How to return the purchased wallpaper back to the store


On the Internet, there is a lot of information about how to choose and buy wallpaper, but very little about whether it is possible to return them back to the store and how to do it. Answering the question of our visitor, we would like to briefly consider this interesting topic.


Most often, we do a similar purchase in a simple store. After many times, we stop at some variant, and we bring the required number of wall rolls. Immediately it is worth paying attention to the batch of rolls, it should be the same for everyone. You can find part data on the label, the number and date of manufacture is specified.

How to return the purchased wallpaper back to the store

At the bottom of the label: Series - 2, party number - 110, release date - 18.10.12, Article 1078-13. It is important for us that all these numbers on all your rolls coincide.

You should ask the sellers, under what conditions the store makes returns to the goods, including wallpaper. Permiss if the return option is not all rolls, and the remaining, and how long is the acceptance of a similar solution. Different stores can be different, but at least two weeks. Often for the convenience of buyers they constitute a month or more.

After purchase, you should pay attention to the check, or rather - as the wallpaper is broken in the check. There are two breakdown options: each roll makes its way separately, or they all make their way with a total number.

How to return the purchased wallpaper back to the store

Several rolls of wallpaper of the firm palette of one party

This moment we, as the buyer is not fundamental, but if you return a check on a check, there may be some difficulties, especially when all rolls are broken by one squash.

Of course, we assume that you need to check and take a check, and then save it in a dark place.

Purchase of wallpaper is committed, we are glad and tremble go home, where in a relaxed and relaxed setting, we understand that they bought not the most successful option. From now on, we have a question about the return of the goods that are not suitable for us.

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As we have already written above, you need to immediately learn from the sellers, on what grounds and for what time they are willing to make the return of wallpaper. Modern shops go to meet their customers and quietly produce returns and exchanges. We called several wallpaper stores, and all their conditions sound like this:

How to return the purchased wallpaper back to the store

The roll of Italian wallpaper, the label is standard, all data is

  • "Refund of wallpaper is carried out on a two-week period, not counting the day of purchase. Wallpapers must be in the factory package, or the label is saved. It is necessary to have a document certifying personality and preferably a check. "

The law regulates the time range of 14 days, which most shops adheres to.

From the above, you can endure the main thing that it is necessary to preserve the packaging of wallpaper to simplify the procedure. Damaged packaging - option is not the most successful, but if there is no label on which the data is indicated: its article, the date of manufacture, the party, the quality, manufacturer, it happens that the stores are completely denied the return, insisting on the fact that it Not their goods.

How to return the purchased wallpaper back to the store

Pay attention to the third roll, so the sample is so covered with the showcase, but there should be no difficulties with refund

With a document certifying personality, too, everything is clear, since the sellers cannot give money to an outside person, it is necessary to somehow identify and fill in the return documents, taking into account his personal data.

With Check, a very interesting story comes out. If it breaks through wallpaper all together, with a total number, then you need to return theoretically all. If you have no one roll or, on the contrary, one remained alone, and you want to return it, the store has the right to refuse you. However, in the current majority of cases, they will not do this, taking care of their reputation.

A check is not a reason for refusing to return, it can always be restored using modern cash register.

If the purchase is broken separately by rolls, then everything is much simpler, and the refund is made on each roll of wallpaper separately.

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How to return the purchased wallpaper back to the store

Pair of rolls of German wallpaper Erismann

Regarding marriage: The store must change the defective wallpaper on the other, in the presence of them in the warehouse.

Another example of manipulations with wallpaper: fitting at home. Some stores practice this technique to increase customer loyalty. The buyer for money deposit is given a copy of the wallpaper from the showcase to fitting. In the allotted period, he must return it or not to return.

In conclusion, I would like to recommend that you buying wallpaper carefully approach the selection question so that you should not waste time and nerves on their refund. What to buy options, domestic or imported, to solve you already, to return the country, the role manufacturer will not play.

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