Projects of houses drawings


Projects of houses drawings

When some construction arises on the horizon, then the first thing you think about is to build a house and to whom to seek his implementation, so that all your preferences are taken into account.

But the second stage is much more responsible and important and is that after you get in the hands of projects of houses of drawings, they will still need to decipher and disassemble in the most detail. And this as it may seem at first glance is not the simplest lesson.

The creation of houses of houses is most likely inherent solely to architects and designers thing, but if you have a desire and desire to control all parts of the construction and development of your new facility, then let's post all the nuances of their reading.

Frankly, this process is quite complicated, but at the same time fascinating and intriguing, because using projects of houses drawings and photos builders form tasks, as well as ways to solve them, because the documentation hides the features of further installation and construction, repair work.

How to figure out in the drawings of house projects?

The first thing you need to deal with your construction is directly yourself of the projects of houses and cottages drawings and photos, if they have in your hands, you can assume that part of the work has already been completed. The second that you will be exactly useful - maximum attention and some items that we have compiled for you in order can you deal with the project.

Projects of houses drawings

Pay special attention to the title page of the project, which contains the basic information regarding the abbreviations, which are in the schemes, as well as a large-scale ruler, thanks to which you can compare the value indicated in the plan. Believe me, this is the part of the project to which you will turn more than once along the reading of the drawing.

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Taking the drawing, the most important thing for you is to deal with the scale. There are special size ratio and each element of the house is performed on an appropriate scale, which is usually indicated in the drawing. Outside the circuit, high-rise marks from the ground level are usually indicated, and the cuts contain information about the size of the structure, the floor from the floor to the floor, the height of the doorways, etc. Taking into account the size and scale you can not only imagine what the future building will be, but also to calculate the number of materials necessary for its construction.

If you are the projects of two-storey houses, it may be difficult to understand with the understanding of the plan of construction itself, but in no case are not being bunted. Even if some moments are not clear when working with a plan, you will specify them with architects, otherwise such not docks can lead to an incorrect representation of the future building.

Projects of houses drawings

Taking in the hands of the drawing, you can see that the plan is displayed as a horizontal section, which passes through the door and window openings. A similar top view displays the exact location of the rooms with their dimensions and a detailed representation of the final result. Even if you have the price of the price of which the price of which is the most budget, it will contain all the necessary values ​​in terms of the size of the intended premises.

  • All projects and drawings are very, very different. It all depends on the fact that the architect will decide to include it, so some plans are characterized by special details of the elements.
  • That is why your project may contain a large number of sheets relating to both the external design of the house and its layouts, as well as the location of communication networks.
  • And by the way, special attention should be paid to communication networks as often their conduct is considered the most costly part of the construction.

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Particular attention should be paid to the structural plan, which contains information about the foundation, overlaps and location of the supports. Since the construction of any home is carried out from laying the foundation, it is safe to name this part of the project one of the most important.

Projects of houses drawings

Among other things, pay special attention to the possible notes in the field fields, which are located outside the drawing, as they also contain important information.

And as mentioned above, do not forget about the abbreviations, symbols and special lines used in the project. And that it is important to carefully contact the project that you have in your hands. Do not damage the fastening of architectural plans and do not expose it to sunlight, water, etc. Restoration of this kind of information can be quite expensive.

Here in principle, all the nuances for which you should pay attention when reading the project of the house. Of course, this is a task not out of the lungs, but if you are really interested in understanding everything, then you will certainly succeed. Plus, having learned to read the drawings you can control each stage of construction and adjust it, making any changes if you are interested in it.

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