How to get rid of pigeons on the balcony: proven way


How to get rid of pigeons on the balcony: proven way

The pigeon is a very beautiful bird: despite this, it is an unexpected guest on the balcony, since this animal is a peddler infections, several methods, how to cope with birds that have chosen your balcony. This is the reflection method, and more radical measures to which, unfortunately, have to be resorted.

How to get rid of pigeons on the roof of the balcony: Scaring Methods

It is important to understand - if the pigeons still started to celebrate you on the balcony, and it even seems cute, with time, if you do not drive them, they will settle on the roof of the balcony. Therefore, they will have to scare them immediately, as noticed the activity of pigeons to your balcony.

How to get rid of pigeons on the balcony: proven way

Scarecrow crows can be purchased in a hunting store or make a master to order

What can be done:

  1. Buy a simple food foil, cut it on the strip, and cheer as a curtain on the balcony. Birds, firstly, do not like shine, secondly, do not tolerate rustling items.
  2. If you do not want to mess around with foil, or you are afraid that it does not very beautifully look at the balcony, take old CDs. They will be more attractive hanging, especially if they make a big suspension or curtain. And the function is the same - to expel birds from your territory.
  3. Buy sound dischargers, they are sold in specialized stores. You can combine several methods for consuming.
  4. Stuffed crows! Of course, where to take it, it is incomprehensible, but if you know the answer to this question, then put the crown-belling. Pigeons are not friends with her.

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There is a radical way, though, quite cruel. You can use annoying birds with icy water. They will immediately fly away, and it is unlikely that they want to fly into such a dangerous place. Well, if they still arrive, you have to repeat not the most pleasant procedure.

Pigeons on the balcony of Sville Nest: what to do

By the way, do not hurry to upset - this is a good sign. Indeed, it is believed that if the pigeons of fibers nest next to your home (in this case, on the balcony), then it is to the ambulance or to family well-being.

How to get rid of pigeons on the balcony: proven way

After the appearance of pigeons, ticks may appear in the house: therefore, after you got rid of the nest, it is worth a disinfection of the whole house

If you are not against such a neighborhood, they can be fed. But most of the tenants do not like such uninfeced guests. They will have to scare them the above methods, and to clean the nest to the street. Naturally, do it in gloves.

Important moment: after cleaning the nest, disinfect the balcony. It is necessary to do this, especially if children are in the house. Yes, and the unobed nest will attract birds again.

If they filted the nest, and fly away well, they do not collect anything, it does not help, you will have to purchase a special trap, catch birds and give a bird shelter.

Cleaning the balcony after pigeons: how to cope

Disinfection is the most important point of cleaning. If you put a nest to the street, place it on the tree. So it will not be swollen cats and dogs, and in the nest, it can be eggs.

How to get rid of pigeons on the balcony: proven way

While cleaning the balcony should use a suit for disinfection

What to do on the balcony:

  • Everything that does not have a special value, without thinking, throw away;
  • The remaining things wipe a little damp cloth, which is moistened in water with vinegar;
  • Then again repeat wet cleaning using a conventional soap solution;
  • Nothing from the vital activity of the pigeons should not be left, birds potential infection carriers.

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Do not keep any food on the balcony - it will only attract birds.

The pigeon flew to the balcony and rushed: what to do in this case

All the same thing you do when you need to clean the room. Arm yourself with gloves, paper and cloth. Gently take the item of the "avian meanness" with hands in gloves, some suitable paper, throw away into the bag, and rendered on the nearest garbage.

How to get rid of pigeons on the balcony: proven way

After cleaning the balcony, the room should be treated with chlorine

And the place where the pigeon has rushed, rinse well with water with vinegar. That's the whole problem! True, she will be repeated if you do not dope the pigeons from your balcony.

How to get rid of pigeons on the balcony: options

There is a very good option, but troublesome. However, the experience of such techniques is, especially in the West, quite positive. Agree with neighbors who are also fed up, and build a good dull in the courtyard. With nests and big feeders. At first glance - troubles care, and at verification - a good deed.

How to get rid of pigeons on the balcony: proven way

Pigeon on the balcony - pretty bad sign: so it is necessary to expel and prevent the appearance of this bird

If no way helped, and you no longer assumes how to get rid of pigeons on the balcony, contact the special service of bird catch. Still, they are not so harmless, and again, can tolerate infection.

How to get rid of pigeons on the balcony (video)

But to destroy the nests, instead of the eggs of pigeons to put a dirty, the method is effective, but not the kindest one. Try to first solve everything without victims, but if the birds are intrusive, you will have to throw out the nests once again.

Clean and calm your balcony!

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