Which warm floor heats better and less consumes resources


The rapid development of heating by heating the floor in the room led to the fact that over the past decade there were several types of systems with warm floor, each of them possesses its own characteristic features, advantages and specific operation.

To understand what a warm floor is better and choosing the most efficient (which will be warmer, better to warm) and economical (which is less consuming electricity or gas), you need to consider all existing options and choose the optimal taking into account the basic requirements for the system.

What a warm floor is better - a comparison of species

To simplify comparison, it is necessary to consider each type variety and their distinctive features, advantages and disadvantages, and then in tabular form compare key indicators.

Which warm floor heats better and less consumes resources

1 group - Water heated floor

In this group, only one representative is a warm floor of a water, heating element is the pipe system for which the coolant (water) circulates.

Pros: reduction of heating costs by 25% (in comparison with radiator), minimum installation costs, the ability to equip autonomous heating or connect to the central system;

Cons: complexity of design and temperature control, high screed, low maintainability, risk of flooding, the need to match the project when connecting to the central highway heating, the need to arrange boiler room and purchase additional equipment, high operating costs.

2 Group - Electric Warm Paul

This group is represented by several varieties of floors, so you need to evaluate which electric warm floor is better in the subgroups.

Subgroup - Electric Cable Warm Paul

Which warm floor heats better and less consumes resources

Cable warm floor in the coil (in the bay, on the meter)

Systems of heating cables for the floor are quite popular among manufacturers. And many of them offer to buy a ready-made kit. Among the leaders in the market can be allocated by Devi (Denmark), Caleo (South Korea), Teploup (Russia). The price per kit varies from 10,000 to 37,000 rubles. Depending on the heating power, length and type of cable.

Equipment also affects the cost. There are options that include only the cable, controller and sensor, and some are even a tool for mounting. It is possible to reduce the cost of acquisition if you set the system separately. For example, the price of Cable Deviflex (100 W) - 3 850 rubles / 10 mp, the thermostat with the sensor will cost 6670 rubles.

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Pros: relative cheapness, well suited for use under the tile;

Cons: the complexity of calculation and installation, the height of the room is reduced by 50-100 mm.

We recommend a detailed description - Electric warm flooring device

Cable warm floor in mats

This option is advisable to choose those who plan to perform mounting themselves. Price on the example of Devimat ranges from 4 950 to 22 750 rubles. The cost is influenced by the mat, its power, the type of heating cable used.

Pluses: Thinner cable, simplicity of calculation, mats are conveniently folded (the grid on which the cable is mounted) and mounted, the constant distance between the cable turns is maintained, there is no need to fill the screed, due to the thickness of the warm floor, the ceiling height decreases by 10-30 mm ;

Cons: Higher cost of mats (25-30% compared to the cable system).

Subgroup - infrared warm floor

Which warm floor heats better and less consumes resources

Despite the fact that the infrared floor is a type of electrical, it is advisable to take it into a separate group, since the IR-Paul has a number of characteristics that do not characterize electrical cable floors. The key feature of infrared warm floor is that it does not create electromagnetic waves, which is peculiar to the two previous options. He also has two varieties, which causes the need to find out what infrared warm floor is better to choose.

Infrared solid (film) Warm floor

The IR heating system is a flexible heating element, laid between two layers of polymer - infrared heating film for the floor.

Pros: Ability to mount on any surface (floor, walls, ceiling); ease of installation; low cost compared to cable, uniformized room heating, the minimum film thickness allows you to exclude the height of the floor height during installation;

Cons: the need to plan the placement of furniture, the complexity of use under the tile, low inertia.

Infrared rod carbon warm floor

Today it is the most progressive floor heating system on the market. It is distinguished by the presence of a carbon heating element made in the form of a rod. The heating rod is made of a composite material, which informs the system of ability to self-regulation, which eliminates overheating and makes it possible not to be limited to choosing a floor heating site. Carbon mats can be mounted over the entire area of ​​the floor, and the permutation of furniture or the installation of household appliances will not cause any inconvenience, unlike the film floor.

Pros: self-regulation. The system controls the temperature of the floor surface, which reduces the consumption of electricity. And in the use of additional devices there is no need. The adjustment occurs due to the fact that the temperature increase leads to an increase in the distance between the graphite particles, of which the carbon rod consists, as a result, the resistance increases and the heating is reduced.

Reliability; The absence of side effects, in the form of electromagnetic waves, etc., wellness effect, efficiency. From the point of view of heating costs, it is a carbon rod gender is more efficient in operation, thanks to reduced electricity consumption. Also, the rod warm floor is distinguished by prolonged performance without repair.

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Cons: High cost of set.

What a warm floor is better - comparative characteristics

The table summarizes the main parameters for comparative analysis.
IndicatorWater PolElectric floor
CableCable in matsFilmSantneva
Type of heatingConvectionHeat radiation
Warming time, min.30-6020-3020-305-1010-15
Resistance to overheating+.+.+.
Extra. equipmentboiler
Installation restrictions
- on the balcony / loggia+.+.
- in a private house / in the country+.+.+.+.+.
- in the apartment- (permission required)+.+.+.+.
Power per 1 m.kv.Depends on the power of the boiler180-220 W.180-220 W.25-45 W.25-50 W.
Power / fuelGas, solid fuel, electricityElectricity
Method of installationWet workWet workWet workDry workWet work
Ability to dismantle and reuse+.
Restrictions in the InstallationNot installed under the furniture and other low-cost items
Installation in large room+.(due to the cost of electricity)
System inertiaHighaverageaverageHighLow
The ability to adjust the temperature+.+.+.+.
Repair - priority+.
Removing the entire floorEasier thanks to the absence of a screedDismantling
Influence on the height of the wallsup to 150 mm50-80 mm30-50 mm5-10 mm20-30 mm
Weight system Warm floor on 1 m.KV. Square200 kg30 kg30 kg2 kg30 kg
Mounting speed4-7 days1-2 days1 day1 day1 day
Time before exploitation7 days7 days7 days1 day28 days
Initial investmentsLowLowMiddleHighvery high
Operational costsHighvery highvery highHighMiddle
Efficiency compared to radiator heatingup to 25%up to 50%up to 50%up to 70%up to 80%
Installation indoor with high humidity (in the bathroom, in the bath)+.Perhaps with reservationsNot recommended+.
Compatible with floor coverings
- Natural wood (floor board, parquet)+.
- Laminate+.+.+.+.+.
- Linoleum+.+.+.+.+.
- Tile / porcelain stoneware+.+.+.+.+.
- Carpet+.+.+.
Popular / Famous BrandsDevi, TeplovuxCalorique, Devi, K-Techno -Logies (TM CALEO)K-TECHNO -LOGIES (TM Unimat), Felix (TM Excel)
Price, rub / M.KV (average range)200-500400-900700-2000.1350-17001500-2685.
Estimated service life, years1015-20.15-20.up to 50up to 50

Material prepared for site www.moydomik.net

What warm floor to choose for a private house and apartment?

Selection of floor heating system is carried out taking into account such factors as:

  • room size, in particular, floor area and height;
  • Type of heating. Whether the system is a warm floor of the main source of heating or optional, will have a significant effect on its power.

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What to pay attention to when choosing a warm floor

  • Placement indoors . All systems of warm floors, in addition to infrared rods, very sensitive to overheating, which means they cannot be mounted under the furniture and heavy household appliances. The minimum highness is 350 mm. Often this leads to the fact that one part of the floor is essentially warmer than the other. Uneven warming (temperature differences) negatively affect wooden flooring (floor board, massive board, parquet);
  • Height of wall . It should be borne in mind that some systems of the warm floor are mounted exclusively in the screed. This statement is valid for water underfloor, rod and electric with heating cable or mats. The higher the height of the heating element (pipe diameter or cable cross section) the thicker will be the screed. If the height of the wall does not allow to lift the floor to 70-100 mm, then you need to consider the film heap floors;
  • maintainability of the system . The screed threateningly closes access to the system elements, which creates additional problems in the event of a malfunction, i.e. It will not work quickly. Even reveal the place of breakage without dismantling the floor is problematic;
  • speed of work . Under the speed of work means the fulfillment of all types of work: starting with the design and ending with the finishing surface of the surface. Despite the fact that the rod floor is mounted for several hours, it is not recommended to include to completely dry the screed, and some manufacturers (for example, Calero) establish a limit of 28 days. The water floor is mounted also for sufficiently long, which is associated, with the specifics of pipe wiring and also requires a complete pouring of the screed. The optimal option from the point of view of "Operation immediately after installation" will be a film infrared warm floor.
  • View of the finishing floor covering . In many ways, the final choice is determined by the answer to the question of which warm floor is better under the tile, or what a warm floor is better for laminate. After all, in one case, the use of glue is required, and not all systems are suitable for this, and in the other - it is necessary to take into account the tendency of wood to deformities and the presence of harmful substances in the compositions of the materials (it is possible to discharge, for example, formaldehyde, when heated).
  • economy . The relative one of the warm floor is more economical users of unanimous and give the palm of the championship of core floors for the efficiency of operation, and water for initial investments. But, is it always worth navigating what is cheaper? No, it is advisable to compare not by price, but to calculate the average costs for the operational period, and the infrared floors lead here.

As you can see, there are many factors that influence the final selection of the system with a warm floor, the maximum full account of which will help make the right choice.

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