How to choose a mop for washing your floor


How to choose a mop for washing a floor that will help to easily and quickly make cleaning that simplifies all the homework? Let's try to figure out.

Types of Floor Wash Mop

We clarify the characteristics of the models whose choice in the modern market is huge, and all of them are good.

Rag or wooden

Most often has a plastic or wooden handle on which a linen rag is put on. This species becomes an excellent solution for washing the tiles and linoleum, but the wooden floor will not fit.

How to choose a mop for washing your floor


  • low cost;
  • Easy application.


  • a short time of use;
  • Small functionality.

Spongy veluba

Represented by a plastic holder and the base produced from the spongy material. This view allows you to press the cleaning canvas without the need to tilt it, besides, it perfectly absorbs the liquid.

How to choose a mop for washing your floor

It will be an ideal solution for cleaning the tile floor and linoleum, but the parquet should not be washed due to the risk of applying scratches.


  • ease of use;
  • availability and functionality;
  • Excellent ability to absorb moisture.


  • a short life due to the possible breakdown of the prescript mechanism;
  • the ability to leave divorces on the floor surface;
  • The inability to penetrate narrow spaces.


Named so because of the prescript method, which closes the opposite ends of the rag.

How to choose a mop for washing your floor


  • allows you to quickly wash a large space;
  • Well absorbs liquid;
  • Ease of use.


  • Little time work.

Movab from microfiber

Most often has a flattened form. Thanks to innovative material, almost any surface is perfectly laundered.

How to choose a mop for washing your floor


  • ease and mobility;
  • perfectly washes under beds and sofas;
  • does not leave divorces;
  • Microfiber is easily cleaned by washing.


  • It is not able to assemble pet wool;
  • high price;
  • The need for independent prescript.


It is a round base from which long rope harnesses look. Sometimes it has a special bucket bucket with a pressed device. Linoleum launders perfectly, but not too good for laminate.

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How to choose a mop for washing your floor


  • the presence of a press;
  • Functionality and durability.


  • Small absorption;
  • Inability to collect dust and wool.


It has a flat surface and a handle created from aluminum. The cleaning surface can be produced from different materials. Such a mop perfectly launders the surface of any sex.

How to choose a mop for washing your floor


  • durability and functionality;
  • good absorption;
  • mobility.


  • high price;
  • The need to remove the cloth and rinse it manually.

Steam Mop

Steam mop cleans the floor with hot air, thereby not only removing contamination, but also killing microbes.

How to choose a mop for washing your floor


  • versatility and high efficiency;
  • simplicity;
  • Ecology.


  • high price;
  • Ability to get a burn.

What a mop for washing the floor is better

How to choose a mop for washing your floor

The height of the mop handle must correspond to the growth of the owner, and the material of the rag should be selected according to the cleaned surfaces.

To determine which mop is the best of presented in the modern market, it is necessary to note the features of this product.

Material knob

  • plastic;
  • aluminum;
  • wood.

Material of washing surface

  • cotton;
  • sponge;
  • rope canvas;
  • Microfiber.


It implies the presence of a special lever for pressing a rag.

How to choose a mop for washing your floor

The spin function greatly facilitates the cleaning process.

The form

  • triangular;
  • rectangular;
  • Round.

Size of washing surface

It is of great importance, because the use of the mop should not be difficult. It is designed to facilitate, and not complicate the work of the hostess. Therefore, you should not choose a mop too heavy for hand.

It is worth noting that the best velter is that in all parameters will correspond to the flooring, the presence or absence of various angles, as well as the physical possibilities of a person who will use it.

The most comfortable mop for floor washing

How to choose a mop for washing your floor

The optimal version is a mop with a universal nozzle and different types of rags.

To determine which device will be most convenient, it is worth noting the following criteria:

  • If there is more cleaning without water use, it makes sense to give preference to the synthetics. Such fibers are not too expensive, besides, they can be completely covered on top of ordinary cotton matter. In addition, synthetics makes it equally efficiently washing both tiles and linoleum.
  • Mop model with rope woven allows you to wash the floors. It is worth noting that it is best to purchase such models, with a length of fibers in the range from 30 to 40 centimeters.
  • By purchasing a mop, it is best to take this option to which you can attach a rag from different materials, and it will become a universal detergent assistant.
  • The spongy base makes it easy to clean your pet wool, however, such a device has to be updated regularly, since because of the spin function, it tends to break off.
  • Undoubtedly, the most convenient mop model with a handle varying in height.

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How to wash the floors mop

  • If you want to wash the parquet, use a mop in the form of a butterfly or a flat-shaped model. It is important to wipe the surface at the end of cleaning and polished with the addition of glycerol.
  • The tile is required to be washed on a regular basis, and it is preferable to use special substances with chlorine content during washing. Steam mop will become an excellent choice, because it will not only remove pollution, but will also become an excellent prevention of the appearance of different types of fungi and mold.

What mop is better to wash the laminate

How to choose a mop for washing your floor

Laminate became a coating that was widely distributed in modern homes. It is not too well referring to excessive moisture, besides, dust and minor scratches are clearly visible on it.

Choosing a mop for washing a laminate, take into account his two features:

  • optimal water absorption;
  • Ability to quickly dry.

In addition, an important value is the presence of a telescopic handle that allows you to make any member of the family with ease of cleaning. As for the materials, that is, their two types:

  • Cotton. Durable and easy to operate.
  • Synthetic. Created from various modern materials. This species allows you to achieve better moisture collection from the floor.

Mop for laminate may have a surface represented by loops of different sizes or a flat surface. As a rule, the second option is preferable for laminate, allowing high quality to remove the surface. Ideal can be called a mop with interchangeable nozzles that will allow equally efficiently removing the tile, linoleum and laminate.

How to use mop with spin

How to choose a mop for washing your floor

Mops with a double spin are perfectly suitable for cleaning the laminate.

Probably the most comfortable mop - the one that has a fitting for pressed. A woman gets rid of the need to constantly lean and press the rag to wash the floor in the house.

It is worth noting the features of the use of popular species Mopbr:

  • Butterfly: As a rule, fixes the cloth with velcro. It is made of foam rubber, which absorbs fluid well. To squeeze water, it is enough to pull the lever on yourself.
  • The model is arranged in the same way as the previous one. For pressing the canvas, it is enough just to raise a special lever.
  • The model having a vertically located spin is most often equipped with a bucket for water. To wet the rag, you need to lower it into the container, then omit in a special basket and by pressing the button (or pedal), pull out.

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How to use mop with microfiber

How to choose a mop for washing your floor

Microfiber nozzles can be used for wet cleaning and dry cleaning.

Mop with a microfiber nozzle, rightly considered one of the most comfortable. Due to the fact that it fiber has an excellent ability to clean dust from any, even hard to reach place. In addition, the material attracts well and holds dirt and dust particles.

  • Confirm the cloth to the design with a velcro or fix it in the grooves;
  • Lower a rag into water or liquid for washing;
  • My floor, carefully pressing;
  • It is worth noting that for collecting dust or wool it is not necessary to water the fabric;
  • If necessary, the canvas bezed and pressed.

Mops equipped with microfiber web are recognized as the most effective for washing the surfaces created from any material. They are incredibly pleasant to the touch, besides, they are greatly collected from the floor with various types of pollution and easily erased.

Floor washing - a process that is a prerequisite for maintaining cleanliness and freshness in the dwelling. It is necessary to allocate funds for the purchase of such an important accessory as a mop to facilitate the process and make it more efficient.

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