We grow cherry tomatoes on the balcony: useful tips


If you have a desire to enjoy fresh salad in the winter season, then for you can raise cherry tomatoes on your balconyimicia of your vitamin windows on the windowsill, you can easily prepare a salad with fresh vegetables and greens at any time of the year, without resorting to buying vitamin complexes or Greenhouse products that are less useful. Growing cherry tomatoes on the balcony, you can have fruit all year round and pamper native refined dishes.

Growing Cherry on the Balcony: Specialist Tips

This type of tomatoes is distinguished by a sweet taste, unpretentious and good fecundity. When buying seeds, specialists are recommended to clarify that species are required for growing on the windowsill, if a person acquires greenhouse or garden varieties, they will not fit in the apartment. The peculiarity of garden or greenhouse varieties is that a rather powerful root system develops in plants, and in the pot due to insufficient space it will dying and die.

We grow cherry tomatoes on the balcony: useful tips

Unfortunately, not all kinds of tomato can be grown on the balcony: it should be defined when buying seeds

The abundance of sunlight on the windowsill will allow to grow a healthy and strong plant, bringing a large amount of delicious fruits.

The distinctive feature of these tomatoes is the ability to combine various varieties and color gamut in one dish, without creating the conflict of odors and tastes.

For growing on the windowsill, there are various varieties of various colors.:

  • Standard red;
  • Green with yellowish tint;
  • Bright yellow;
  • Orange, various tones, from bright and bright to dark saturated;
  • Pink;
  • Saturated raspberry;
  • Brown-violet;
  • Exotic varieties having black striped color.

We grow cherry tomatoes on the balcony: useful tips

Cumato tomato variety called Kumato

Growing seeds on the windowsill, cherry tomatoes can easily replace indoor plants in the kitchen room, receiving from the green neighbors a lot of benefits and a variety of delicious dishes.

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Cherry tomatoes: harm and benefit (video)

Variety of varieties and tastes

All varieties of cherry tomatoes are light-loving and feel great on the windowsill. The hostesses who decided to plant these dwarf vegetables as an experiment, left grateful feedback, and remained insanely satisfied with the result.

We grow cherry tomatoes on the balcony: useful tips

A rather interesting form has a variety "Date"

The most popular varieties for growing on the windowsill are:

  1. Red pearl - It has sweet fruits, and is an early variety, draws attention to an attractive appearance and in small sizes.
  2. Balcony Elou - It is characterized by compactness and has rounded, yellow fruits having a small sourness. It can be used in cheese and canning.
  3. F.1 balcony red - It is an early plant that fruits from 85 days, and has small, but fragrant and sweet tomatoes.
  4. Bonsai - Very unpretentious grade, the ripening of fruits occurs on 85 days, has a small size, and gives a crop to 500 grams from the bush.
  5. Pinnocko - This is a random plant that have small needs, and is distinguished by original taste and fragrant fruits.
  6. Yellow pearl - It has less sweet fruits, but they will perfectly complement the taste qualities of any dish and give the highlight due to the color scheme.
  7. Balcony miracle - It is the most popular variety, and has a lot of fertility - up to 2 kilograms of berries from the bush, as well as a pleasant taste.

Features of planting seed Cherry

For planting seeds, it is necessary to choose the right vase. The most optimal option is the cylindrical shape of the container, the square vase will not evenly develop the root system, and the plant may well absorb useful substances and as a result - fruit. Before boarding, it is necessary to process the seed material - to soak the contents of the bag in the potassium permanganate solution for 15 to 20 minutes, and then epine for 9 to 10 hours, it is a powerful growth stimulator, which will give the plant to the plant. Capacity for 3 days is covered with a tissue napkin, and after the appearance of small roots - transplant to grow seedlings.

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We grow cherry tomatoes on the balcony: useful tips

In order for the result to be better, you need to spray seedlings with milk divorced in water

Experts recommend landing seeds in small capacity, and after making a transplant into pots.

The optimal temperature for the successful development of plants is 16 degrees. Seeds are put into the ground to a depth of 1 centimeter, making the distance between the recesses - 3 centimeters. Vases are best covered with cellophane, and put it in a warm place, after the appearance of the first parses, it is moved to the windowsill to organize a sufficient amount of sunlight. So that the plant does not move, you need to adhere to the temperature - during the day +22 - 25 degrees, at night - +15 - 17 degrees. Experts advise to take care of the vase with cherry tomatoes from drafts, water only water room temperature and not overcoat the soil, non-compliance with these rules can destroy the plant or provoke the appearance of various diseases.

Cherry Tomatoes Care and Care

During cloudy weather, the plant lack of light, it is capable of badly affecting his well-being. To eliminate a similar problem, it is necessary above the plants on 30 centimeters to place a fluorescent lamp. According to the incident 3 week, the seedlings must be filing with special fertilizers that are diluted with water, strengthen seedlings and add growth. To help plants do not pick up fungal diseases, it is necessary to spray milk - 50grms divorced with water - 500gram. After the appearance of the third piece, the sapling must be picked (the product of the transplant to a spacious place), it is transplanted into a small pot, a diameter of 5 centimeters, and later in a large and spacious capacity. If you make a transfer immediately in a large pot, the development of the root system will be disturbed, and the tomato will grow badly.

We grow cherry tomatoes on the balcony: useful tips

During the cultivation of tomato, it is advisable to use various feeding

By incident 30 days, seedlings are sent to a permanent place of residence in a large and spacious pot, which is installed on a sunny place.

The soil is taken ordinary, with the addition of fertilizers. If there are no vases, cherry transplant in boxes filled with land. Sprouts are placed at a distance of 30 centimeters from each other. You can decorate a balcony or a loggia, placing cherry tomatoes in the suspended boxes, dropping down, they will create an interesting decor and delight tastes.

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In summer, watering plants is carried out every 3 days, during very hot days - every 2 days. In winter, it is necessary to monitor the state of the soil, and watering when drying it. Excessive moisture at any time of the year destructively acts on the plant, and can lead not only to the emergence of various diseases, but also death. Tomatoes love the warm climate, and the placement of it on southern windows contributes to growth and fruiting. If there is an extrusion of plants, this is a sign of the receipt of excessive sunlight, therefore specialists are recommended when the temperature is raised above 30 degrees, move plants into cooler places. So that the process of watering was comfortable and did not deliver inconvenience, a simple device can be made. On a plastic bottle, a cone is dressed for watering plants, it can be chopped up with a part of the bottle and stick to the ground, producing watering with an additional container, or fill the bottle with water and water with a spout. An important process for any plant is pollination. In the apartment conditions it is missing, so it is necessary to produce this process yourself - during flowering every morning you need to slightly shake inflorescences. Additional spraying of tomatoes by the drug will increase the formation of fruits and will accelerate their maturation. When ripening fruits, you need to tear them on time, it will allow neighboring berries to grow better.

How to grow tomatoes on the balcony (video)

These advice of experienced gardeners will allow you to raise a rich harvest in urban conditions, and to indulge in seven vitamin salads throughout the year.

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