How to adjust plastic windows yourself


Plastic window, even the highest quality and correctly installed, requires periodic maintenance. It can chase several years without any problems, but over time, friction can be felt when opening or closed. The second problem - thinks from under the seal, and the third - the handle turns with the effort. All these breakdowns are not difficult and easily eliminated and often optionally call the masters: adjustment of plastic windows yourself - the case of minutes. All that is needed is to pull or weaken several screws. The main thing is to know where and how. About this further in the photo and video format.

How to adjust plastic windows yourself

Plastic windows adjustment points

Winter and summer mode

Most often adjustment of plastic windows to a new season: in winter, complete tightness is desirable, and in summer you can let a little fresh air. This is achieved by adjusting the density of the clamping of the sash. Make it yourself easily. When you understand, surprise how much it is elementary ...

The sash of the window to the frame is pressed with the assistance of the TPEF. These are such movable metal protrusions on the side surface of the sash. When turning the handles, they enter the retarded metal plates mounted on the frame. In order to have the ability to regulate the density of the fitting of the sash and the frame, they have eccentric - or they themselves are made of oval shape, or in the center of the round protrusion there is an adjustment with a displaced center. By changing the position of the TsAPF (see photo), change the degree of clips, that is, eliminate drafts from under the sash.

How to adjust plastic windows yourself

Adjusting the clamping of the plastic window to frame

As you can see, the forms of shut-off protrusions can be different. To adjust them, different tools can be used. If there are such eccentrics on your window, as in the figure on the left - the protrusions of the oval shape - their position is changed using pliers: clamp it and rotate in the desired side.

If the locking protrusion is round, as in the picture on the left, it can make a slot to a screwdriver or hex key. After watching them, you will easily understand which tool you need: a conventional screwdriver or hexagon number 4. Insert the key or screwdriver into the slot and also turn to the right position.

Expose all the protrusions in the same position. Please note that they are not only on one side of the sash - external, but there is also an internal (albeit one, but there is), and can also be at the top and bottom. Here all the existing locking protrusions are exposed to the same position, otherwise the frame will be blocked and blowing it from under it.

How to adjust plastic windows yourself

Rotate eccentric using pliers or hexagon

Adjusting the accessories of plastic windows, remember that weak clamp corresponds to the summer closing mode of plastic windows, standard or strong - winter. If prophylactic works spend in the winter, to start, place the standard position and check if there is purging. Immediately press gums on new PVC windows do not advise. In this position, the rubber sealer mounted around the perimeter is strongly pressed. Because of this, over time, he loses elasticity. On the normal seal, the warranty is 15 years old, but still ... if the presser immediately set the maximum, the rubber will deteriorate faster. As a result, once again putting a winter position on plastic windows, you will find that from under the sash still blows, and the rubber band is all in cracks. This means that it's time to change the seal. This is also not very difficult, but it requires more time, and you still need to buy rubber.

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So: the winter and summer position of plastic windows is exhibited by changing the position of shut-off protrusions - the RACF. Everything is described in detail in the video below. After viewing, the adjustment of the plastic windows will independently cease to be a problem.

How to install a mosquito net on the window here.

How to adjust the window so as not to blow

Sometimes, plastic windows, even after the translating of the trough to the position of a strong climb, is not sealed - from under the sash blowing and the replacement of the gum does not give anything. This happens usually when shrinking at home. In this case, they say that the window will see. When this happens, the contact of the shut-off protrusion and the response plate is lost. When turning the knob, the protrusion must go beyond the plate by pressing the sash. If this does not occur and there are drafts, heat out of the room blows.

How to adjust plastic windows yourself

Where are the axes are usually located (clamping protrusions)

When sending a plastic window, the adjustment is different: you need to move the sash in the moan to make the protrusions that do not get to the plates cluck behind them.

First, it is necessary to determine which of the TsAPF is not reached to the locking plates. This is done mechanically. To begin with, inspect the sash, remember where there are protrusions. Close window. Grasp the sash frame in the installation places of the TsAPF and pull it on yourself.

How to adjust plastic windows yourself

Check where the sash does not hold

If there is contact, the frame remains still, if not, moves. So check in which places there is no contact and determine which way it is necessary to move the sash. Do it adjusting the lower and top loop.

Adjusting the bottom loop

If the PVC window does not close somewhere below, we will move the sash using the bottom loop. There are two adjustments: one in the horizontal plane - it moves closer to the loop or further from it, and the second - in the vertical - raises or lowers the sash to a couple of millimeters.

To move the bottom of the sash closer or further to the loop, it is opened. At the bottom of the sang there is an adjusting hole for a hex key (sometimes under the "asterisk").

How to adjust plastic windows yourself

Adjusting the bottom loop of the plastic window or door

A hexagon is inserted into it, turning clockwise The lower corner approaches the loop, against - moves away. Moving a little sash, try to close it / open. As soon as the result is reached, stop. If the resource is unscrewed until it stops, and there is no result, return everything to its original position: this is not that adjustment.

This screw can be corrected if, when you close the window, the flap hurts the frame at the bottom. Slightly bringing it to the loop, you will eliminate this malfunction.

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On the bottom loop there is a second regulating screw. To get to it, you need to put the sash to ventilate and remove the decorative lining. It is easily removed, you need a lower edge to delay a little (by 1-2 mm) and pull it up. After removing the protective cap, you will see a deepening at the top. Hexagon is inserted into it 4 mm. Turning clockwise, the sash is slightly lifted, against - omit.

How to adjust plastic windows yourself

Changing the position of the vertical sash

It is described in detail how to remove the decorative lining on the loop, how and how to adjust the lower loop on the PVC window in the next video.

Adjusting the upper loop

If the top corner does not close on the plastic window, you need to move it . To do this, open the window at least 90 °. It is possible less, but it will be inconvenient to work. On the sash at the top there is a loop. According to the design, it differs from the bottom, but it also has a hole under the hexagon.

How to adjust plastic windows yourself

Adjusting the top loop of the plastic window

The adjustment screw is on the side. Rotating it moving the leaf farther from the loop (if the distance from the hinges of the pin) or closer to the loop. One moment - a few millimeters should be a gap between the sash and the loop: it is necessary to go there a swivel-folding mechanism. Therefore, turning the key to the floor of the turnover, check how the window opens / closes.

Sometimes this adjustment does not help. Then required Press the upper angle to the frame. For this there is another screw - on a swivel-folding mechanism. To access this screw, you will have to open the window immediately in two positions. For this, the flap is discovered, the block is pressed. It usually happens two designs - in the form of a locking loop or tongue (see the photo below).

How to adjust plastic windows yourself

Blocks of plastic windows

The blocker is discharged until it stops, holding it, turn the handle to the ventilation, pulling the top edge of the sash a little on itself, open the rotary mechanism. The device that holds the sash is open. On one of the plates there is a protrusion for the same hex key. By turning it, you can adjust the density of the adjustment of the top corner of the sash. It is necessary if the top corner of the plastic window does not close.

How to adjust plastic windows yourself

Adjustment that allows you to make the top corner of the plastic window

Once again, see how to adjust the plastic windows yourself, you can in the video. Explanations on the case, available and without unnecessary words.

Plastic window does not close

Sometimes the geometry of the window opening changes so much that even shifting the sash to the maximum, we do not get the desired result: the plastic window does not close. What to do in this case? If there is an adjustment on the response part, as in the version A and B in the photo, try to do with low blood - twist here. The principle is the same: insert the hex key and rotate it clockwise, putting forward to the maximum.

If there is not enough of a few millimeters not to the depth, and the lobby, then You will have to install under the back of the lining. They are cut out of a piece of white plastic. The maximum thickness is 3-4 mm. First, unscrew the screws, the stops are removed. Two strips are cut out: one is installed below, the second is sideways. As a result, the emphasis shifts on 3 mm deep into the sash.

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How to adjust plastic windows yourself

Types of response parts on the frame

Mounted first to the desired lining place, it is stopped, which is screwed with a self-tapping screw. Speaking pieces of plastic are cut into a sharp knife. Check, closes the window or not.

If it did not help - there is another way: to move the sash frame. It is quite elastic, and it can be moved about 5 mm. The procedure for such:

  • From the side that you want to move, the stapper is removed (only one).
  • Between the glass and the frame, just below the place where we will move, plastic or wooden (not metallic) smooth and narrow item is inserted. The most suitable flat blade or ruler.

    How to adjust plastic windows yourself

    What if the plastic window does not close? How to adjust

  • Press the frame, insert a plastic strip that will bend it.
  • I pull out a ruler or blade.
  • Install in place Strapik.

If you look closely, it can be seen that the frame is a bit twisted. The main thing is that the window is now closed. In 99% of cases of this enough. If you are not lucky, and all these tricks did not give the result, it is necessary to remove slopes and bent the frame.

View all the actions described above can be in the video.

How to make slopes on the windows of plastic on the windows with your own hands, read here.

Adjustment and replacement of handles

A fairly common problem: the handle turns hard. If the problem is not eliminated on time, due to the accompanying excessive effort, it breaks, there remains a short funeral, which will not make anything.

At first, how to make the pen closed easily again. The shut-off mechanisms first need to be cleaned and lubricate. First remove the accumulated dust and dirt, wipe dry, then all moving parts are lubricated. It is necessary to use clean oils, without alkalis and acids. The best option is machine oil, you can any analogue or modern agent of the canister.

How to adjust plastic windows yourself

Plastic Lubrication Places

Greased all the rubber and moving parts, open / close the sash several times, turn it on the hinges. Everything should move smoothly, without jerks.

If there are problems now, most likely in the process of adjustments or changes in the geometry of the window, the blocker has shifted. It should be easily included in the opposite part and tightly pressing the frame. Then the handle turns easily. Move the sash and try again.

Now about how to change the handle. The fasteners on which it holds is hidden under the decorative lining. If you look around, you will see that there is a thin lid. Take your fingers for her or upset with nails, pull the slightly on yourself and turn into one of the sides. Two bolts open. They are twisted, the handle is removed, put a new one in her place.

How to adjust plastic windows yourself

Fasteners hiding under a decorative lining

We reviewed the most widespread problems and methods of eliminating them. Now it's not a problem for you not only to adjust plastic windows, you can do fine repair. You can also conduct service (lubricant once a year).

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