Panoramic glazing in a private house and apartment


A beautiful and unusual home is a dream to which many are striving. One of the options to make your home is unlike others - use panoramic glazing. The house with panoramic windows looks different. Even a simple architecture, it is unusual, and if there are also unusual details, it is clearly driven out of the general range.

What is panoramic glazing

Panoramic are windows that occupy a large area and, as a rule, in height occupy all the floor from the floor to the ceiling. This type of glazing requires an accurate calculation and well-thought-out designer solution. Large windows are a big window flying, which means a powerful beam, which will serve as a support of the roof and the walls of the second-third floor (if any).

Panoramic glazing in a private house and apartment

House with panoramic windows: View from the inside

Standard solutions in the design of houses with large windows are almost applicable, as each case is unique and requires its solution. Each house with panoramic glazing is an individual project, and it costs solid money.

Panoramic glazing in a private house and apartment

Even the usual onest of the house with panoramic windows looks more interesting

If there is no opportunity to order an individual project, it may turn out to find a ready-made, which is mostly suited to you. It is better to use it entirely, without serious changes. Only adjustments can be made, in which the carrying construction is not affected. You can change only the position of undesupply partitions. Even the position of the doors and windows in the bearing structures without recalculation to touch undesirable - the amersion may be unpredictable.

Features, dignity and disadvantages

The house with panoramic glazing looks unusual and stylish. And this is exactly what attracts in such buildings. So a memorable appearance is the first of the merits.

Panoramic glazing in a private house and apartment

There are very unusual projects

Where can I see

In private houses, panoramic glazing makes in the living rooms, less often in bedrooms. Sometimes in this way the open veranda is turned into an indoor, sometimes they make a winter garden from the room. Another possible application is one of the pool walls to make glass. In general, there are many applications and they are not standard and interesting.

Panoramic glazing in a private house and apartment

Balcony with panoramic glazed - highness inhabitants Great species provided

In apartment buildings, panoramic windows make up balconies or loggias. Much less often in high-rise buildings there are large windows in residential premises, but also such houses are. True, in our country it is extremely rare.

Advantages and disadvantages

If you think about what it would be nice to have panoramic glazing in the house, consider the following features:

  • The presence of a large glass is a lot of light indoors and a beautiful view that opens at any time of the day. This is a plus. But transparency works in both directions: from the street to the room also offers a wonderful review. Especially in the dark, when the light is turned on. And it is a minus. But it is adjusted. Standard solution - curtains or blinds, and non-standard - the use of mirror or tinted glasses. But such glass is expensive, and these are additional costs and, given a considerable area, they are also rather big.

    Panoramic glazing in a private house and apartment

    Be in sight of everyone - not everyone likes such a prospect

  • One glass of thermal conductivity is much lower than the next wall. Because the windows are made of double-glazed windows, and for the middle strip of Russia they should be double-chamber (three glasses, two cameras between them). By thermal conductivity, they do not give way to a brick wall in 2 bricks with a layer of insulation (thermal conductivity coefficient of about 0.9 and it can be increased using special glass). So the fears about the fact that the heating bills will be too large, in vain.
  • There are concerns that large windows are easy to smash. It is not easier than to break the wall of the sump. The house with panoramic windows is quite safe, as the glasses even in the standard version are sampled with reinforcing film. If "quite" does not suit you, put reinforced or armored glasses.
  • Behind the glasses will have to constantly care. Dirty splashes on glass look terribly. It should be considered.

    Panoramic glazing in a private house and apartment

    Permanent care required

  • In the hot summer period, it will have to use dense curtains, blinds or at least light curtains that will limit the penetration of sunlight. And still be prepared for the fact that the furniture, walls, the whole setting will quickly fade.
  • There is another phenomenon as icing glass in the winter. Even if heated windows, frost will be frost. It must be cleaned regularly. We also have to throw snow in winter - it limits the review, although it looks great.

In general, the dignity, and the shortcomings of panoramic glazing in the house there. When planning to build a house with panoramic windows, consider such an important factor as the painting of the landscape, which is overlooked. If this is a neighboring fence, hardly the cost of panoramic glazing is justified ...

House with panoramic windows: Features

There are also some features that do not attribute to any advantages. First, glasses in panoramic windows can be with imposses (crossbars) or without. One-piece glass from the floor to the ceiling looks stylish, but it is expensive, since increased requirements are presented to it.

The windows separated on the part look differently, but not worse. The cost of such a panoramic glazing is lower, but dividing into parts by imposses must support the rest of the windows (normal size). It should be remembered.

Panoramic glazing in a private house and apartment

Panoramic windows can be made of solid glass, or from pieces separated by imposses

When planning a site, a house with panoramic windows in our latitudes is recommended to have it so that a large area of ​​glazing is south with an accuracy of ± 30 °. In this case, the adjacent room will be light and warm. But there is another minus - the walls, the floor, the furniture will burn out. One output is to pick up the colors on which the loss of color is not as noticeable. The second way is to deploy a house so that the panoramic windows go to the East or West. This is a permissible position in which light enough, and it is poured into the window not all day. In general, you decide to you.

Panoramic glazing in a private house and apartment

For heating panoramic windows, such heating devices are used mainly.

In order for winter from the windows from the windows, he did not pull the cold, they put heating devices under them, which create a thermal veil. Traditional radiators will not put here, but you can install embedded (internal) radiators or convectors. They can be electric or part of the water heating system, but their installation is a complex thing, and the price of them is considerable.

Types of panoramic windows

Panoramic windows are two types: cold and warm. Cold glazing is used on unheated balconies, loggias, terraces. They are frame or frameless. Frameless simply constitute thick glasses of a certain size that are tightly adjacent to the other. Panoramic glazing with Ramami is what we are accustomed to. Wooden or plastic framing in which glass is inserted. But the cold glazing rarely rarely, it is much more likely to use windows that can protect from cold and heat.

Panoramic glazing in a private house and apartment

Example of cold frameless glazing

Most often today plastic or metroplastic windows. Depending on the climate, you can choose the required number of cameras, the type of glass (tinted, with a mirror spraying, energy-saving, reinforced and even armored). As a result, with a competent installation, you can get windows that are no worse than the adjacent walls in its heat engineering characteristics.

The house with panoramic windows can have windows with a different type of opening:

  • Deaf. These are those that do not open at all.
  • With ventilation and micro. Open windows are necessary to ensure fresh air inflow. Such modes are not needed if there is a ship-exhaust ventilation.
  • Swing. The usual form of opening. Such windows can be used to access the balcony or terrace, veranda, just to the street.

    Panoramic glazing in a private house and apartment

    Swing windows - those to which we are accustomed

  • Sliding. They are distinguished by the fact that the sash moves to the sides. More convenient, as the opening does not require free space in front of them. In modern performance, there are no worst heat and sound insulating characteristics than traditional swinging.

    Panoramic glazing in a private house and apartment

    Sliding systems are convenient because they do not require space in front of the door.

  • Folding. Panoramic windows can be added by the type of books. 5-6 sash can be involved. When installing such windows / doors, you can turn the room into an open terrace.

    Folded the doors and the room turned into part of the terrace

Using the doors of various opening methods, you can achieve that functional you need. Wooden houses with panoramic windows are infrequent. The fact is that the wood constantly changes the size and ordinary windows put in special casing, which compensate for this movement. If the area of ​​windows is very big, it can be problematic. If the decision was found, you can put wooden or plastic windows. And so that white plastic does not look alien, they put frames laminate with a film that mimics the wood.

Projects of houses with panoramic glazing

Immediately it is worth saying that the cost of building such a house at least will not be cheaper. It seems to be the impression due to the large area, which the windows occupy. But the windows must be a good quality, and this is not suiced.

Panoramic windows in homes are often made in Erker. This decorative extension itself comes home an unusual look, and in combination with large windows, the building acquires individual traits.

Panoramic glazing in a private house and apartment

House with Erker and Panoramic windows

Panoramic glazing in a private house and apartment

Non-standard at home is highlighted by large windows.

Panoramic glazing in a private house and apartment

Panoramic windows for two floors - an interesting option

Panoramic glazing in a private house and apartment

Non-standard approach to architecture

Panoramic glazing in a private house and apartment

Such buildings have a memorable view.

Panoramic glazing in a private house and apartment

The house with panoramic windows does not have to have a large area

Panoramic glazing in a private house and apartment

The roof is flat, but not flat. So also happens

Large windows fit into the house of any architecture. If there are some unusual details in the house - the roof, porch, etc. - They emphasize this detail in an inexplicably emphasize and confirm photos of projects. If instead of large windows put ordinary, most of the charm of these buildings will be lost.

Panoramic glazing in a private house and apartment

High windows are perfectly combined with modern style

Panoramic glazing in a private house and apartment

This house is exactly ordinary you will not call

Panoramic glazing in a private house and apartment

Neighborhood with a solid stone wall creates a contrast

Panoramic glazing in a private house and apartment

The whole design is light and air. And this is despite the fact that the square is rather big

Panoramic glazing in a private house and apartment

The whole front part is lined with glass

In combination with broken roofs of complex forms, panoramic windows look even more unusual. Such projects in appearance are the most spectacular.

Panoramic glazing in a private house and apartment

Panoramic glazing in a private house and apartment

Panoramic glazing in a private house and apartment

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