What can be made from vinyl records: vase and flower pot, painting, clock and bag do it yourself


What can be made from vinyl records: vase and flower pot, painting, clock and bag do it yourself

The first vinyl records appeared in 1948. They were called long-playing. On the scale of that time it was a revolutionary technological step. Our grandfathers and grandmothers, dads and moms under the sounds of vinyl records got acquainted, having fun, fell in love. However, civilization is developing, and the vinyl record today is almost never used anywhere. In many families there are pretty decent vinyl reserves. They feel sorry to throw them away, but the place they occupy. For those who like to make marsh, for those who consider themselves a creative person, well, and finally for those who simply want to diversify their life in a non-standard way several ways to use old vinyl records.

Fruit bowl

What can be made from vinyl records: vase and flower pot, painting, clock and bag do it yourself

What can be made from vinyl records: vase and flower pot, painting, clock and bag do it yourself

What can be made from vinyl records: vase and flower pot, painting, clock and bag do it yourself

What can be made from vinyl records: vase and flower pot, painting, clock and bag do it yourself

What can be made from vinyl records: vase and flower pot, painting, clock and bag do it yourself

Probably the easiest and fastest way to transform the vinyl ballast in a useful thing. It is necessary to take a plate (the standard plate has about 30 centimeters in diameter) and put in the oven, setting the temperature 90 -110 0s. After 5-7 minutes, the vinyl will become soft. Now, previously spent the thermocouples, you can begin the creative process to convert the plane plate into the bulk vase. To facilitate work as a blank, you can take a tin can from under coffee. While the vinyl soft can be drawn, to form folds, cut pattern or ornament, make prints of other items in order to give the product of uniqueness and originality. After the vase is granted a form, and it completely cooled can be moved to the decor of the vase. To do this, it is recommended to use acrylic aerosol paints, and of course fantasy. Such a vase is not ashamed to use as a decor in any residential room. With such technology, not only fruit vases are created, it is quite acceptable for making a pot for flowers or a stand for stationery goods, candlesticks made from old vinyl records are very impressive.

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Painting scaled on the plate

What can be made from vinyl records: vase and flower pot, painting, clock and bag do it yourself

What can be made from vinyl records: vase and flower pot, painting, clock and bag do it yourself

What can be made from vinyl records: vase and flower pot, painting, clock and bag do it yourself

What can be made from vinyl records: vase and flower pot, painting, clock and bag do it yourself

It is believed that the Australian of Cattle Marr created a new direction in art, creating amazing patterns on vinyl records with assistance set for burning on wood. Leaving the intact Apple plate, the artist creates an openwork air canvas on the disk fields. As the master says, began to make his paintings because he could not calmly observe how old plates are thrown into the trash. The artist is confident that vinyl is very grateful and extinguish paintings on vinyl can almost everyone, giving a vinyl record a chance to the second life.

A similar effect can be achieved and cutting paintings by vinyl. In this case, heated the plate is not necessary. Best of all the laser cutting is suitable as a cutting tool. However, this tool is not always available in the household. In this case, it is recommended to use the electroller and a set of nasty thickness and forms.


What can be made from vinyl records: vase and flower pot, painting, clock and bag do it yourself

What can be made from vinyl records: vase and flower pot, painting, clock and bag do it yourself

One of the most original ways to use old vinyl records. The work is painstaking, but creative. So, for the beginning, the record should be prepared. To do this, washing, removing the label, and drying, the plate is covered with acrylic paint for primer. By giving a soil to dry, the next step is applied background and disk decoration. There will help fantasy and creative abilities. It can be painting paint, burning or cutting vinyl. It is very interesting to combine these methods of design. The last step is to consolidate the clock mechanism, which should be pre-prepared by removing from any old unused hours. Ideally suits the mechanism from the hours working on finger batteries. The last barcode of the dial, which is applied, as a rule, on the template, the style of the design of the dial depends only on the author's imagination.

Bag of plates

What can be made from vinyl records: vase and flower pot, painting, clock and bag do it yourself

What can be made from vinyl records: vase and flower pot, painting, clock and bag do it yourself

What can be made from vinyl records: vase and flower pot, painting, clock and bag do it yourself

What can be made from vinyl records: vase and flower pot, painting, clock and bag do it yourself

Compact, stylish and spacious handbag - a mandatory accessory of weak floor representatives. And of course, every woman wants to be original and unique. Here then a couple of old vinyl records will help. And you will need a cloth for lining, some skin, glue, zipper zipper and different "things" for decoration. Well, then the full flight of fantasy. As a rule, discs or semi-trigted vinyl records go like side parts of the handbag. It looks like a handbag original and effectively

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