Repair of wooden floors: features and order of work


Repair of wooden floors: features and order of work

The tree is considered sufficiently durable flooring, which is often used in a country private house. However, under the influence of aggressive external factors, the material presented is often out of order and loses its functionality, as a result of which the repair of wooden floors becomes inevitable. This event should be approached with full responsibility, otherwise the quality of work will be desired to be desired.

Where to begin?

Wood repair with your own hands begins with the detection of hidden defects, which must be eliminated in a timely manner. Therefore, the first thing is to a thorough inspection of old coatings, after which the decision is made to partial or complete the replacement of the outdoor base. For example, rotten boards are easy to detect by climbing with a hammer when the deaf sound indicates the destruction of the wood material.

Repair of wooden floors: features and order of work

In the case when only the upper floorings rotted, only them can be repaired, and the lags themselves do not touch. If the damage touched the grounds, then, most likely, it will have to completely dismantle or cut unsuitable piece. It will also be useful to inspect the concrete crowns or beams in a private wooden house, and when the defective area is detected, it is disconnected. All these measures allow you to strengthen the design, increasing the durability of the floor covering.

Replacing one or several half

As a rule, the small repair of the floor in a wooden house implies a replacement of only one or more than one or more. To carry out this work, you need to perform a number of uncomplicated operations, the first of which will be dismantled by the rotten flooring. After that, fitting and sawing a new product being processed later by a special antiseptic composition. It is important to remember that the ends of the boards cover with an antiseptic is categorically forbidden, otherwise this place will inevitably rot.

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Repair of wooden floors: features and order of work

Prepared boards are fixed on the site of old dismantled counterparts using screws or self-tapping screws that are gently screwed to lags. It is not recommended to use conventional nails, since the metal is oxidized with time, and the corrosion formed adversely affects the integrity of the floor material. Typically, the boards fixed with nails to lags serve no more than 5-10 years, while screws are capable of firmly hold such a product throughout as at least 10-15 years.

Relief from the gaps in the floorboard

Often in a private house, the wooden floor is dried, after which the slots of various sizes are formed on the coating. Their seal requires a well-thought-out approach and preliminary purification of the surface from dirt, dust, small particles. For these purposes, the brush with a rigid bristle is ideal, which you can handle hard-to-reach places on the floor. Next, the pencil or marker is denoted by areas where basic repair work will be carried out.

Repair of wooden floors: features and order of work

At the next stage, you need to prepare a putty for wood. It can be bought in a specialized store or make yourself from sawdust and plow glue. These two ingredients are stirred to a thick state, and the marked gaps are filled with the resulting smear. The makeup dries over a few minutes, and then it can be melted with a conventional putty to the color decoration of the floor. In conclusion, the gaps are cleaned with fine-grained emery paper.

Skyrplay Half: How to eliminate it?

Repair of a wooden floor with their own hands often implies the elimination of the screens, which appears after several years of operation of the material. The main reason for the appearance of extraneous sounds during the flow of flooring is the weakening of the fasteners. At the same time, when there is a basement or an underground in a private house, then such a problem can be removed in just a few hours.

To eliminate creaks, you will need two people, one of which will walk on the floor, while the second will observe from the bottom, which rings will creak. The locations of the defects are immediately marked with the help of a pencil or a waterproof marker, after which wooden wedges are driven into marked gaps between the boards. Here the main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise the board will rise above the ground.

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If there is no underground in the house, then all repair activities are not made with the rear, but on the front side of the board. To do this, drill small holes in places above the beams, after which the screws under the slight angle are fixed there. Often, the board is fixed to the beams by nails, however, in this case the design can serve a much less than the expected period.

Restoration of appearance

After many years of intensive use, the wooden floor covering inevitably loses the novelty and aesthetics of the appearance. Return it will help lacquering or surface painting with special compositions. Before entering such a repair, the basis should be properly prepared. With the help of a spatula, the old paint is removed, and then the surface is protected by sandpaper. At the final stage of preparation, the repair of the wooden floor in the apartment implies its washing with chemically neutral means. As soon as the material is dry, you can start painting.

Repair of wooden floors: features and order of work

Floor grinding can be performed by means of special equipment that helps get rid of tubercles or depression on the coating. The thoroughly, this type of work will be done, the greater the paintwork on the floor. Before painting wood, it is recommended to be additionally shortened. Do not attempt to immediately paint the material with a thick layer, because in this case it does not avoid visually noticeable oil divorces. Experienced repairmen always paint the floor surface in 2-3 layers, waiting for each of them dried.

Repair of laminated coating

Very often as a floor in a country house or a modern apartment, a laminated board is used. Over time, various defects appear on it, including scratches, scuffs or stains. It is possible to get rid of stains, for example, by acetone, and remove scratches - with the help of a waxy pencil. Celesties or small deformations of the board can be eliminated by repair pastes, which, after drying, merge with the color gamut of the floor covering.

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Repair of wooden floors: features and order of work

The most vulnerable place of laminated sex is rightfully considered to be castle compounds that have an property with time to dispel. If there will be moisture to regularly fall into these cracks, then soon the board will come into disrepair. When the laminated product begins to rot, then the only solution to the solution is to immediately replace the damaged element. Laminated elements interconnected by no locks, but glue, change completely, that is, to dismantle individual damaged sections of the floor will not be possible.

Thus, repair the wooden floor covering in the house can be done with your own hands with a thoughtful approach. Only in this case can be guaranteed an excellent quality of work, a wonderful appearance of the material, as well as the durability of its subsequent use.

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