What is the vinyl wallpaper


Vinyl wallpaper is an excellent finishing material for the walls, it is made with the help of modern technologies. The composition of the raw materials from which they are produced include a large number of various components that we would like to tell.

What is the vinyl wallpaper

Window with wallpaper from various manufacturers

The foundation

Conditionally vinyl wallpaper consist of two layers: external and internal. The outer layer is decorative, its function to delight the eye, internal in the form of the basis, is needed for high-quality shoes of wallpapers, it is he who holds a wobbly cloth on the wall. It is the multi-layeredness that makes the vinyl wallpaper with such versatile.

The base is made of two materials: paper and fliseline.

  • Paper is used on the wallpaper of a narrow format;
  • Flizelin, modern nonwoven material, on wallpaper Large width.

Fliselin is made from cellulose and artificial fibers of the fabric, that is, it is an improved analogue of a paper base.

What is the vinyl wallpaper

Wide wallpapers you will always learn from the first steamer

Vinyl wallpapers on the phliselin substrate are usually produced in a metering version, since it does not make sense to use expensive material for narrow wallpaper, they are also well attached to the wall and paper base.

Vinyl and its types

The top layer is created from polyvinyl chloride (PVC), in simple use just vinyl.

According to the quality of processing this material, it is divided into three main groups: foamed, kitchen (soft), hot stamping (dense).

The foamed vinyl is obtained after the vulcanization of polyvinyl chloride. Then it is in a cold form emboss and apply paint, so it turns out a ready-made canvas. The distinctive features of such wallpapers is:

  • volumetric pattern, strong, noticeable relief on the wallpaper canvase;
  • soft, vulnerable texture;
  • Lightweight roll.

What is the vinyl wallpaper

Example of foamed vinyl flizelin-based wallpapers

Vinyl wallpaper foamed type are sold in a narrow (0.53m) and wide (1.06m) formats. A narrow format involves a paper substrate, wide - fliseline.

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The kitchen vinyl has such a name, because most collections are produced with the drawings of this topic. The technology of production of this wall cover is similar, only unlike the foam material, the form is fixed with special inhibitors, from which the wallpaper becomes soft.

You can find out the kitchen vinyl on the following features:

  • Soft wobbly canvas, pleasant to the touch;
  • Some relief, which is not so noticeable at first glance;
  • Coloring in the main kitchen topics.

What is the vinyl wallpaper

Kitchen wallpaper in retro style

Vinyl wallpapers Kitchen topics have the following colors: kitchen utensils, geometric shapes, products, plots from cooking life. The collections include the wallpaper immediately several colors from bright to dark.

Vinyl hot stamping is performed at high temperatures. On special presses, the melted and heated polyvinyl chloride is embossed, creating a unique wobbly canvas. It is noteworthy that at temperature processing all harmful substances are evaporated.

You can learn the dense wallpaper from such vinyl by the following signs.

  • Wallpapers have a tangible relief that is visible at first sight;
  • Wallpaper Maximum moisture resistant and durable;
  • Coloring the canvas are very different, drawings of any subject.

What is the vinyl wallpaper

Quality, durable and durable wobbies

The vinyl wallpaper of hot stamping is today the most popular on the construction market of many countries. Such popularity is explained by the highest technical characteristics of the material.

Each wobbly factory introduces its innovations into production process, so the composition of the wallpaper of different plants may differ. In any case, all enterprises try to use extremely environmentally friendly, natural materials in bulk production.


The decorative layer of vinyl wallpaper is based on PVC. It is the polyvinyl chloride that is used to create many finishing materials. Vinyl wallpapers are created from complex, multicomponent raw materials. The poor-quality vinyl can be distinguished simply by sniffing, the smell of such wallpapers is very similar to the smell of acetone vapor.

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The composition of raw materials also includes:

  • Special additives are plasticizers whose action is aimed at improving the mechanical properties of the wallpaper canvase;
  • Stabilizers added to impart maximum strength to specific wallpaper models;
  • Painting pigments, to give the desired color to the canvas;
  • Antiseptic additives, to combat fungus and mold in the place of docking wallpaper with a wall.

A sufficiently large number of chemical components of the vinyl wallpaper partially justifies the opinion of their harmfulness. In addition, in different countries, completely different quality standards have been introduced, which, of course, does not apply to the tough requirements of the European Union.

What is the vinyl wallpaper

Stand with meter wallpaper of various factories

The use of natural components for creating a woeful raw materials entails an inevitable price increase on wallpaper. The roll of such wallpapers may differ at times from analogues of cheaper artificial raw materials. In our age of savings, such an approach to production can afford only well-proven wobble factories, producing ultra-compartment products for years.

Among the most famous woeful factories of Russia, the quality of its products is allocated:

  • Palette - Grand Russian woeful production;
  • Mayakprint is a young, dynamically developing factory;
  • Art is a famous Russian enterprise whose products meet all modern standards;
  • FIPIP, Erismann - enterprises in the territory of the Russian Federation, erected by foreign experts.

Vinyl wallpapers occupy a central place on the showcases of all construction stores. This is exactly the product that is sold massively. You can easily make sure of it by visiting any trading point.

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