Working with laser level: Stages Aligning sex with their own hands


Working with laser level: Stages Aligning sex with their own hands

Laser level or level is a modern special tool that each builder should be. With it, you can quickly, and most importantly accurately, repel the level when building buildings and conducting finishing works. Working with laser level is simple and understandable. Modern devices are so easy to see that people who have initial theoretical knowledge in the field of construction can cope with them. The device is enough to enable. The built-in laser is at the same moment spreads to the surface horizontal and vertical axis, according to which the level is fought off. Laser levels significantly simplifies the laying of ceramic tiles to the floor, if all work is supposed to be carried out with their own hands.

Types and advantages of laser levels

Today, you can find the following types of levels using a laser:

  • Working with laser level: Stages Aligning sex with their own hands

    Multi-Record Builder or Crosslayer

    - This is an equipment for building static lines. It is used to align surfaces, determining the level of indoors with the subsequent lighting installation, less often when finishing the facades. In this case, the laser beam does not rotate around the axis. It turns out as a result of the splitting of the beam of the laser passing through the system prisms. As a result on the surface, a visible beam is obtained at a distance of 10-20 m. An important indicator here is the beam sweep angle. It can be 120 °, 160 °, 360 °;
  • Working with laser level: Stages Aligning sex with their own hands

    dot laser

    - This equipment is used to build axes. The principle of operation of this option and the previous one is the same, that is, there is no rotation of the laser beam. However, there is no and dispersion through the prism. As a result, only a point is formed on the surface. The modern level projects points to the surface in three or five directions, which significantly simplifies the finishing works and the lighting installation. Advantage of equipment: the accuracy of the projection (1-3 mm per 100 m), range (up to 30 m), self-leveling mechanism;
  • Working with laser level: Stages Aligning sex with their own hands

    Rotary builders of planes

    - These are multiple equipment, the principle of operation of which is based on continuous rotation of the beam of light around the axis. As a result, vertical and horizontal planes are projected on the surface. The advantages of the design: measurement range (up to 70 m, with a receiver - up to 300 m), small error.

Regardless of the type, the laser level is expensive equipment. His purchase for one-time use is an inappropriate waste of money. For example, to align the floor during styling of ceramic tiles with your own hands or when we need a cutting material, you can rent a device, and you can make it yourself.

Making a laser level yourself

Make a laser level yourself simply. To do this, take the following devices: a laser pointer, a bubble level, a plywood board (dense), a peg of a square or round cross section with a diameter of 6 cm, a piece of rubber.

Working with laser level: Stages Aligning sex with their own hands

We make a level for alignment of the floor with your own hands. Stages of work:

  1. First of all, you need to make a laser pointer level. To do this, take the usual nozzle without a picture, stick it with cardboard. It is done with a hole with a seboard. Thus, we manage to focus the beam of light.
  2. Attach the pointer to the building level with the help of clamps. You also need to make your own hand-absorbing layers. For this, a piece of rubber is taken and stacked between the construction device and the pointer. Rubber will change the level of tilt level during floor alignment.
  3. We prepare a tripod. For this, strictly horizontally cut off the top of the knife. To it with the help of self-tapping screws attach a plank. Its position is also regulated by level. The level platform is ready.
  4. Build construction. For a hand-made login, a homemade laser level is installed, turn it on. The surface will be projected on the surface. We celebrate its position on the wall. We find the position of the second point and also celebrate it on the wall. By connecting both points, we get a perfectly level line, which is easily carried out by installing beacons during the styling of ceramic tiles. With this level, tile cutting is also carried out.

To use the homemade laser level to be comfortable and correct, the equipment is calibrated.

We put ceramic tiles by level

The use of self-made levels during the laying of ceramic tiles to the floor and for the organization of lighthouses is no different from the installation of the floor level using professional equipment.

With their own hands, work is carried out in the following order:

  1. Include levels made with your own hands. Its installation is carried out in a strictly horizontal plane. The correct position is determined by the construction level to which the laser pointer has been occasionally. If the floor alignment is scheduled to lay the ceramic tile, then the installation of the equipment is performed without a stand.
  2. After leveling the device in terms of level, we determine the position of the first point on which the beacon will be carried out. We project the device on the wall. In a place where the laser beam occurs with the wall, leave the mark. Turn the device to some degrees, again align its position on the construction level, we find the second point.
  3. The resulting points connect the line. There will be a beacon orientation on it, the subsequent laying of ceramic tiles with their own hands.

Homemade levels can be used not only during the installation of tiles and for the organization of lighthouses. With it, you can make the correct markup of the floor and walls under the draft finish. Also, on the basis of its testimony, cutting finishing materials.

Benefits of cutting tiles with a laser

Make artistic laying of tiles to the floor with your own hands, you can perform a variety of figures on the floor, if the laser cutting is used during the finishing work. In this case, the processing of the material is carried out using a focused light beam (laser) in auxiliary gases. Cutting is used when processing almost all finishing materials, tiles including. In this case, the thickness of the material lies in the range of 0.1 mm ... 70 mm, the width of the resulting cut is 0.05 mm ... 1 mm. The usual cutting is performed at a speed of 80 m / s ... 1 m / s.

Working with laser level: Stages Aligning sex with their own hands

Laser cutting has several advantages:

  • Differs high quality, it does not require additional processing of the edge of the cut;
  • High performance and cutting speed;
  • A narrow action - the laser has a point exposure. As a result, the temperature of the material being processed does not increase, and therefore it remains unchanged its technical characteristics;
  • With the help of laser cutting, you can process materials, without fear of their deformation;
  • Such cutting allows any cut on such fragile materials such as ceramic tiles. In this case, the integrity of the latter is preserved;
  • sacchability of the process;
  • The process parameters easily change and configure.

Art cutting tiles, lightspreading with a laser will make it possible to make the original and durable floor finish based on ceramic tile, without spending the work of a large amount of money.

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