How to make liquid wallpaper with your own hands: 3 main methods


How to make liquid wallpaper with your own hands: 3 main methods

Creative and stylishly decorate the interior of the room with the help of homemade liquid wallpaper The name of the liquid wallpaper is conditional. Liquid wallpapers are special mixtures that have different color and composition and applied to the surface of walls and ceilings using rollers, tassels, spatulas and other types of tools for the molar - spacing work profile. You can buy mixtures of such species in building materials sales points or make it yourself at home.

Liquid wallpaper with your own hands: Production

It is believed that this type of repair is modern not only because of the interesting decoration of the walls, but also the component of liquid wallpaper. The component of liquid wallpapers includes the components that "breathe".

Most often, liquid wallpapers consist of one of these components as: silk, cellulose or cotton.

How to make liquid wallpaper with your own hands: 3 main methods

Liquid wallpapers can be cooked independently and buy a ready-made mix in a specialized store.

Also included glue, which, when mixed with a liquid, forms a consistency, very similar to putty, such a mixture is very easily applied to the wall. If you buy a ready-made mixture, it will be sold in polyethylene. You can also make such a mixture and independently for what you need to know the manufacturing technology and have the necessary components.

How to make liquid wallpaper with your own hands

For the basics of liquid wallpaper, cellulose or cotton fiber is needed. That is, for the manufacture, you can use simple cotton wool or insulation into the composition that includes wood pulp.

Our actions further:

  • Cotton must finely cut with scissors or mixer;
  • Next, you need to mix with glue of different species such as: PVA, glue bustylate, casein glue, or putty;
  • If there is a need for decorative additives, then you can use the mica, small crumb or any mineral;
  • You can also purchase ready-made additives, but it is impossible to add them too much.

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How to make liquid wallpaper with your own hands: 3 main methods

If you decide to make liquid wallpaper with your own hands, then it is better to prepare all the necessary materials and tools in advance

If desired, the dye can also be bought, but it is necessary to buy one that is intended for aqueous solutions. If you have a desire to get the effect of the iris, it is necessary to add and stir the kel until the mixture becomes one color. The next additive of the dye is not completely stirred and add a dye only before starting work, in this way we get a rainbow effect.

The process of preparation of the mixture is performed in this way:

  • We put the fiber, in some container add a binding element, that is, glue or putty and mix;
  • In the mixed mass, add elements of scenery and mix thoroughly to obtain a homogeneous mass;
  • If the mixture turned out to be very thick, recommended adding water;
  • The made mass must be tried for what we take a substance and try on the wall, if everything is successful, we perform the manufacture of the desired amount.

Silk threads or linen fiber are also ideal for wool.

The second way: how to make liquid wallpapers at home

The second method includes the use of sawdust as the main material. In this case, the structure of the material will be embossed and very pleasant to the touch. This finish will always delight the eye.

Making liquid wallpapers at home, many prefer to add green color

Preparation actions are as follows:

  • Sawdust is considered excellent material, they are not required to grind, it is enough to immediately pour into the container;
  • Multiple colleel caps from the store add to the capacitance with sawdust, it can be a green, blue tint, but most often prefer peach;
  • With the help of a bowl of baby food to the container, 40 spoons of plaster mixture are suited;
  • Next are about two glue tubes, the volume of each must be at least 100ml;
  • The whole weight should be thoroughly mixed and should resemble a putty with its consistency.

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The mixture is applied on the wall with a spatula. Such such wallpapers approximately 24 hours. If you want to additionally improve the appearance, then at a certain stage you can add sparkles. Liquid wallpapers cooked from sawdust perfectly lay onto the working surface. As it dry, the material can be painted.

We prepare liquid wallpaper with your own paper hand: proportions

Magnificent reviews have liquid wallpapers based on paper. Preparation proportions are as follows: 40 sheets of white paper A-4 will require approximately 1.3 water in which they will need to soak. Paper leave there, for an hour, so that it is well frightened.

The next step will be the campaign component. For this recipe, you will need two components, plaster and PVA glue. PVA will connect cellulose fibers. The proportions are as follows: PVA glue 100g per 100g sheets.

How to make liquid wallpaper with your own hands: 3 main methods

In order for liquid wallpaper to be practical and high-quality, experts recommend first to familiarize themselves with the correct proportions.

As for the plaster, it is necessary for good clutch. The proportions towards paper 1 to 1. After that, the tinting. At this stage, the mixture acquires the necessary color. It is very important to pay attention to the source color of the product. If the paper was office and white, then there will be no scattering in colors.

In this case, the sequence of adding ingredients will be such:

  • Sliced ​​white paper A-4 format;
  • Water;
  • PVA glue;
  • Color kel;
  • Gypsum mix.

The consumption of such material is small, the thickness with proper application will be only 1mm, so 250g wallpaper can be covered with 1m2.

Working with liquid wallpaper do it yourself: reviews

Even if you are sure that you coped with the task of cooking Liquid-type wallpapers with your own hands on perfectly, it is very important to pay attention to the preparation of the wall on which we will apply this material.

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The working surface must meet the following requirements:

  • It should be durable and homogeneous;
  • The surface should be evenly and with a minimum coefficient to absorb moisture;
  • It is desirable that the color of the base is white or the appropriate shade of liquid wallpaper;
  • Crops or cracks should not be depth of more than 3mm.

How to make liquid wallpaper with your own hands: 3 main methods

Read reviews about liquid wallpaper can be easily independent on the Internet

If you want to get the perfect result, you should not be lazy, and the surface of the surface should not be projected. As for homemade wallpapers, it is possible to stir them both in a manual and a construction mixer, the main goal - will get a homogeneous mass.

Note that when working with liquid wallpaper, several nuances may occur:

  • If you pay attention to feedback, you can see that experienced professionals are recommended to use, such material as a Kelma for more convenient application;
  • Do not mix the additives of the decorative type in a dry consistency with glue or paper, they need to be poured into the water first and only then add the main component;
  • If you notice that the solution turned out to be thick and does not fall on the basis, just add some water.

When working, pay attention to the movement of a spatula or any other tool that you will apply material. Each portion of the material should be applied with a uniform movement in all directions, sometimes use circular motions. Application technology can be different how to apply homemade wallpapers itself from special video and photos.

Liquid wallpaper with your own hands (video)

Make a liquid type wallpaper with your own hands, this is a very profitable solution, especially for people with creative gusts. In addition, this option has a lot of positive parties. Judge yourself, it will save financial resources well, as well as cooking material can be practically from those materials that are always at hand. Preparation does not require special efforts, and the result will be great.

Design of liquid wallpapers with their own hands (photo in the interior)

How to make liquid wallpaper with your own hands: 3 main methods

How to make liquid wallpaper with your own hands: 3 main methods

How to make liquid wallpaper with your own hands: 3 main methods

How to make liquid wallpaper with your own hands: 3 main methods

How to make liquid wallpaper with your own hands: 3 main methods

How to make liquid wallpaper with your own hands: 3 main methods

How to make liquid wallpaper with your own hands: 3 main methods

How to make liquid wallpaper with your own hands: 3 main methods

How to make liquid wallpaper with your own hands: 3 main methods

How to make liquid wallpaper with your own hands: 3 main methods

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