Warm floor water from the gas boiler in the apartment


Water warm floors today have become a rather popular view for the heating of a residential building. This is a system that includes a camshaft, boiler, circulation pump and water pipes. The system is stacked throughout the floor surface, after which it connects to the coolant source. The connection scheme in this case is not so complicated, but requiring close attention and compliance with all stages. It is impossible without preliminary calculations to simply put the pipes and pour them with a screed. You will have to choose the right scheme of laying pipes to the floor, perform their installation, fill so that the heat spread over the surface is uniform and good.

Warm floor water from the gas boiler in the apartment

The plumbing pipes are stacked throughout the floor surface and are connected to the source of the coolant.

To perform installation work on the installation of water heating floor, it is necessary to ensure such materials:

  • heating plastic pipes;
  • water boiler;
  • Special circulation pump, it sometimes enters the design of the boiler;
  • ball valves;
  • Fittings for compounds;
  • The collector that has an adjustment system, floor work settings.

Collector installation

The collector that needs to be connected when installing a warm floor provides the distribution of the coolant throughout the system from the boiler to remove and return to the coolest water. The collector is also responsible for adjusting the operation, setting up all the contours that are connected to it. The design of the collector includes drain taps in the required quantity, air vent valves.

To ensure the automation of the control of the floor, it is best to take care of the presence of a servo.

Warm floor water from the gas boiler in the apartment

Scheme of the thickness of the layers of water heat.

In this case, the warm floor will work independently, guaranteeing excellent quality.

The warm floor, the connection scheme of which necessarily includes a manifold, provides excellent heating, but for this all items should be positioned so that they make their functions as much as possible. The collector is mounted in a special cabinet with a thickness of 12 cm, it is supplied with all the necessary sensors, plums and other things. The reservoir itself is set in such a way that the pipes bringing to it were correctly bent, they did not form a chances. Often drawers are fitted into the wall for greater aesthetic.

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What boiler is suitable for system functioning?

To water the warm floor function, the heating boiler is required. That is why it is not recommended to use such systems in apartments. The big boiler is very difficult, as there are simply no places for it, and the connection to the central heating system leads to a strong drop in the pressure level in all riser.

Warm floor water from the gas boiler in the apartment

Connection diagram of water warm floor to the boiler.

For a private house, a variant of the installation of water heat is optimal. There is the possibility of connecting a large boiler that will supply hot water all the house. Such work does not cause any particular problems, but the system will work all year round uninterrupted. You need to choose equipment, focusing on its power. The calculation is not very complicated here, it is necessary to calculate the power of all the warm floors and add 15-20%.

To ensure the operation of the boiler and the system as a whole, the installation of a circulation pump or several is required. This will ensure the movement of the coolant on the system, the correct heat distribution. The diagram of the connection to the boiler itself looks in this way: first the boiler itself goes, which ensures water heating to 70 ° C, a special security group is installed, an expansion tank. Then the feed pipe goes to the collector, a warm floor was layered. A special pump-mixing unit is installed between the feed tube and the collector, which provides the supply and smooth operation of the warm floor. The system's return goes to a separate collector collector, passes through the pumping unit, then it falls back to the boiler for heating already cooled water. Usually on the reverse route, the temperature of the coolant is already 30 ° C.

Installation of pipes and fill screed

Warm floor water from the gas boiler in the apartment

Water warm floor diagram for wooden floors.

For laying water floors, different circuits of pipe mounting are applied. It depends on the form and features of the room, its appointment, the presence of walls overlooking the street. For the fastener itself, special profiles and brackets are used, which are fixed by dowels to the surface of the base base. This is necessary so that the pipes after laying could not shift.

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When performing such a job, it suffices to use special plastic screeds, they are fixed to the wall, but it cannot be shifted in any way. During the laying, the pipe is immediately from the bay, it is not unwound, it is neatly pulled out on the needed length, then the turn is attached behind the twist. The minimum radius when installing can be from five diameters of the pipe itself. This condition must be observed in accuracy. Experts recommend pre-on the surface of the floor to mark the markup at which the laying will be made.

During the laying of water warm floor, it is necessary to ensure that white-eyed biles are not formed on the surface of plastic pipes, they indicate incorrect installation. Such a piece for heating is no longer possible, since it is in this place that breakthroughs will quickly happen. If there is a need to lay the pipeline through the wall, then it should be concluded in a special winding of foamed polyethylene. The material is stacked tightly, unacceptable gaps and gaps. All the ends of the heating pipes after installation are displayed to the collector, where they are connected. For this, special crimping fittings are applied or the Euroconus system.

What are the installation schemes to use?

Water heat laying schemes There are several. Their selection depends on such factors:
  • size and shape of the room;
  • layout of furniture, massive household appliances;
  • The presence of external walls overlooking the street.

Today, spiral laying schemes are used, when the pipe is laid out in the form of a single helix, while the feed and taking parties go parallel. There is a variant of the dual spiral, which is used if one of the walls of the room goes to the street. In this case, a small section of a separate helix is ​​mounted near the wall, after which the pipe is laid out in the form of a large spiral. The laying option of water-mall in the form of loops or snake is used for large rooms.

After the installation works are finished, it is necessary to test the floor, filling it with water. Water begins to be supplied to the cavity of pipes under pressure in 5-6 bar. Such a procedure is carried out in about a day. If no leakage is detected, the system itself works properly, then you can begin to fill the cement screed.

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Works are performed on the pouring when the entire system of the warm floor is filled with water, it is impossible to merge in no case. After filling, the floor is left for at least 28 days, during which it will dry. When the surface is ready, the selected type of flooring can be laid.

Features of mounting and connecting water heat

Warm floor water from the gas boiler in the apartment

The metal-plastic circuits of the warm floor are connected using the fittings to the side outputs of the collector.

The connection of water heat has some features associated with the correct heat distribution, flooring. Requires such requirements:

  1. Screed for laminate, linoleum and other types of coatings should be more subtle. In order to ensure its strength, a special reinforcing metal reinforcing mesh is applied during the fill, it stacked over the pipes. In this case, a decrease in the thermal path to the floor surface is ensured. But it is necessary to remember that under the laminate it is no longer necessary to lay a layer of insulation, which is capable of significantly reduce the quality of heat transfer.
  2. If the warm floor is stacked under ceramic tiles, porcelain stoneware, then the thickness of the screed should be 3-5 cm. The pipes are stacked in 10-15 cm increments. If you do not provide such conditions, then the harpping will not happen, the heat will be distributed to the strips. This floor is very uncomfortable.
  3. Turn on the warm floor must already at the first cold. Entering and full warming can take 2 days, after which the necessary temperature will already be easily supported. Some prefer to keep such a floor included throughout the year, simply adjusting heating. This is especially true of such premises as a bathroom, a kitchen, a corridor.

Warm floors based on water pipe systems are an excellent option for alternative heating, especially for a private house. To install everything correctly, it is necessary to follow all the steps and recommendations in accuracy. This is especially true of the styling of the pipes themselves, compliance with the step between them. If everything is done correctly, the heating is uniform and efficient. If the technology was broken, then it will be difficult to achieve the desired temperature or warm-up will become strips.

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