How much hissing wallpaper glue on various wallpaper


When you decide to start repairing the house, you should do everything so that you do not have to do these works in 2-3 years. When sticking wallpapers, it is very important not only to correctly treat the surface, pick up the canvas, but also to find the corresponding wallpaper glue.

How much hissing wallpaper glue on various wallpaper

Fresh repairs in a small room

To achieve a maximum coupling, you need to know how much time you need to glue completely dry. Most people want to finish very quickly with repair, so they begin to carry out further actions when the wallpaper has not been dry.

What affects drying time

To accurately determine how much the wallpaper dries, you need to know the factors affecting this process. These include:

  • The material covered with the surface of the wall;
  • type of adhesive composition;
  • Temperature regime in the room and the total humidity;
  • The type of coating, which will be involved in the process of decorating walls.

Now there are a large number of wallpapers, which differ not only on external characteristics, as well as by the type of coating materials. For this reason, some canvas dried over a short period of time, while others require more time. As a result, when calculating it is worth considering several recommendations.

How much hissing wallpaper glue on various wallpaper

To create a good interior will have to work hard

Factors affecting the drying

Not only the type of material and glue affects the duration of the wallpaper, as well as the conditions under which the coating is operated and dried directly.

To the cloths dried very quickly, it is necessary to comply with the following parameters:

  • In the room where sticking will occur, there should be no draft. It is still worth taking care of the lack of harsh moisture change. You need to turn off the air conditioners in advance, close the windows and doors tightly.
  • In order for the glue between wallpaper, heating equipment should be used.
  • When the cloth are fixed, all other repairs must be postponed for a week.
  • When buying a certain type of canvases, it is worth choosing an adhesive composition that is ideal for the species of material.

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In addition, the drying rate of glue can affect certain works that need to be observed before cutting wallpaper:

  1. The surface subjected to processing must be cleaned from old coating and materials.
  2. The plaster on which the blending of wallpaper should not crumble.
  3. Before decorating the surface of the wall must be processed by primer.

Drying time of vinyl canvases

The coatings presented are the sought-after material for which low price and high strength is typical. When the air temperature is not higher than 30 degrees, and the humidity reaches 60%, then glue between wallpaper can dry for 2 days. When other circumstances are present, then the waiting time according to the next stage of repair may increase.

How much hissing wallpaper glue on various wallpaper

Use two types of wallpaper from one collection

If you use weighted types of vinyl cavities for sticking, on the surface of which there are specific complex elements of the decor, then there will be a week for their drying. But it will be possible to carry out further work in 2 days.

However, there are a number of restrictions, for example, the installation of the stretch ceiling. Such work can be performed only after 7 days, you should not sacrifice fresh wallpaper, and rushing, the term is quite acceptable.

Fliselinova wallpaper

Fliselin-based coating is used by high demand among the population. The reason for such fame is due to the following product benefits:

  • Beautiful appearance of wallpaper;
  • great quality;
  • Moderate price.

Often, such a coating is bought in order to further paint the surface. For this reason, it is very important to know the exact time for which the Flizelin-based can be dried.

How much hissing wallpaper glue on various wallpaper

Despite painting, wallpaper do not lose their texture

When you used a fliesline coating to finish the walls, here without the use of special glue could not do. It should be prepared, according to the instructions specified on the packaging. The speed of drying such cloth depends on the quality of glue. Initially, the composition is applied to the wall, and then on the canvas.

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It is important not to overdo it here and do not apply glue in large quantities. But the insignificant amount of composition will not be able to provide a solid coupling. As a result, the wallpaper will begin to lag behind the wall during their drying.

How much do it dry

How much does Flaressilin-based cloth dry? For such a coverage, one day is enough, but only if the humidity in the room is not high, and it will still be warm. With temperature indicators less than 15 degrees, the drying duration can be increased. If you decide to paint the phlizelinic web, then from the moment of their sticking should go through at least a day.

How much hissing wallpaper glue on various wallpaper

The room is ready to settle, the repair was successful

Check, dry wallpaper or not can be very simple. It is enough to spend your hands on the surface of the coating, if it is wet, then you need to wait. Each manufacturer has its own density, which affects the duration of the drying.

Paper Basels

For such a coating, a low price and simplicity of the structure is characteristic. But they are very difficult to carry them out. Here it is necessary to use a special approach. The reason is that the glue between the wallpaper will dry for a long time.

Just imagine - the canvas on a paper basis dries from 1 to 3-3 days.

During this time, harsh temperatures and drafts should not occur. In addition, you should not hurry, increasing the temperatures in the room. This may have a negative effect on the quality of the wallpaper, as a result of which they will go away from the surface and can be swore.

How much hissing wallpaper glue on various wallpaper

Wallpaper dried apartments ready for operation

If the room temperature indicators are low, or a decline has occurred for a long time, bubbles occur on the surface of the wallpaper. If such a flaw is, it will be possible to solve the problem from the crossing.

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Wallpaper sticking is not only high-quality cloths and properly chosen glue. To achieve high-quality hitch and durable seams between wallpaper, it is necessary to wait the time allotted on his drying. Only so you can enjoy the resulting finish for a long time and forget about the repair at a certain time.

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