How to glue paper wallpaper online or brass


Paper wallpaper in the modern world are the most popular when finishing the walls inside the house. The reason for such a demand lies in the low cost and simplicity of installation. But sometimes people ask themselves the question of how to fix the canvas - muster or jack? Each method has its own distinctive features, which will be discussed below.

How to glue paper wallpaper online or brass

Joint repairs will help to rally seven

Description of the application method

If you definitely choose the appropriate way of pasting, then when you choose, you must rely on the following parameters:

  • When the process of pasting is carried out, then all the locations of the connections are very easy to see. In addition, the seds received are very noticeable in the sun, because in this case the joints fold their shadow and are visible very clearly.
  • When you're going to glue thick wallpaper, you do not need to perform a combination of the flashes, because then the seams obtained will be very noticeable.
  • If the cloth is glued, the amount of material consumed in this case will be minimal. It is very important if you use expensive canvas to finish your walls.
  • With a careful execution of all measures for connecting, it is possible to get a magnificent result. With this approach, all joints become invisible, thereby improving the aesthetic view of the walls.

The process of sticking is so simple that you can cope with all the events yourself. In this case, it is important to comply with technology and engage only high-quality materials. Of course, you can use the Machine method, and the seds received to remove with a knife. But only an experienced person will be able to fulfill such work very carefully.

How to glue paper wallpaper online or brass

Wallpaper canvas with a pattern need to docume with each other

To apply all the recommendations described below, it is possible not only when finishing the walls with paper canvases, but also other wallpaper. Here you need to consider such a condition - the more expensive products, the higher the requirements for the aesthetic side of the surface. Glue Vanile Wallpaper and Silkographically impracticable.

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Technology Punning Wallpaper Machines

In order for paper wallpaper to be attached to this correctly, it is necessary to clearly adhere to the necessary technology. In this case, first need to take care of the proper preparation of the foundation. If this item is broken, then all further work will go to the pump.

To start glue paper wallpaper, it is necessary to prepare the base and tools. Materials should take care of the following things:

  1. Paper cloths. Such material can be selected taking into account the necessary coloring, density. The main thing is that it was a very high quality and safe material. In addition, choose products with a long service life. On the package you can find information that indicates the environmental safety of wallpaper. Even the seller you may require a certificate that must confirm the quality and safety of wallpaper.
  2. Glue for cloths. Here you need to be very attentive, since it is from glue that will depend on how long it will serve you such a finish and whether yellow spots will be on the surface. It would be nice if paper wallpaper and glue were treated to the same manufacturer. Of course, you can pick up another glue, but at the same time you follow the wallpaper you selected.

How to glue paper wallpaper online or brass

Set of tools for sticking wallpaper

In addition to materials, you will need to stock the following tools:

  • bowl for the preparation of glue;
  • The staircase or table so that you can properly glue the wallpaper at the top;
  • To distribute glue on the wallpaper and wall surface, it is necessary to use a brush-maclove, which will evenly distribute the composition on the surface;
  • A special spatula and roller based on rubber will serve for leveling surface.

If all preparatory activities are fulfilled, then you can move directly to the embarking process of the jack. The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. Prepare the basis, align the walls and remove all flaws. For these purposes, it is worth using putty, which gently apply to the wall. After that, it is necessary to process the wall by primer. Thanks to him, it is possible to achieve a strong wallpaper hitch with a surface. If necessary, the primer is applied the second time, the angles are carefully processed.
  2. Cooking glue must be performed directly before glue paper wallpaper. To prepare the composition correctly, use the instruction that is present on the package.
  3. Now it is worth understanding how to properly glue paper closings. Perform these activities is very careful, since such coatings are very weak. The adhesive composition is applied on a sheet of wallpaper, a couple of minutes will have a couple of minutes so that the glue absorbed. Now you can proceed to gluing the canvases. Moreover, glue is necessary in the direction from top to bottom, and then carefully smooth the cloth.
  4. So that the sheets attached correctly and smoothly, it is necessary every 2 meters to draw vertical lines. Make them really with level. When paper canvases contain a pattern or pattern, the bands before sticking must be aligned with the drawing. The joke must be durable and neat. You can achieve this effect if you use the rubber roller. On this, the process of wrapping wallpaper is over. If you do everything right and exactly according to technology, then the resulting finish will serve you for a long time. It is very important to maintain the beauty of the wallpaper, from time to time to care.

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Punching Vansel

Paper web, if their surface has no relief and bloating, glue can be glued. You can use this method on the surface that has small irregularities. If not mounted, thus, the products can be obtained at a certain stage of unattractive gaps. To spoil such a defect will be not easy. In order for such problems it does not arise, you must first measure all the irregularities, then perform the design of wallpaper on the wall.

How to glue paper wallpaper online or brass

Put one wobbly cloth to another recommended only if they are completely thin

Glue Wallpapers Vangest is advisable in the sizes of defects not more than 2-5 mm. In addition, this embodiment may not work if it is universally measured equal distance when the surface of the curve. All these nuances should be thought out even before the drawing was selected. It is best to pay attention to neutral and minor geometry, then you can get the perfect docking.

The process of preparing the basis is the same as for the previous action of sticking. It is necessary to remove all dirt and dust, apply primer. When the primer dried, you can apply glue to the wallpaper strip. Wait 3 minutes, and then apply on the wall. If the first time it was not possible to attach the strip from the first time, then you have about 3 minutes to remake everything.

How to glue paper wallpaper online or brass

Connection of woeful canvas

After the specified time, the adhesive begins to be captured, so you can spoil the sighting type of the applied strip. Since paper wallpapers have a small thickness, compared to vinyl or phlizelin, it is necessary to contact them very carefully, otherwise you can greatly harm the canvas.

Paper wallpaper is a very popular material for decoration of walls in the house. They are very easy to glue, and the presence of a wide range allows you to purchase such a product of any drawing and textures. To choose the right Wallpaper Casting Method: Vannet or Jack, you must first study the surface. If it is smooth, then you can use the application method if small defects are present, then the method of the brass is suitable as it is impossible.

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