Flowers in boxes on the balcony: English garden in the native apartment


Flowers in boxes on the balcony: English garden in the native apartment

When going to plant balcony flowers, you need to think about the conditions of their development inherent, it is stupid to think that in a week you can make a real flower garden on the balcony. If you buy ready-made plants, then it is possible, but this flower bed has a real soul, if the maximum of work is done by your hands.

Focus better for perfect samples. Do this way: Get on the computer a daddle where to copy all the photos from the floral balcony. After a while, revising them, a certain image of a dream will appear in your head. Know how to draw - excellent, depict, at least schematically what you want to see. Order, plan, system, aesthetic image - all this leads to a better result.

Flower boxes on the balcony: What, why and why

Pots, containers - these containers are also suitable for growing colors, but you can start just with drawers. And this is also an interesting question, because you first take simple wooden boxes, and as the flower garden is growing, you will probably want to decorate them. If it is assumed that the boxes will be visible to a greater extent, it makes sense to do this.

Flowers in boxes on the balcony: English garden in the native apartment

Boxes can be paint, making decoupage, decorate them in the style of Shebbi Chic or leave in primevar

So, what should be a drawer for flowers:

  • The average depth is 25 cm;
  • Width - from 20 to 30 cm;
  • Length - 100 cm;
  • At the bottom of the box should be holes so that the flow of water and ventilation becomes possible (the step between the holes is 25 cm, the diameter is 1cm);
  • After that, the drainage is stacked, which can be some shards or brick, freshly crushed stone.

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After laying the drainage box, you need to fall asleep with the nutritious soil, only not until the highest.

Where to install floral boxes? In principle, it is possible to do it on the floor if you imagine that flowering plants will benefit at this place. The second option is to attach them to the railing from the inside.

Placement of flowers for flowers on the balcony

Actually, you need to start with that you have an outdoor balcony or glazed. Put boxes can be in any conditions, but the placement methods will be different.

How to place drawers on the balcony:

  1. If you put the box to the outer window sill with a bias, do not forget to attach wooden triangular bars along the entire length. This ensures the horizontal position of the box and good fastening.
  2. The box itself is better to fill up the growing, fairly compact form of plants and fluttering plants, which will fill emptiness. A composite unity of this design will be very harmonious.
  3. If your boxes are unpacked, you will have to paint them in two or three layers in order to protect against rotting. Paint color? Usually it is green or brown, it is believed that against the background of these colors, the plants themselves look brighter.
  4. To protect flowers from the Sun, and most importantly - overheating, use white boxes.
  5. Even if there is no outdoor windowsill, the box can be suspended on the brackets or durable metal hooks, such suspension structures are quite strong.

Flowers in boxes on the balcony: English garden in the native apartment

If you want to hide boxes, in the foreground put hanging flowers

If you attract curly flowers more, you will have to first install a special fastening on the balcony. For example, you can pull the line, wire or rope from the boxes, and there may be special lattices.

Unusual drawers for flowers (video)

Selection of color gamut plants for boxes on the balcony

Color painting, and most importantly - color combinations, are the most important principle when choosing colors. Do not avoid simple solutions, such as monophonic landings. Bright blue, orange or bright red flowers look incredibly beautifully. This is concise, but very bright, so that the additional decor is not required. You can take gerand of burning red, blue lobelia or orange nasturtium, and the balcony literally bauses color.

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Flowers in boxes on the balcony: English garden in the native apartment

Two-color combinations can be cutting eyes. If you are not sure about the harmony of a certain union, take flowers within one color scheme

Contrast-successful combinations of plants:

  • Orange + blue;
  • Yellow + purple;
  • Blue + yellow.

But it is unlikely that such combinations can be attributed to successful: red + purple, red + orange. If it happened that you already grow flowers, which are not combined with color among themselves, dilute them with neutral white. That you mean, make transitions.

How to plant flowers in boxes

If you follow a specific scheme, you will not allow chaoticness and disorder in your green kingdom.

Scheme of planting colors:

  1. First row, from the outside of the box - Ampel plants whose stalks hang down, closing the box. This, for example, low-speed nasturtium or plush geranium.
  2. Second row - Middle height plants, for example - carnation, velvets, left.
  3. The last row Either high plants or curly.
  4. In the first row there may be such an alternative Ampelny plants are low. Then the second row is medium, and the third is curly.

Flowers in boxes on the balcony: English garden in the native apartment

If the boxes are designed for windows, then the curly plants can be planted only in the corners

Very often in the corners instead of binders plant, more precisely, they stick, plants from pot. This, for example, Fatsia, Geranium, Hortensia, Oleander, Ligås.

As for the seasons, the flowers can be divided into three groups in such a criterion.

Three groups of colors:

  1. First, Spring . Earls, to be more accurate, flowers are twilight. Forget-me-not, daisies, Viols and, of course, bulbous. They will bloom from the beginning of May and delight the eye will continue until mid-July.
  2. Second, summer . These include petunias, left, velvets, lion zev, fragrant peas. Intensive flowering of these plants falls for the summer.
  3. Third, autumn . This is, first of all, asters that bloom from the end of summer almost until mid-October. Nasturtiums and some surcharges also bloom before frosts.

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Choosing plants, plan how others fit to it, whether additional devices are needed - for example, a drawer with holder, special hooks and ropes.

Flower boxes (video)

Boxes on the balcony - the decor is not new, but always elegant, always appropriate. With a wide choice of both colors and drawers, you can turn the usual fit into the creation of a floral balcony, where there are no little things, where everything is subordinated to the beautiful. And this is already a lifestyle.

Successful work!

Flowers in boxes on the balcony (photo)

Flowers in boxes on the balcony: English garden in the native apartment

Flowers in boxes on the balcony: English garden in the native apartment

Flowers in boxes on the balcony: English garden in the native apartment

Flowers in boxes on the balcony: English garden in the native apartment

Flowers in boxes on the balcony: English garden in the native apartment

Flowers in boxes on the balcony: English garden in the native apartment

Flowers in boxes on the balcony: English garden in the native apartment

Flowers in boxes on the balcony: English garden in the native apartment

Flowers in boxes on the balcony: English garden in the native apartment

Flowers in boxes on the balcony: English garden in the native apartment

Flowers in boxes on the balcony: English garden in the native apartment

Flowers in boxes on the balcony: English garden in the native apartment

Flowers in boxes on the balcony: English garden in the native apartment

Flowers in boxes on the balcony: English garden in the native apartment

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