How to choose a bathroom curtain: design options


Any room, whatever good finishing and furniture in it, looks unfinished if it remains bare windows. That is why their design needs to pay due attention. It concerns this and the bathroom, the natural light in which you can meet except in a private house. Close the windows with curtains in such an intimate room, not only from the point of view of beauty, but also for the purpose of privacy. What are the curtains on the window in the bathroom to choose? About this next.

How to choose a bathroom curtain: design options

Choose curtains in the bathroom

What to pay attention to?

When choosing a curtain on the window to the bathroom, you must consider their density. If the room is located on the first floor of the house, it is better to prefer a more dense fabric that will protect against prying eyes, and if the window opening is hidden from the neighbors, you can decorate it with lighter models.

When choosing, you need to pay attention to the water and dust-repellent properties. The fabric should not absorb water, because This will soon lead to reproduction in the room of harmful microorganisms and the appearance of mold. Also, she should not scoop dust and dirt on itself, because it is fraught with the development of allergic reactions.

How to choose a bathroom curtain: design options

Do not buy cheap materials into the bathroom, because they very quickly fade into the sun and deteriorate under the influence of excessive humidity and permanent temperature drops. Choosing fabric curtains for the bathroom, you must pay attention to the quality of the seams, as well as their reliability - the durability of products will be directly dependent. Preference is best to give already proven manufacturers who have long proven themselves in the market, for example, WESS and PETAL, the production of Italy.

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How to choose a bathroom curtain: design options

Main varieties

There are several types of curtains for the bathroom, which differ from among themselves not only appearance, but also material execution. The most popular, as in other rooms, beautiful fabric curtains. To create them, today is used not a simple fabric, and durable, resistant to excessive humidity and burnout textiles, thanks to which they are durable and practical. Some models are complemented by dumbfounded threads that allow the curtains to recall themselves. WESS, PETAL Curtains in the bathroom in the photo.

How to choose a bathroom curtain: design options

In addition to the classic WESS curtain for the bathroom, other curtains can also be isolated.


Products are a combination of fabric and blinds. The curtains are wound on a special shaft, which can be attached to the wall or ceiling. The size of the product is selected based on the size of the window opening. Rolled curtains made from rubberized tissue or impregnated bamboo, which are distinguished by resistance to damage and durability.

How to choose a bathroom curtain: design options


The Roman curtain model is very similar to the rolled curtains with the only difference that the fabric is not wound on the shaft, and with the help of threads going into neat folds. Typically, the distance between the folds is up to 30 cm. And such beautiful fabric curtains are used most often in the classic-style bathroom.

How to choose a bathroom curtain: design options


Products fit perfectly into lush interiors. They are smoothly lowered on the window, and in the raised position - lush folds. In a semi-handed state, the Austrian curtains allow you to create a solemn and romantic atmosphere at the same time.

How to choose a bathroom curtain: design options

With photo printing

The fabric for curtains in the bathroom can be not only monophonic, but also to decorate with practically any images. It can be the most simple ornaments, geometric shapes, animals, plants, as well as the starry sky, fruits and even the selected photos. Thus, it turns out to implement all your ideas and create a unique interior.

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How to choose a bathroom curtain: design options

Design options

When choosing a fabric curtain on the bathroom window, you must consider in what style the room is decorated. If it is a classic style, you can use almost all of the types of curtains. At the same time, it is desirable to adhere to neutral colors: yellow, pinkish, beige, sandy or brown.

The style of Provence is considered the most romantic. Austrian or Roman curtains with many folds will look very good in it. As for shades, pink, blue, greenish and purple colors are best suited.

How to choose a bathroom curtain: design options

Country style is natural materials and a lot of wood, which allows you to create a cozy atmosphere. Best of all, in such an interior there will be beautiful fabric curtains WESS or PETAL Italy with a fun pattern (see photo).

In the eastern interior, it is necessary to minimize the ingress of sunlight into the room, creating a romantic twilight. Curtains at the same time need to pick up warm shades.

How to choose a bathroom curtain: design options

High-tech style is absolute minimalism. But since to leave the windows with bare ugly, you can use the most simple canvases that can move along the guide along the window opening or rolled curtains.

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