Dismantling and installation of drain for shell


Sooner or later we are all faced with the fact that a drain replacement for the sink is needed. Someone he simply failed after the expiration of time, someone changes the entire plumbing.

Dismantling and installation of drain for shell

Siphon varieties: Bottle with immersed tube, bottle with two partitions and tubular.

In order to save time and means, the installation of the drain can be done by itself, and it is much easier than it seems. And the minimum of the tool that is necessary for installation is available in every home.

Before installing a sink drain, the main thing is to check its completeness and learn a brief instruction.

All time work will take 20-30 minutes, taking into account the dismantling of an old siphon. And some special skills and knowledge for this are not required.

Dismantling of an old plum

Dismantling and installation of drain for shell

Connection diagram of a bottle siphon.

Before installing a new plum, you must first dismantle the old one. If you have an ordinary plastic plum of Soviet production, then the tool will not need. First, make sure the cranes are blocked. For the sink, install a bucket for water contained in the siphon siphon. Unscrew the plastic nut mounting of the tap pipe and disconnect. After that, unscrew the same plastic nut from the siphon, which secures it to the pipe of the drain grille. Carefully remove the siphon and pour water from the sump in the bucket. And last unscrew the pipe of the drain grille itself.

If you have a newest plastic drain, then you need a screwdriver to dismantle. The sequence of actions is the same as with the old plum. With your hands unscrew the nut, which clamps the corrugated tap tube in the siphon, and take it out. Then unscrew the nut fastening nut to the grille pipe, take off and pour out water out of it. The drain grille is attached to the pipe with the screw. With a screwdriver unscrew the screw and remove the last elements. Before installing the new plum, the sink in the opening is better to clean well from 2 sides for a more dense fit of the pads.

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Details of an old drain that have no damage can be used as spare parts during repair. In most cases, all components are interchangeable. The only thing is that it is not recommended to be reused is rubber and polyethylene gaskets. Over time, they become tougher and do not fulfill their function. Plastic elements are quite suitable for reuse.

Preparation and installation of the drain

Siphon scheme for sink and drain reinforcement.

First of all, it is necessary to check the completeness and quality of the details. If there are flaws, then such components are better not to install and replace new ones. The plastic plums of the old sample can be installed without using the tool. All elements are made of plastic and rubber. There is also no need to use additional materials such as glue and sealants. The first is installed the pipe of the drain grid. Its together with the rubber gasket must be used on top into the hole of the sink, and it is clamped with a nut from below.

All plastic parts must be clamped with a little effort to avoid breakage. The nut fastening of the siphon, the conical gasket and the siphon himself is located on the pipe of the drain lattice. Press this nut is better after the plum mounting is fully completed, as the adjustment of height may be needed. After that, we establish a tap pipe connecting the siphon with sewage. Its length is constant, so it is necessary to adjust the height of the fastening siphon hole. After that, you can clamp all nuts.

Newer plastic faucets are installed almost the same as old. Only the installation of a drain grid and its pipes must be made using a screwdriver. In such plums, parts are slightly larger than in the plums of the old sample. A rubber gasket is superimposed on the hole of the sink, and the metal drain grille with the screw is superimposed on top of it. On the bottom of the sink, we set the pipe with nut and gasket. Nut is installed in the hub, which is holding 3 relatively fragile ribs. With the help of a screwdriver, we screw the screw into the nut and clamp, accompany a slight force, otherwise the ribs can crack. Gaskets from the bottom and on top should be set at exactly relative to the opening so that the area of ​​fitting to the sink was the greatest, in order to avoid leaks. Then Krepim Siphon. In such plums, it can immediately clamp in the position you need. The latter must be installed a tap corrugated pipe, 1 end of which is attached to the siphon, and the 2nd is inserted into the hole of the sewer pipe.

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The advantage of the corrugation is that they can be brought to the siphon anywhere. For convenience, the ends of the corrugated pipe have different diameters: a smaller for a siphon, greater for outputting into the sewer. A disadvantage of such pipes can be called that there is a lot of dirt and fat on the Corrug Blonds, which can lead to a sewage blockage. To quickly clean the siphon, it has a spherical lid of the sump, which is located at the bottom and is easily unscrewed if necessary. All conical gaskets must be installed by a mone from the nut, otherwise the connections will flow.

Installation of a more modern drain for the sink in the kitchen with a food waste shredder is better to entrust specialists. After all, install the shredder to which the electric current is supplied, requires professional skills and special knowledge. Installation of stainless or chrome steel mixers is practically no different from the installation of plastic mixers. Their nuts need to clamp a spanning or adjustable key using a lining material so as not to leave traces on the surface. Some plums have a special cork that allows you to close the hole and is attached to the drain grid. If you want to save time and money, the plum installation can be made with your own hands without attracting specialists.

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