Decorative chip (painted bark) in landscape design (32 photos)


Decorative chip (painted bark) in landscape design (32 photos)

Decorative chip (painted bark) in landscape design

Everyone who owns at least a tiny land plot, dreams of making a real paradise corner. The desire of any gardener is order on the plot and its aesthetic appearance. With this task, you can cope with the help of submitted materials that can perform a decorative function. For example, you can decorate the landscape of the area with decorative chips, which has a number of advantages over the analog materials.

Decorative chickel as sprinkles for flower beds

On the site of each gardener there is a place allotted for flower beds. Flowers can be like a simple design, so have a bizarre, non-standard form. Flower flower beds will look carefully and beautiful if they make a spray from decorative colored chips. It can be like a monochrome carpet made of green, red, yellow, blue chips, or look like a bright multicolor pattern. Flowers will seem brighter if the sprinkle will be made of chips of contrasting color. Some gardeners with a decorative chip having a neutral painting. It is used to reaploit the soil using chip as a mulch. The chips, absorbing water, creates increased air humidity, which favorably affects the growth of plants. In addition, the spray from the chips prevents the growth of weeds.

With the help of decorative chips, various types of flower types can be combined into one composition: alpine slides, rosary, mixtures. The main thing about to show a little imagination. Similarly, not only floral flower beds can be decorated, but also the soil under the trees and shrubs. So, the decorative chip having a green shade can be a good alternative to the lawn. The spray from the decorative chip allows you to preserve the top layer of the soil loose, it perfectly passes the air and retains moisture well. The pumping chips becomes organic fertilizer for plants. In order for the plot to not lose its attractive appearance, it is enough to plunge a new chip on the flower beds once every two years.

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Decorative chip (painted bark) in landscape design (32 photos)

Decorative chip (painted bark) in landscape design (32 photos)

Decorative chip (painted bark) in landscape design (32 photos)

Decorative chip (painted bark) in landscape design (32 photos)

Decorative chip (painted bark) in landscape design (32 photos)

Garden and treadmills decorated with colored chip

You can decorate with decorative chips, you can not only flower beds, but also the territory adjacent to them. Many people have a question than to decorate running and garden tracks? Some to decorate tracks use pebbles, gravel, tile or stones. But for this work requires special skills and considerable efforts. The best option for organizing garden and treadmills is the decorative chip. For the decor, chip tracks do not need to carry out any preparatory work, just only scatter material over the entire width and length of the tracks. Such paths do not diminish with rains, from their surface will quickly leave the excess moisture, the sepper prevents the formation of dirt. If you show a fantasy, you can create various drawings on the garden tracks. It can be sand veragans, geometric shapes, sea waves or rainbow interlacing patterns.

A set of multi-colored decorative chips packages will help embody any ideas on the decor of soda and treadmills. You can decorate this method not only the tracks that lead to the garden, to the bath, a gazebo or other households, but also those tracks that share the beds. After all, these sites need constant care and weeding. Having made a small sprinkle, thickness in 5 cm, you can forget about weeds for a long time.

Decorative chip (painted bark) in landscape design (32 photos)

Decorative chip (painted bark) in landscape design (32 photos)

Decorative chip (painted bark) in landscape design (32 photos)

Decorative chip (painted bark) in landscape design (32 photos)

Decorative chip (painted bark) in landscape design (32 photos)

Decorative chips in playgrounds and sports grounds

You can use decorative chips not only in the garden or in the garden. Since the decorative chip is environmentally friendly, bulk and safe material, it is often used in playgrounds.

Children will have to do the colorful design of the playground. In addition, thanks to a special method of manufacturing and tensions, chips safe material. Children will be able to run around the platform even barefoot, without fear of getting the off-in-blood or cut down the legs. So as chipper prevents the appearance of dirt, parents can be calm for the appearance of children.

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Decorative chip creates comfortable conditions for training in sports grounds. Skey to play sports on the site covered with choping than on the asphalt site.

Decorative chip (painted bark) in landscape design (32 photos)

Decorative chip (painted bark) in landscape design (32 photos)

Decorative chip (painted bark) in landscape design (32 photos)

Decorative chip (painted bark) in landscape design (32 photos)

Decorative chip (painted bark) in landscape design (32 photos)

The use of decorative chips in the landscape design decoration causes extremely positive feedback. Many gardeners, applying such a coverage on their site for the first time, use chip for many subsequent years. After all, with the help of decorative chips, you can realize the most extravagant ideas of the landscape decor, thereby give originality to its site.

Decorative chip in landscape design photo

Decorative chip (painted bark) in landscape design (32 photos)

Decorative chip (painted bark) in landscape design (32 photos)

Decorative chip (painted bark) in landscape design (32 photos)

Decorative chip (painted bark) in landscape design (32 photos)

Decorative chip (painted bark) in landscape design (32 photos)

Decorative chip (painted bark) in landscape design (32 photos)

Decorative chip (painted bark) in landscape design (32 photos)

Decorative chip (painted bark) in landscape design (32 photos)

Decorative chip (painted bark) in landscape design (32 photos)

Decorative chip (painted bark) in landscape design (32 photos)

Decorative chip (painted bark) in landscape design (32 photos)

Decorative chip (painted bark) in landscape design (32 photos)

Decorative chip (painted bark) in landscape design (32 photos)

Decorative chip (painted bark) in landscape design (32 photos)

Decorative chip (painted bark) in landscape design (32 photos)

Decorative chip (painted bark) in landscape design (32 photos)

Decorative chip (painted bark) in landscape design (32 photos)

Decorative chip (painted bark) in landscape design (32 photos)

Decorative chip (painted bark) in landscape design (32 photos)

Decorative chip (painted bark) in landscape design (32 photos)

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