Card Grandma's birthday with your own hands with photos and videos


Children love to give their loved ones made by hand. And if the birthday room is a grandmother, why not make a postcard for her? Help parents, correctly selected materials, our advice - and a grandmother's postcard for a birthday with their own hands.

Gentle joy

Card Grandma's birthday with your own hands with photos and videos

Usually girls are more romantic and they like to make products with flowers. To make a postcard from granddaughter, as in the photo, you need to cook:

  • Color cardboard;
  • Multicolored patchworks or pieces of gift paper;
  • scissors;
  • Buttons;
  • threads with a needle;
  • glue;
  • Green felt-tip or pencil.

Cut from flap mug of different diameters. For each flower there will be three mugs. To the smallest mug to sew a button, it will be a middle of a flower. There will be three flower, but this quantity you can increase if desired.

Cardboard sheet roll in half, forming a postcard. Glit first largest mugs for the middle so that the edges resemble the petals. Top to glue the second layer of mugs smaller in the same way. Circles with butchers stick to the latter. Dorisite green pencil stems and leaflets.

Inside the postcard, write a congratulation, and if the child is still small, then to parents to write a "grandmother", and the child will write the name itself. In a similar style, you can make a postcard, where the flowers will be from the same diameter, without buttons and not from the fabric, and from colored napkins.

Card Grandma's birthday with your own hands with photos and videos

Hardness cardiac

And boys, and girls will have to do with a postcard made of hearts.

Card Grandma's birthday with your own hands with photos and videos

For her, you need a cardboard blank, template (choose heart), colored paper, scissors and glue.

This postcard can be made in two ways. The hearts can be painted with patterns or on every heart to write, for which children are grateful to grandmother. For example, for fairy tales, pies, smile, care, etc.

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When the hearts are ready, the trunk of a paper tree is first glued to the postcard, and on top of the hearts in the form of twigs. It turns out cute, and then you can not write the text of congratulations, because the hearts will tell, for which they love grandmother.

Another postcard option is to fold the color cardboard sheet in half and on one side of the fold with a simple pencil draw the contour of the child's palm, as in the photo:

If you cut your palms along the contour and open a card, it turns out that the palms hold the heart. Inside the postcard you can paint it with flowers or butterflies and sign.

Tribute to grandmother pie

Grandmothers will always feed delicious, we will see the tea. A greeting card in the form of a tea-boat very much like a grandmother.

Card Grandma's birthday with your own hands with photos and videos

On a piece of cardboard, stick the image of a breastbouch, decorate with artificial flowers, sequins, gluing a pieces of lace, jam jar images.

The grandmothers are also associated with such objects as aprons, because the grandmother works in the kitchen to feed the whole family. A very interesting idea for the older kids themselves to make an apron postcard as in the photo.

Card Grandma's birthday with your own hands with photos and videos

Bend cardboard blank in half. On the front cut the angles so that the form of apron formed. Plug her gift paper, to glue a multicolored pocket, decorated with a piece of lace. Bottom Apron rounded with scissors and decorate with corrugated paper rief. At the top and along the edges of gluing ribbons - razes from the atlas. Or you can break through hole holes and tapes gently tie through them. Separately draw on the cardboard, and then cut the kitchen accessories that you need to insert for the "belt" or in your pocket. Inside the postcard to write "Happy Birthday!".

Here are more options for postcards-aprons:

Card Grandma's birthday with your own hands with photos and videos

Card Grandma's birthday with your own hands with photos and videos

Card Grandma's birthday with your own hands with photos and videos

A special case

On the anniversary grandmother I want the postcard to be special and festive. In this case, you can use bright buttons of different colors and a photo of grandmothers with grandchildren.

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Card Grandma's birthday with your own hands with photos and videos

Capping cardboard, sew or glue buttons in the form of a balloon, which "carries" a house with a photo. Connect a bowl and house threads. From transparent fabric cut clouds and glue them around a house and a ball.

Anniversary is also a reason for a large cake. The child will be happy to make such a bright one, but a simple postcard, only need to be stocking beads, color cardboard and plasticine.

Card Grandma's birthday with your own hands with photos and videos

  1. Take a bright cardboard sheet, bend in half and open on the inside.
  2. Long strips of cardboard of different colors are the same width, but of different lengths to fold the harmonica. These are future cakes of a festive cake.
  3. Glit the edges of the "accordion" so that their middle is on the seal of the postcards.
  4. On the top glue a candle candle.
  5. On the free space of the postcard evenly gently join the small pieces of plasticine, and on top of pressing the bead or sparkle in each of them.
  6. When the postcard closes, the cake "creates".
  7. From above on a postcard to sign the words of the grandmother's congratulations on the anniversary.

Very gentle it turns out a postcard made of paper and plastic butterflies.

Card Grandma's birthday with your own hands with photos and videos

Paper butterflies are cut on a pattern of dense, but thin paper. Finished paper butterflies stick to the cardboard and decorate the postcard by beads and lace. Plastic butterflies can be cut out of bottles and paint nail polish or paints.

Card Grandma's birthday with your own hands with photos and videos

Card Grandma's birthday with your own hands with photos and videos

Card Grandma's birthday with your own hands with photos and videos

Pot with flowers

Card Grandma's birthday with your own hands with photos and videos

For the manufacture of such a postcard, you need decorative colored glass pebbles on an adhesive basis, multicolored cardboard, colored paper, contrasting strips of paper in polka dot or strollery, glue.

  1. From color cardboard Make 2 identical potted blanks and glue them with each other so that the pocket is formed in them, which would be placed bouquets cut from colored paper. A bouquet should look like a pot in a pot. Flowers should only be on the top of the bouquet, so that the rest of the cardboard is free for the text of congratulations. In the middle of each flower glue colored pebbles. Insert the finished bouquet with the wishes in the pot.
  2. The upper part of the pot is decorated with contrast stripes, and in the bottom of the paper ladybug or a butterfly.

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Grandma will like it.

Video on the topic

Below are additional video cards for the manufacture of postcards.

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