Garden paths from concrete. Concrete Machine Device Technology


Garden paths from concrete. Concrete Machine Device Technology
A sign of the presence of living beings in any wilderness is the presence of paths, which suggest that their someone protruded, which means that the terrain is not deserted, and in any case, if you go on this path, it will bring you to the dwelling.

So and in the country area, the presence of tracks about civilization, and if these tracks are laid out with a stone or asphalted, or others are still being enhanced, it says about the laundry of the site owners. After all, by a unremitted path during the rain, it is possible to pass only in boots or caloes, because with moisturizing the track turns into solid dirt. Good hosts on paths can go to any weather without fear soak or stain legs.

What are the garden tracks?

Garden paths from concrete. Concrete Machine Device Technology

Garden paths are different. They can be performed from stone or concrete, tiles, bricks, wood, sand, gravel, etc. They can also have a bizarre form, be straight or bent along trees and shrubs, hide in thickets, line up with mosaic on the lawn. One of the cheapest views of the track and, at the same time, enough wear-resistant is a concrete path. Its cost is 25-30 rubles per square meter, which is approximately equal to the value of one decent tile for the same track.

Design of concrete tracks

Garden paths from concrete. Concrete Machine Device Technology

You might think that the path from concrete is not aesthetic looks enough, but it is not at all. It may not aesthetically look like a runway or a concrete field, but not a small garden track, intricately curly in the garden between the plants, smoldering grass and moss.

Posted by concrete is intricate view using pigments added to the solution, or acrylic and epoxy paint, stone finishes. And from the point of view of the price, strength and wear resistance at concrete there are no competitors at all. Therefore, if you need an inexpensive and strong track, preference must be given to concrete.

How to make garden tracks from concrete with their own hands?

Garden paths from concrete. Concrete Machine Device Technology

Building a path from concrete, it is important to comply with some rules, without which you will not be successful.

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First of all, you need to remember that the nature is not peculiar to the straight lines, they are applicable only on large areas, and the paving such geometrically-smooth sections is a very laborious process. Garden paths should be similar to paths in the forest, that is, being narrow and winding. Also, they should be located below the level of grass. No need to be afraid that during the rain they will turn into a big puddle, it is not. The lawn around the track serves as beautiful drainage, and all the water during the rain will be absorbed. For this, the track must be correctly posted and have a small bulge in the center.

The tracks from stones make in places where you do not need to often walk, and even more so ride. Such a track looks decorative, it is invisible in high grass, harmonizes with surrounding plants and fits perfectly into the landscape of the garden plot.

Build such a track is simple enough, because for this it is unnecessary any additional equipment and formwork. Mixed from concrete separately each stone. Its size should be convenient for the entire foot on it, and the distance from the center to the center of the stone must correspond to the average size of one step, approximately 50 cm. (The average width of the step can be determined if any fixed distance to divide to the number of made Along him steps). On such a track, it is convenient and calmly walk, but not run. It is also necessary to take into account that the grounds should remain between the stones somewhere 3-5 cm, in order for the grass to sprout for greater nature of the species.

Technology device track

Garden paths from concrete. Concrete Machine Device Technology

Immediately need to schedule the direction of the track, determine its width, and then begin to directly build. From the surface of the Earth, it is necessary to remove the layer of turf and humus so that plant residues remain on the surface. The bottom of the hole is sprinkled with sand, which will serve as a drainage and pillow. The sand layer must be 6-10 cm below the surface level of the Earth. The edges of the track should not be even to be created by the impression of the dashest stone - the limestone. You can make a hole for each stone separately, but you can dug one solid trove, and after filling the stones, fall asleep the gaps between them and lay the turf or sow grass. If the track is planned to walk very rarely, then in this case it is better to make the fill of each stone separately - it will be easier and cheaper. If you want to make a more operated track, in this case it is better to pull out a long trench and make a formwork, burning off every stone from each other. Formwork can be removed the next day. The intervals left by the formwork are subsequently covered with grass.

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The concrete mix is ​​prepared from this calculation: 4-5 parts of the sand takes 1 part of the cement and 1 part of the water is poured. In this case, the strength of the concrete will be sufficient to withstand pressure in 25 kg, which is quite enough. By consistency, the mixture should resemble sour cream.

Before the fill of the concrete, the hole need to be well pouring with water and wait for her full absorption so that the sand is well hammer and compacted, and the concrete mixture did not flow into the ground, losing the strength. In the flooded concrete you need to press either the reinforcement grid, or just trimming the wire for greater strength.

When casting concrete stones, it is necessary to take into account that the height of the edges of the adjacent stones should be the same, that is, the leg when laying on both stones should not feel the level of levels, otherwise it will cause discomfort when walking along the track, and also through such stones can be easily stumbled and Fall. This rule is not suitable if the track is located on the slope, then the stones will have the function of the steps and, of course, will not lie at one level.

So that the stones are similar to real, they are smoothed them with the help of Kelma, and then make small recesses, dents or protrusions. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure that the differences in height do not exceed 0.5-1 cm. Such actions make a concrete stone similar to a natural stone-plate.

On the second after the fill the day, when the concrete has already grabbed, but still remains loose, small grooves are formed with a spatula and are filled with colored cement solution. Such actions are appropriate on solid tracks or large stones. Small stones can simply give roundness, neatly steasaving the edges so that they do not crumble when they come on their edge.

On the track you can walk on 3-4 after the fill day, despite the fact that the concrete fully solidifies after 3 weeks. During this period, the track should be abundantly watering with water so that concrete is evenly grabbed and dried both outside and inside the stone, then it will be stronger, and moss and lichens will be faster on it. When this happens, the concrete stone is generally impossible to distinguish from natural old stone.

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Solid garden tracks from concrete

Garden paths from concrete. Concrete Machine Device Technology

The solid paths are made in the case when a strong load is needed, up to the passage of the car. In this case, it is necessary to make a trench along the entire length of the future track and make a formwork. To install the formwork, you can use a thin paneur, stripes of sheet iron. Formwork should not be straight. The bottom of the trench must be filled with sand and pour water to shrink. The reinforcing mesh is placed on the bottom, on which concrete is poured.

On the second day after the fill, the surface of the track must be separated so that it has the appearance of separately laid stones, and the gap between them seems to be poured with a solution. To do this, in the still not quite frozen concrete you need to stroke the slot width from 0.5 to 5 cm and a depth of 1.5-2 cm. The edges of the slots need to be made uneven, and they themselves should also be unequal thickness. It illusively makes a path like a path of natural stone. The slots need to be pouring with a white or colored cement with a solution. The formwork can be removed on the 5th day when concrete crepts well.

Thus, you have turned out beautiful and comfortable garden tracks, which have created a garden plot, gave it a well-kept look. If you do not like the gray concrete, you can add any color pigment into the solution, then the stone will acquire a bizarre color, and even a professional will not be able to determine from the first glance, a natural or artificial stone is laid out your walkway.

If you, with love and patience, react to the process of laying a garden path, then every time you will step on it, your heart will be filled with joy and pride for your creation, and random passers-by, looking into your garden, will be convinced that on this Garden plot is a real owner!

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