Modern technology assembly cut from a rounded log


Over the past decades, the construction of wooden houses from logs has become the most common. At first glance, the installation of such houses is not difficult, but it is not. In fact, the process requires that the technology assembly from the rounded log is observed.

Modern technology assembly cut from a rounded log

The log house is the design of walls from the horizontally connected to each other logs.

Mostly houses from the log house in the winter season, and the walls will be ready for the spring. Until the autumn, the house should give a natural shrinkage for which a warm period is required. Well, then you can start finishing work.

The main characteristics of the assembly of a log of a rounded log

In construction, the log house is called the design of walls from horizontally connected to each other logs. One laid row is called a crown. The lowest row is a bustling crown, and subsequent crowns are mounted on it. For the very first row, it is best to use larch wood, as it has the greatest strength and is the best option for these purposes.

Modern technology assembly cut from a rounded log

Scheme of the grazing log from the rounded log on beaten.

The rectangular log house consisting of four walls, received the name of the four-line, and if the walls are complemented by a partition, called a five-line. In the design without partitions, the frame is supplied only in the corners, and the five-lane has an internal T-shaped compound of the partition with an outer structure.

The foundation of a rounded log cabin is mounted in a horizontal position of the wood of a coniferous or deciduous rock. For construction, it is recommended to use wood, harvested in winter time, and fresh cutting, since such a material will contain little water and is easily processed, and also has a smallest destruction, deformation and is little susceptible to rotting. If the choice was made in favor of coniferous rocks, then the optimal option will be pine wood, and not firing, since pine logs have a long service life and there are less than the resin content.

The stubborn in the installation of the cut is considered to be a bandage of outer angles. There are two main types of dressings:

  • With the residue. In this case, the ends of the logs protrude beyond the corners (in the "bowl");
  • Without a residue (in "Lap").

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Basically there is no difference between masonry. With the current buildings, the most common method of laying "in the bowl".

Required tools

Modern technology assembly cut from a rounded log

Tools for the manufacture of a log.


  • ax;
  • plane;
  • pencil;
  • roulette;
  • Corolnic;
  • a hammer;
  • Lobzik;
  • Hoven, chainsaw, etc.

Principles of the assembly of a log of rounded logs

Before proceeding with work, sorting a log is necessary, while the temperature regime must be observed. If in the winter period is not lower than -30 ° C, then the logs can be used by a cross section of 22-24 cm, and in regions with a more severe climate - 26 cm and more.

When choosing a log, it is important to trace so that there are no rotten sites and similar flaws. It is impossible to use logs with visible deformation. In case the logs are short, they are spliced ​​using a vertical ridge. For this, the connectable ends of the logs are trimmed perpendicular to the axis.

Modern technology assembly cut from a rounded log

On the log places the groove, and on the second - the comb, knocked out. The dimensions of the groove should not exceed one third of the cross section of the log. The lower row and the upper crown of selecting the required length is recommended, if it is impossible, they are spliced ​​with a tooth at a direct or oblique angle.

It is necessary to re-check the logs in length. The partition inside the log house has a connection with the outer wall by a vertical comb, which is called "Frying", it has extended ends. In the logs of the outer walls should be cut down special grooves. When one side of the ridge was performed at a right angle, it is called "semi-core". It is used in a cross-linking.

On the finished foundation, it is necessary to lay a board impregnated with bitumen, which has a thickness of 5 cm and a width of 15 cm. On the board is protesting from the bottom side of the bustling crown. The following crowns are stacked, which, if necessary, should be customized. When laying logs, it is necessary to periodically check the horizontal and vertical of the logs.

Modern technology assembly cut from a rounded log

Marking and cutting of a log "in the paw".

The crowns need to be fastened with anticipation of the tree, observing the chess order, which have a cross section of 2 cm, between them should be part of about 2 m. In stocks of brazening set at least 2 pcs. With a gap of 20 cm, ranging from the edge of the simpleness.

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Mounting the wints, do not forget about window and doorways, according to the drawing. Placeing the overlapping crown, the opening is wedged with a plumb. The ends are processed and end with a vertical ridge. Mounted in the openings door and window boxes, it is necessary to leave about 5 cm for shrinkage. It is important to remember that in the opening of the logs both from below, and on top should not have a comb.

How will the installation of the house and the walls will be fully mounted, carried out a pantry. To do this, use the pass, hemp, flax or felt. Modern assembly technology provides for the use of special materials stacked between logs during assembly. Due to this, there is the possibility of quality to insulate interbreaks.

As a log house from a rounded log will be fully installed, it does not touch it before the shrinkage of approximately six months. During this time, the log house can give a shrinkage by about 12 cm.

It is important to know that brazen and spikes should not reach the bottom of the nest 15-20 mm, it is necessary for the proper shrinkage of a cut from a rounded log.

Modern technology assembly cut from a rounded log

Preparation of window and doorways in Srub.

But introducing modern technology, it is possible to reduce the shrinkage of the design shrinkage. It is possible to mount a busting crown through which all the studs are passed, with a cross section of 12 mm, about 1 m long. They go down to the ground. At the bottom of the hairpin, the washer is satisfied, the thickness of which is 3 mm and nut. But it is necessary to consider that the hairpin should not touch the foundation. The subsequent crowns are stacked. The stud must be raised, and nuts are screwed onto the protruding part - clutches with a length of at least 6 cm, which screw the subsequent studs. After the topmost crown is mounted, all the studs around the perimeter are tightened with a wrench.

If you measure the height of the cut before the tightening and after it, you can make sure that shrinkage has occurred with the logs.

After that, you can continue to collect a log house. Such a house will be durable and not collapsed even with an earthquake, in this regard, this assembly is used in seismic zones.

How to avoid mistakes when installing a log cabin log?

Many cannot imagine that such a cutting technology is, all the nuances of the process. It is important to control the installation, since the consequences of poorly performed work can bring a lot of trouble, up to the unfortunate of the log cabin.

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It's important to know:

Modern technology assembly cut from a rounded log

After building a cut on the logs, crude sections of the cortex remain on the logs, which eventually begin to darken, so the log cabin must be grinding.

  1. The permissible moisture content of the material should not exceed 20%. But there are cases when the logs are harvested from logs with high humidity, which is above 60%, it means that the forest is almost only spill Parts. Humidity leads to rotting and formation of mold and fungal raids. Check the moisture content of the material will not be difficult, you only need to purchase a moisture meter. Its price is not so great compared to losses that may occur when erecting from poor quality material.
  2. An important factor is the processing of all wooden structures with an antiseptic, a bioseptic and antipyarem, since the mold will later be very difficult to fight, and the fungus can turn the construction into a torch in a short time.
  3. Before installation, it will be worthwhile to check the logs on straightness. It should not exceed 3 mm, if there is any, then it is better to abandon this material, as the crowns will be allowed. The first crown is needed to firmly associate with the basement, which is pre-lay steel pins, and the wints are tightened with each other. In case of non-compliance with the technology, the slots are formed, the log house can be covered.
  4. It is impossible to assume that the crowns are loosely in contact throughout the plane. To fix this flaw subsequently, you will have to dismiss the entire log house, in this regard, it is necessary to check the laying from the first rows.

A few words in conclusion

The assembly of a log of a rounded log has a decent interior view, and in connection with this houses do not require additional decoration. The wood material can be covered with a thin layer of varnish, which will perform a protective function from environmental impacts and will emphasize the naturalness of wood.

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