How and than laundering a tile on the floor


Washing tiled walls and floors after repair - an up-to-date problem for the owners. Many do not know how to bring the tile to the brilliance and how to clean the seams between tiles on the floor.

But the desire for purity makes it look for ways to bring such surfaces into the proper type of similar surfaces. It is especially important to know how to wash the tile quickly and without divorce. Often you have to make a lot of effort to get the desired result.

Today there are many means for cleaning the tile, they can be purchased in a shopping store. But not only chemicals are able to assist in solving this problem, you can use the remedies. Below are the effective ways to wash the ceramics with the help of various compositions.

Than laundering a tile after repair on the floor

The question of cleansing ceramics after repair is always relevant for the owners. Many are trying to work carefully, use a protective coating, but it does not solve the problem or solves partly, and then still have to launder traces of various substances and compositions.

Situations are different, and sometimes this procedure needs to be performed quickly, without spending a lot of time and strength. What means it is better to use in this case?

Before you decide on the choice of makeup for cleaning, you need to understand, with what kind of pollution will have to fight. Most often you can meet such types:

  • Building dust. "Dusting" of the premises in which the repair is being repaired, it is not possible to avoid even if the work is carried out carefully. But the dust is easy to remove without a trace, without damaging the surface.

How and than laundering a tile on the floor

First, dust and garbage particles are removed from the floor. Take advantage of the vacuum cleaner or collect dirt with a broom. Then prepare the floor washing solution, adding soaps into warm water, vinegar, lemon juice or means for cleansing glass.

  • Lime. Despite the diversity of the methods of finishing the ceilings, some owners prefer "just to bother." In this case, the appearance of splashes on the floor can not be avoided. Washing with clean water does not bring results, and divorces remain on the surface.

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How and than laundering a tile on the floor

To clean the floor from the lime, acid-containing compositions are necessary. You can purchase a ready-made detergent or treat the floor with a solution of vinegar, citric acid or lemon juice.

  • Glue solution. Fix the glue is more complicated than building dust, but when using properly selected tools, you can get the desired result.

How and than laundering a tile on the floor

It is better to remove the glue immediately until it is frozen. To do this, it is enough to wipe the floor with a napkin moistened in vegetable oil, and then rinse this section with soap solution.

If the glue has already hardened, apply chemical solvents, after which it thoroughly rinse the surface with clean water.

  • Primer. You need to remove this composition from the tile immediately, if it hardens, it will be more complicated to cope with the problem. If there was no such possibility and the primer managed to frost, the composition must be pre-softened.

How and than laundering a tile on the floor

For these purposes, you can use acetone, solvents or mounting foam. When the primer becomes soft, remove the residues of the substance with a rubber spatula or a blunt side of the knife and wipe the surface with a damp cloth.

These are the main types of pollution with which you have to fight after repair. It is possible to achieve perfect purity when the first washing will not work and need to repeat the processing.

Than wash the porcelain tile on the floor

Calculate tiles on the floor can be in different ways. Today, housewives can choose both store cleaning products, and use folk methods for maintaining sex cleanliness.

Special means

How and than laundering a tile on the floor

The stores are effectively coping with tile cleaning, but can cause allergic reactions.

The range of household stores amazes variety, so you can choose a detergent on any wallet.

Among the effective chemicals, such compositions can be distinguished as "Silit", "Mr. Propher" and "Selena". These tools can be used for different surfaces, including for ceramics. It is enough to familiarize yourself with the instructions for use, strictly observe it, and you will easily achieve the purity of the floor.

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However, it is often possible to hear non-seal reviews about the stores, their high cost and aggressiveness of the compositions. Indeed, chemicals are able to cause allergies, and if the family has a person suffering from such reactions, it is better to abandon the stores.

How to bring order in this case? Take advantage of people, applying inexpensive and safe components.

Folk ways

How and than laundering a tile on the floor

Chlorine not only allows you to clean the porcelain stoneware, but also disinfects the surface.

You can wash the floor and get rid of the contamination that appeared during the repair process using the following available funds:

  • ammonia;
  • vinegar;
  • lemon acid;
  • chalk solution;
  • Chlorine (allows not only to clean, but also to disinfect the surface).

Prepare an effective detergent with one of the listed means is easy. It is enough to add it to a bucket with warm clean water and proceed to processing, pre-removing from the surface of the garbage, dust and glue spots, primer or lime.

How to clean the seams between tiles on the floor

How and than laundering a tile on the floor

With the help of soda and brushes, you can clear the intercutric seams.

Often, after repair, dirt remains in the seams between the tiles, which cannot be removed during the floor washing. Here need careful local processing, which is performed as follows:

  • "Redeas" soda, adding a similar amount of vinegar to it.
  • Wait until the chemical reaction is completed and bubbles will stop.
  • Dilute the cleaning makeup with a small amount of water and apply on a contaminated seam.
  • After 3-5 minutes, clean the problem areas with a rigid brush.
  • Remove the residues of the composition using a foam sponge and wash the floor.

Remember that vinegar is an aggressive acid composition, and in the process of cleaning, protect the skin with rubber gloves.

How to wash the tile on the floor so that there is no divorce

How and than laundering a tile on the floor

When cleaning the tile, it is necessary to often change water, and soda or citric acid will help on its stiffness.

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With the appearance of divorces, many mistresses are facing. To solve this problem, it is necessary to understand the reasons for its occurrence. These include:

  • Dust remnants on the floor. If the surface has not been thoroughly cleaned before washing with a broom or vacuum cleaner, gray divorces will appear on the floor.
  • Dirty water. Warming up the floor after repair, you need to often change the water and rinse the rag, otherwise the divorces cannot be avoided.
  • Bad blurring surface after treatment with detergent. When you werehed the floor using a shopping chemical or self-made composition, it is necessary to carry out extra washing with clean water.
  • Rigid water. If the water contains a large number of salts, which give it rigidity, it is possible that after washing on the floor, dirty and white traces will remain. To avoid this, it is necessary to soften water by adding some food soda or citric acid.
  • High concentration of solution. Do not abuse detergent and do not prepare a too-strong soap solution - the residues of the substance are difficult to remove, and divorces will appear on the floor. So that this does not happen, carefully follow the dosage of chemicals.

In other words, to prevent divorces, it is necessary to eliminate the reasons for their appearance, and the tile on the floor will shine cleanliness.

How to wash the tile on the floor to glitter

How and than laundering a tile on the floor

Summer alcohol will give shine to tiles.

Even the perfectly washed tile sometimes loses its shine and looks not as attractive as before. To return the coating initial look, use the following means by adding to water when washing:

  • Stores (for example, "Silit");
  • baking soda;
  • ammonia;
  • Pucked chalk.

The main rule when the gesture is reached - not to leave a large amount of moisture on the coating. When washing, carefully press the rag, and upon completion of the work, remove the excess water with a piece of soft tissue.

Observing the recommendations given, you will achieve the perfect cleanliness of the tile, without making great efforts.

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