Flowers on the balcony: how to grow a flowering garden


Flowers on the balcony: how to grow a flowering garden

Before turning the balcony in a blooming garden, you need to thoroughly think out the details and create suitable conditions for plants, decorate typical city houses better than a riot of flowers on the balconies?! If you wish, you can create a real garden on it and place a variety of plants. What flowers on the balcony will be more appropriate - floral design, tricks of growing and peculiarities of plant selection.

Features of growing flowers

Design boxes with flowers and their location - the question is important, but not the most basic. The cultivation of flowers on the balcony has its own characteristics and rules that must be observed.

Choosing that it is necessary to consider on the balcony, the following points should be considered:

  • Boxes that can be used on the balcony cannot be deep, so it is necessary to select plants with a short root system, which is best placed in the upper subspeted layer;
  • Plants should not be too high, as they will look ugly and begin to outweigh the boxes;
  • Flowers are selected for the balcony at the calculation of the level of illumination side of the house;
  • It is best to plant flowers that have a long period of flowering.

The latter is especially important. Of course, you can make a special floral design on loggias, changing boxes with flowers to others as they are blooming. Thus, you can create ever blooming flower beds. But it is associated with many inconveniences. First, it is necessary to place boxes somewhere with not yet blooming flowers and to remove the shocking plants somewhere, and secondly, it will require constant labor costs. Most prefer to place flowers once and permanently from spring and then only enjoy the view of a blooming balcony, from time to time watering plants. Therefore, it is necessary to plant flowers that do not require special care and will bloom from June to August-September.

The higher the floor, the flowers for the balcony should be lower. On the most upper floors on the balcony can be very windy. Plants with long stems will break or bend. Boxes with dumped, pressed against the ground with plants look unesthetically. It is better to plant a low velvet, petunia.

Flowers for the sunny side

Successful cultivation of colors on the balcony depends on the proper selection of plants. Unlike location on the street, the flowers on the balcony are highly dependent on the degree of illumination, since on the one hand they will always be closed with a wall. As a result, it is in balconies and loggias that the solar and shadow side is clearly manifested. This is especially important if the balcony comes to south or north. What kind of flowers can be on a sunny balcony?

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Everything is simple enough here - most flowering plants very comfortably feels in the summer under the sun. With a sun balcony, it is almost impossible to make a mistake with the choice of colors. In addition, at the hands of the flower, there will be a large selection of light-affiliated plants that can be planted.

It is best to feel at constant lighting:

  • purslane,
  • Kobei,
  • aster,
  • verbena,
  • mignonette,
  • nasturtium,
  • viola,
  • sweet pea,
  • daisy,
  • geranium or pelargonium,
  • Dorfootek.

Flowers on the balcony: how to grow a flowering garden

If the balcony goes to the southern, sunny side, the vast majority of balcony plants will be good and long bloom

Plants for the north

If the balcony is not high enough and most of the time is in the shade, then from many plants will have to refuse. Portulak will be especially bad here - if you put it, it may not bloom at all. However, you can still pick up flowers for the northern balcony. Moreover, there are plants that can only be planted on it.

These include:

  • begonia,
  • fuchsia.

These plants do not tolerate strong sunlight and worse on the sunny balcony. But on the north side, they grow strong and covered with abundant colors.

Also a good choice will be the following flowers on a darkened northern balcony:

  • lobelia,
  • marigold,
  • calceolaria,
  • Tunbergia
  • Ageratum.

Flowers on the balcony: how to grow a flowering garden

The interior of the balcony on the north side should be decorated with colors of shadowish and familiar to entering the minimum amount of sunlight

Universal plants

There are a number of plants that can live with the same success and blossom both with good lighting and in the shade. They can be seen on the sunny balcony, on the north side and even more so on the west, combining the properties of the other.

To such suitable plants include:

  • petunia,
  • nasturtium,
  • mignonette,
  • viola,
  • geranium.

Important: On the Western Balcony you can plant any of these plants. Together with them, you can plant and begonia, but you need to ensure that it is in the shade of other plants.

If there is too dark on the open balcony, then only Begonia and Fuchsia remain. There you can land a nasture, but in this case it is most likely to decorate his foliage.

Flowers on the balcony: how to grow a flowering garden

There are a number of plants that can be placed on any balcony with the same success.

Solutions for balconies

The design of the blooming balcony must be pretty thought out. On the balcony you can position the plants in different ways.

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Thus, the design can be:

  • vertical
  • horizontal.

For the horizontal location of the plant, you can put in boxes and arrange them around the perimeter of the balcony - along the lower tier or along the railing. At the same time, it is better to plant lowest plants.

Very impressive design with vertical location of plants. In this case, it is better to use curly ampel varieties. Such a balcony with different colors looks especially colorful if plants are located at different heights. It may be velvets on the lower tier, ampeline petunias and lobels on the middle and upper, bridges on the sides.

The design of the balcony should not be overlooked. Selecting the flowers on the balcony, you must try not to get carried away and stop at 2-4 colors. Otherwise, the balcony and flowers on it will turn out to be motley alapes. The combination of two colors of the same form of colors - petunias, velvetsev looks extremely good.

If it is the northern side, then you can choose bright red fuchsia and supplement it with an orange native and pink-red begonia around the perimeter.

If this is a sunny side, then the rigor of white daisies can be added to the flority of petunition. Very effectively complements the floral fitting the curving beans, which can be planted on the sides of the balcony. Then the balcony with blooming flowers will be more spectacular in combination with dark foliage of beans and bright pods. It is better to plant decorative beans, in which burgundy pods.

A nasturtium will be appropriate on any balcony. It is worth planted, as it blooms to the most frosts and will create the design of the everlasting balcony. What other flowers to pick up for the time of flowering time, it is necessary to solve individually. If nothing comes to mind, then the winchard option will be pelargonium, also blooming all summer. In general, it is worth picking up the design so that some flowering plants replaced by others. Which then you need to pick up flowers: Daisy, Viol, Petunia, Nasturtia, Astra.

There are flowers that look good only with themselves. These include Portulak, Astra, Gotania. Cancel this balcony and on it flowers can be plants with decorative leaves of the type of cake.

Flowers on the balcony: how to grow a flowering garden

The design of the balcony with flowers does not require large material investments, here you can place the most conventional flowers.

Interesting solutions

You can combine useful with pleasant and in addition to the colors to plant spicy plants on the balcony. Beautifully shadow bright inflorescences of parsley leaves curly, dill, chamber, salad. Different decorative varieties of onions look quite decorative, especially the star onion, from which the border can be made.

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For the summer on the balcony you can make those room flowers, which are resistant to temperature drop. Then the balcony will look even more decorative. It is quite well complemented by a monster balcony flower garden, cyclamen, azaleas, oleander, hydrangea.

Flowers on the balcony: how to grow a flowering garden

There are many interesting solutions for landscaping balconies with flowers

When planting a flower garden

When it is decided which plants to plant, you need to decide when to plant them, so that the balcony was in flowers. If you want blooming to start as early as possible, then color seedlings are better to plant in early May.

Seedlings can be purchased ready or grow independently from seeds. If it is supposed to be grown on your own, then you can plant seeds at the end of March - April. If the time of flowering is non-sharply, the seeds can be seen immediately into the boxes when hepts on the street - in the middle of May.

Select land

For balcony colors, a universal soil is suitable, which is better to easily fade. Also well add to the ground peat no more than 10% of the total weight of the soil. So that the Earth has become more moisture-permeable, sand add to it. The main thing is that there was no seedlings, it is impossible to use mixtures for room colors in which there are few substances necessary for garden plants.

Every year in the boxes for flowers it is necessary to recruit a new land, since it is depleted for the season.

Important: Since the land in the boxes is quickly depleted due to its limited quantity, the soil must be constantly enriched. Every 10 days it is better to hold the plants with complex fertilizers.

The distance between the plants should be yours for each species. Beans, fragrant peas should be searched with a distance of 10 cm, daisies, a challenge, begonias, velvets - 15 cm, fuchsia, petunias, asters - 20 cm.

Flowers on the balcony: how to grow a flowering garden

Universal soil is suitable for balcony colors, which is better to focus

What to pay attention to

It is important to follow the plants so that the balcony always had a well-groomed look. Blowed inflorescences are better to immediately delete.

If the edges of the leaves begin to dry - it is necessary to increase watering. However, the yellowing of the leaves can say that the land is dry, and that plants are poured. By the way, the mooring can provoke diseases. Water plants, therefore, it is necessary to die, once a few days, as the soil dries.

If you fulfill all these recommendations, the balcony will delight brown and long blossom and look like a real garden.

Flowers on the balcony: how to grow a flowering garden

It is important to follow the plants so that the balcony always had a well-groomed look, the blurred inflorescences should be better immediately deleted

How to grow a flowering garden on the balcony (video)

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