very convenient in work, and the drawing on it looks especially relief and volume.

Openwork Bolero Crochet: Schemes and Description of work with a pattern of Veser

Openwork Bolero Crochet: Schemes and Description of work with a pattern of Veser

We offer you a crochet with a beautiful openwork bolero with a vegetable pattern for a girl.

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Interesting model

This product is suitable for 42-44 size. For knitting, only hook number 3 and 200 g cotton yarn of any color will be required. Designations are used to read the scheme: Air loop - Rev.P.

The photo shows a pattern description scheme:

Openwork Bolero Crochet: Schemes and Description of work with a pattern of Veser

Work description. First you need to associate all parts of our bolero: the back, right and left shelf, and then collect the finished product. Let's knit with one web: We recruit a chain from 198 Rev.P. + 3 Rev.P. For lifting and knit a pattern of fuel in the scheme. Repeat the report from * to * 9 times. Talking 13 cm from the set of the edge for the armor, we divide the work in this way: we leave 41 loops for the right shelf, 116 - for the back, 41 - for the left shelf.

Openwork Bolero Crochet: Schemes and Description of work with a pattern of Veser

Back: knit according to the diagram pattern directly. Touching 33 cm from the beginning of knitting, the back step. Right shelf: knit according to the pattern of a pattern of a fan and knit straight. At an altitude of 24 cm from the beginning of knitting we reduce 2 loops in each 2 row 8 times. Left shelf: knit the same as the right, only symmetrically.

Openwork Bolero Crochet: Schemes and Description of work with a pattern of Veser

When all parts of the bolero are ready, proceed to the assembly of the product. First we connect the shoulder seams. Then we are taking the breakdown and the Bolero itself according to the scheme where the border is marked. Instead of clasp, you can pinch the original brooch. Openwork bolero is ready! It is well suited for evening dress.

Openwork Bolero Crochet: Schemes and Description of work with a pattern of Veser

With the help of bolero, you can originally complement the outfit of a small princess.

We offer another MK to knit blouse - bolero for a girl with crochet.

Outfit for baby

For children's models, you always need to choose natural yarn, but completely from adding synthetics should not be refused, otherwise the product will quickly lose its former shape.

To work you need to take: 50 g of yarn of any color; Hook number 23. Figure knit according to the scheme in the photo below, starting 3 lifting loops into each first looping and ending each row by the connecting column in the last lifting loop.

Openwork Bolero Crochet: Schemes and Description of work with a pattern of Veser

Work description. First we make 58 air loops. Then, they are tied 2 rows by columns without a nakid, alternating with semi-dollars according to the scheme 2. Next, we use the circuit 3. After 4 cm from the edge, we leave 2 loops, and then 46 rows of 1 loop for the armhole. To make the shelves, we have a drawing of a symmetrically backrest, while driving 1 loop in 20 rows. Every 8 cm leave 1 loop for the neck in each 2 row. Slip 10 rows. When the distance is 16 cm from the edge, you finish work.

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Openwork Bolero Crochet: Schemes and Description of work with a pattern of Veser

Knit sleeves: We recruit 32 loops. Each 5 row after 5 cm add 1 loop 10 times. By sticking 16 cm from the beginning, we reduce 2 loops in one row and 11 times 1 loop. In this way, you finish the sleeve. We collect product details. Bolero for a girl can be decorated with knitted rifle, additionally make a button-buttons.

We hope that video and master classes in our article will help you learn to knit bolero.

Video on the topic

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