Where Pavel Will and Layisan Urtyasheva live - an interior review in Townhouse in Novorizhskoye highway


The famous pair of will and utyasheva live on Rublevka. Chic townhouse with an area of ​​more than 100 sq.m. A pair of 27 million rubles was purchased a few months ago.

The new house is located next to the Ksenia Sobchak mansion and her moms. Up to this point, the family of Will and Utyashevoy lived in Mytishchi. Since the house is located in the suburbs, a pair has to get in the car. Dispostest Paul is usually a personal driver or spouse.

Where Pavel Will and Layisan Urtyasheva live - an interior review in Townhouse in Novorizhskoye highway

A married couple does not like to put out his personal life, so much the pictures of the interior of Townhouse are not so much. Basically, fans can only be glad to consider how and where Pavel Will and Layisan Urtyashev live.

Living room

The interior of the house is made in a classic and colonial style with elements of other design directions.

A large fireplace is a central place in the house, lined with an expensive red tree and laid out marble. On the fireplace shelf there are expensive hearts of things: family photos, rare figurines and candlesticks.

Outdoor coating is a traditional parquet of a grayish shade. It is complemented by a luxurious carpet with a floral ornament. We should not forget that Layisan - Eastern Nationality, therefore, the elements of an amazing Asian interior, something and then slip in the appearance of the house.

Where Pavel Will and Layisan Urtyasheva live - an interior review in Townhouse in Novorizhskoye highway

Large vases with flowers - an element of a colonial style that welcomes all the wealth of the flora of the tropics.

Tribute classic - a small bust located on a wooden podium. He talks about the love of home owners to Roman-Greek culture. However, it was long known that Pavel Will is engaged in the release of clothing with autographs of writers: Bulgakov, Yesenin, Mayakovsky, and in education he is a teacher of Russian language and literature, so this interest in the classics does not surprise.

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An interesting accent living room has become designer furniture. Low armchairs on the curved legs, upholstered ecocuses make the interior light and give the setting some solemnity, the parade.

Where Pavel Will and Layisan Urtyasheva live - an interior review in Townhouse in Novorizhskoye highway

Metal furniture is very unusual: the stand for the vase with flowers and the High-tek-tek chairs with a steel back. There are no templates and strict canons in the interior, it can be seen that the owners of creative personalities who allow themselves to move away from the rules.


In the kitchen, snow-white facades of a kitchen headset with gilded elements pay attention. B. Ogatable decorative details with curls also make an emphasis on luxury and wealth. Powerful extract hidden behind a wooden facade.

Where Pavel Will and Layisan Urtyasheva live - an interior review in Townhouse in Novorizhskoye highway

Despite the ancient finish, the most modern technique is located in the kitchen. The induction stove harmoniously fit into the room atmosphere. Open shelves with metal dishes, white porcelain, successfully complemented by brilliant elements - all this seems to be interior, makes it dynamic.

Other rooms

Large floral compositions are the interior raisin.

A huge vase with flowers is also placed in one of the rooms. Damascus patterns and some hint of Arab exotic are viewed in the decoration of the chair.

Where Pavel Will and Layisan Urtyasheva live - an interior review in Townhouse in Novorizhskoye highway

Unlike the details, the finishing of the main surfaces is monophonic. It can be seen that it is designed to perform a certain role of a common background for luxurious interior items.

Bedroom in lilac lilac shades. Tenderness and romance is something that distinguishes the ratio of the stellar pair, and the interior can not be better displays this fact.

Comparison with the interior of the former apartment

If we compare with the interior of the apartment in Mytishchi, here you can see the departure from the modern high-tech to the luxurious classics . Perhaps the dimensions of the mansion and gave the scope of such creativity Pavel Will and Layisan Utyasheva.

Where Pavel Will and Layisan Urtyasheva live - an interior review in Townhouse in Novorizhskoye highway

The apartment is made in a modern style. Metal parts and severity of lines here can be noticed everywhere. The large living room is performed in unobtrusive shades of gray and somewhere with a warm tree.

By the way, in one of the rooms you can get the edge of your eyes a collection of musical instruments of the home owner.

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Where Pavel Will and Layisan Urtyasheva live - an interior review in Townhouse in Novorizhskoye highway

The kitchen here is metallic, everything casts glitter. Surfaces as in the modern factory: strictly and nothing superfluous.

Layisan Ulyasheva about his personal life with Pavel Will. (1 video)

Where Pavel Volya and Laysan Urtyasheva live (photo)

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