How to cover the floor on the balcony: the choice of the most suitable floor material


How to cover the floor on the balcony: the choice of the most suitable floor material

In almost every apartment there is a balcony that is used as a certain warehouse, where temporarily unsuitable things or a small garden with beautiful flowers are stored. Some balcony space is turned into an office or in a secluded place to relax. Whatever target destiny at the balcony, it is necessary to select it a floor covering capable of withstanding the effects of harsh climatic conditions (drops of temperature, sunlight, atmospheric precipitation) and at the same time it should be comfortable. There are a lot of materials for the floor, and understand how to cover the floor on the balcony is better, it will be very difficult.

Outdoor coating materials for an open balcony

The flooring of the balcony should be hardy, practical and even aesthetic. After all, whatever perfect cleanliness is in the entire apartment, dust from the balcony can break it. The choice of material is strongly affected by the type of balcony: open it or closure. For the first species, many sex coverage will be unsuitable, because constant atmospheric precipitates, elevated or too low temperatures are able to withstand not all.

For an open balcony, you can make a conventional concrete tie, just painted paint. You can also put ceramic tiles. Some believe that the floor can be completely closed with thick linoleum with a maximum protective layer and high density. To make the right choice, you need to carefully consider each option of the outdoor coating suitable for the open balcony.

Painting concrete tie

In order to create this flooring on its balcony, the entire floor of the balcony is needed to be poured with a solution, which includes 1 part of the cement, 3 parts of sand and water. After a concrete screed dry, you can paint it. Paint should be intended for external work and resistant to harsh atmospheric conditions. To apply for a better result, several layers are needed.

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How to cover the floor on the balcony: the choice of the most suitable floor material

The resulting layer of paint will push moisture well, protects the concrete from small mechanical damage, give the beautiful color and glitter floor. But it is worth noting that save the screed from strong blows or the pressure of the furniture legs will not be able. Yes, and after 3, the coating again needs to be changed, remove the old and apply new. Painting concrete screed is the most economical option.

Porcelain tile

More expensive, at the same time, a durable coating can be done using a porcelain tile. It is also applied to the finished maximum smooth concrete tie. The tile is divided according to its wear resistance to 5 classes, you need to choose 4 or 5, because They have the greatest degree of strength and resistance to abrasion. Also, when choosing a porcelain stove, you need to pay attention to its weight, too heavy material base plate balcony may not withstand.

How to cover the floor on the balcony: the choice of the most suitable floor material

You can safely endure the furniture on the flooring from the tile, walk on it in the street shoes on heels. But you won't go to the balcony with such a floor with such a floor, you will need to wear slippers or retain a small rug, otherwise my feet will freeze.


Not the best floor covering for an open balcony is a linoleum. It is not desirable to use even the fatal material, it will lose its color in the first year due to the constant solar exposure, it will gradually begin to settle. Moisture is destructive for him, and it does not avoid it on this type of balcony. If water gets into linoleum, it is impossible to walk on it, and in winter it will be very slippery. Therefore, it is desirable to refrain from the purchase of this material for an open balcony.

Flooring materials for a closed balcony

With closed balcony spaces, much easier, the choice of outdoor materials is large, especially if the balcony is also insulated. When using any floor covering, a concrete screed is made first, after which there is at least a sheet of fiberboard and only then the selected material is used. After all, even on the closed balcony, the floor suffers greatly from high frosts and winds, so it's better to warm it up, because the legs constantly bother, it would seem on the warm balcony.

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Mineral wool can be used as insulating material, polystyrene foam or to put electric or infrared warm floor. It is quite possible to use linoleum, laminate, wooden boards, ceramic tiles and even carpet. But the final choice depends on the required capabilities and characteristics of the material and the conditions of its operation.


The use of linoleum is the easiest and most affordable coating option. It is easy to work with it, the main thing is to be seen it in a solid piece, without junctions to avoid moisture from entering the floor. There are many drawings on linoleum, also pleases the variety of their colors. You can even meet the imitation of various stones, tree breeds, etc. True, if there is high humidity on the balcony, then this sexual coating will have to change in a few years.


Laminate is well suited for sex coverage of a closed balcony space. The main thing, the concrete tie be sure to be made to the substrate. Moreover, this cement surface must be made perfectly smooth.

Laminate is a light and beautiful material. Can imitate the valuable rocks of trees, expensive stones. The floor of the laminate is warm. But this material has low moisture resistance, so the balcony should be dry.

Wooden boards

The tree is the best floor covering on the closed balcony. Feet will always be warm and comfortable. The tree is a lightweight material, so there will be a slight load on the support plate. To the floor from the board lived for a long time, you need to give tees or oak and treat it with special protective equipment. You can also put a birch, it is cheaper, but also very durable. Pine either Lipa will not last long, because They are most susceptible to rotting. The finished floor of the boards is better to cover with paint or varnish, it will give it an attractive appearance and will provide additional protection against moisture and other effects.

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Ceramic tiles

It looks beautifully a ceramic tile, but it is cold material, so it is better to make the floor with heating or constantly walk in slippers. It is preferable to choose with a rough surface and with a light weight so that there are no heavy loads on the suspended balcony and have not reduced the degree of reliability. Tiles exist several classes, you need to choose from the operating conditions. For a more insulated balcony, you can purchase a smaller tile, it is quite suitable for 2 or 3. It is also necessary to pay attention to its moisture absorption and frost resistance, after all, on the closed balcony, the flooring will feel the temperature differences. Buy tiles needed with a reserve, because There will be an inevitable large amount of waste. Paulic coating of ceramic tiles durable, will serve at least one ten years. It is also practical, to clean and wash it will be easy.


A carpet can be put on the floor of the balcony space. Moreover, the surface of the concrete screed must be made as smooth as possible. Walking by this floor will be nice. But according to practicality, it is inferior to other materials. It will need to be constantly vacuuming and soak as often as possible, clean due to the constant presence of dust.

Bulk floor

It will unusually watch the bulk sex. It is difficult to do it, you just need to evenly pour the mixture on the surface of the balcony. And the next day you can walk on it. The colors of such a floor exist in a variety of. With the help of paints and a stencil, you can create any drawing, only for fixing it should be applied several layers of varnish.

If you know how to cover the floor on the balcony, and which it is necessary to choose the material, it is possible to use a balcony space with benefit. It's a pretty insulation, you can buy another small and comfortable room and make the area of ​​the apartment a little more.

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