What flowers to put on the flower bed near the entrance


What flowers to put on the flower bed near the entrance

What flowers to put on the flower bed near the entrance

With the onset of solar, spring days, many residents of cities have a desire to grow something except as a cactus on the windowsill. But not everyone can afford to feel like a landscape designer of his own country area. However, it is easy enough to solve such a problem, because near each high-rise building there is a small plot of land, which is perfect for the arrangement of flower beds.

As a rule, in such sites, the quality of the soil leaves much to be desired and only completely unpretentious dandelions will be able to grow on it. If you make a little effort, then even this unsightly place will turn into a picturesque flower garden.

Choosing flowers for such a flowerba needs to pay attention to the fact that the flowering period of different plants coincides. In this case, the flowerbed will delight the eyes from early spring to late autumn. Also, land near the entrance is unpretentious in the leaving of the plant.

One of these plants is a dicentre. It is known to many "broken heart". This long-term unpretentious shrub grows from 25 to 70 cm. Great for disembarking on shaded areas. Flowers dicentars can have a white, pink, red or yellow color.

What flowers to put on the flower bed near the entrance

What flowers to put on the flower bed near the entrance

What flowers to put on the flower bed near the entrance

What flowers to put on the flower bed near the entrance

What flowers to put on the flower bed near the entrance

Akvilia - beautiful, unpretentious in caring, flower. It grows best in shaded areas. To ensure proper flower care, it is enough to periodically produce a weeding and loosen the land. The period of flowering of most varieties of Aquillegia is at the beginning of June. The plant has large and bright colors. The most interesting is the two-color varieties.

What flowers to put on the flower bed near the entrance

What flowers to put on the flower bed near the entrance

What flowers to put on the flower bed near the entrance

What flowers to put on the flower bed near the entrance

What flowers to put on the flower bed near the entrance

The main qualitative characteristics of such a plant as an astilba is a beautiful appearance, unpretentiousness and long period of flowering. This multi-year flower, no doubt, will decorate any flower beds near the entrance. The appearance of this plant attracts attention, even when it does not bloom, thanks to its dark green, lush leaves having a beautiful shape. Astilba feels great in the shade perfectly, but excessive shading will also not benefit her. More than 200 varieties of the Astilb are known. At the same time, their growth can vary from 15 cm to 1.5 m. Plant flowers throughout the summer.

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What flowers to put on the flower bed near the entrance

What flowers to put on the flower bed near the entrance

What flowers to put on the flower bed near the entrance

What flowers to put on the flower bed near the entrance

What flowers to put on the flower bed near the entrance

Another unpretentious discharge plant is bought. It can reach a height of 150 cm. More often has large white flowers. It is less likely to meet varieties with yellowish, pink or greenish flowers. Flowers buying in May. The whole period of flowering takes about a month, after which the berries of blue or red appear on the plant, which will also not leave the plant without attention.

What flowers to put on the flower bed near the entrance

What flowers to put on the flower bed near the entrance

What flowers to put on the flower bed near the entrance

What flowers to put on the flower bed near the entrance

What flowers to put on the flower bed near the entrance

Perhaps, no flowerbed near the entrance costs without irises. This plant perfectly tolerates winter frosts in the open soil, has bright large flowers, does not require much care and therefore it can be found both at the flower beds of professionals and in the sections of the newcomers. The flowering period of the irises last 2 months - from the beginning of May until the end of July. There are varieties that in one vegetative period are capable of blossoming 2 times.

What flowers to put on the flower bed near the entrance

What flowers to put on the flower bed near the entrance

What flowers to put on the flower bed near the entrance

What flowers to put on the flower bed near the entrance

What flowers to put on the flower bed near the entrance

The flower, which was called the "Queen of the Shade" and is perfect for landing on the shaded flower bed near the entrance - the host. Flowers of this plant plant and very similar to bells, but the main decorative properties have its leaves. Special host care does not require. As a rule, this plant uses this plant to create a beautiful green background on a flowerbed, although the flowers also look quite decorative and cute.

What flowers to put on the flower bed near the entrance

What flowers to put on the flower bed near the entrance

What flowers to put on the flower bed near the entrance

What flowers to put on the flower bed near the entrance

What flowers to put on the flower bed near the entrance

Introduce or, as it is also called, primrose is a herbian perennial plant. Primula begins his bloom early in spring. Repeated flowering plants can be repeated in August. Bright small flowers look like a flowerbed as a motley carpet.

What flowers to put on the flower bed near the entrance

What flowers to put on the flower bed near the entrance

What flowers to put on the flower bed near the entrance

What flowers to put on the flower bed near the entrance

What flowers to put on the flower bed near the entrance

One of the most suitable for landing on a flowerbed near the entrance is Seduum (Customs). This plant does not affect his bright and catchy appearance, but, nevertheless, it won the vast popularity among professional flowerflowers and beginners in this business and is widely used in landscape design. Most of the varieties of obscure - perennial plants, although there are annual one. Since Sedum does not need special care, then its cultivation does not cause special trouble. For the plant it is better to choose open, well-lit plots. Sedum is great for creating various flower compositions.

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What flowers to put on the flower bed near the entrance

What flowers to put on the flower bed near the entrance

What flowers to put on the flower bed near the entrance

What flowers to put on the flower bed near the entrance

What flowers to put on the flower bed near the entrance

Quite often on the flower beds near the entrances you can see lilies. There are about 80 species of this plant, which are characterized by a height, form of flowers and their color. For landing lilies, it is better to choose well-lit places. However, the roots of the plant are better sharpened using low-colored flowers for this.

What flowers to put on the flower bed near the entrance

What flowers to put on the flower bed near the entrance

What flowers to put on the flower bed near the entrance

What flowers to put on the flower bed near the entrance

What flowers to put on the flower bed near the entrance

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