Wallpaper sticking, the more convenient to apply glue, tool


By purchasing wallpaper, you already plan their sticking on the subconscious level. You pick up the necessary tool in the mind, think over the processes of the walls of the walls and present the final result. We would like to tell you more about some tools that you can come in handy in your work.

Wallpaper sticking, the more convenient to apply glue, tool

Wallpaper Tool

Knife and scissors

We will not stop at the choice of wallpaper and glue, it will not be a long and painful process that you have to go through all those wishing to make repairs at home. It should only be noted that glue must be chosen under the type of wallpaper.

For example, if you stopped on the wallpaper with a fliesline substrate, then the glue must be appropriate. If you have paper wallpapers, then the glue is recommended for a paper wallpaper cloth.

Wallpaper and glue are ready to work, print the rolls and cut the wallpaper on pieces of a certain length. For this we need a knife or scissors. Subsequently, it is necessary to trim wallpaper on the wall, so it is better to choose a simple building knife with replaceable decaying blades. It is sharp enough to cut the wallpaper, and how it faded, then the blade is easily changing or rolled.

Wallpaper sticking, the more convenient to apply glue, tool

Modern knife with rolling blades

There are special wallpaper knives with a long wide and stupid blade, but they are very impractical and can be used correctly by professional masters, if we glue with your own hands, we do not need them.

Scissors will be required for neat cutting wallpaper in complex places, the area of ​​switches, sockets. Scissors will rise the simplest.

Roller and brush

Wallpapers are cut into pieces of a certain length and ready to apply glue. Now we will apply wallpaper glue on the canvas, it will take a roller or brush.

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If you want to use a roller, select the foam option, since it is very easy to apply glue to a smooth surface. If not, others are suitable: artificial or natural fur, velor, artificial wool. The roller can be purchased in any construction store, this is not a scarce goods. The cost of various manufacturers is not very different, and quality too.

Wallpaper sticking, the more convenient to apply glue, tool

Velor coat roller

However, in recent times, all stores sell it already assembled, although in terms of practicality it is better to buy in parts: a handle (BEGEEL) and a fur coat. Subsequently, spare parts are changing if necessary.

Using a roller for applying glue to wallpaper, it will be convenient to pre-roll it in a special bath, since it does not fit into each bucket. Such a bath is available in most stores, it has a special compartment, where you can roll the roller, get it with glue. Even the finished sets consisting of a bath and roller are sold.

Wallpaper sticking, the more convenient to apply glue, tool

Set: bath and foam roller

The tassel is also convenient to apply glue to the wallpaper cloth. To do this, choose any brush, which is not climbing. Natural bristles have a tassel or not, for us it does not matter.

Brushes show themselves well with a lot of bristles, they are called McList. Unlike flusted - narrow, they have 8-10 rows of pile. Flusted brush Choose a wider, best of all 75-100mm.

You may need a narrow brush, to miss the wallpaper in hard-to-reach places, where the roller does not fit in any way, this moment is also necessary to provide.


Wallpaper on the wall is recommended a wallpaper spatula, a plastic device in the shape of a wing with soft edges. Understanding, it turns out very conveniently, just not to put pressure on the wallpaper, otherwise they can break.

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Wallpaper sticking, the more convenient to apply glue, tool

The easiest, but comfortable wallpaper spatula

If you are accustomed to smooth out the wallpaper with an ordinary cloth or a brush, then this is also a true approach. Dry rags will need to wipe wallpaper and removing glue residues.

It is recommended to use an ordinary sponge to collect glue, it is easily and convenient for it.

Some masters are used to smooth the wallpaper rubber roller, its fur coat is mild, made of rubber. However, to use this tool requires a certain amount of experience in construction work.

There is a special small roller to work with the joints of the wallpaper, which allows rolling the joints of the joint, thereby getting rid of the excess glue.

Wallpaper sticking, the more convenient to apply glue, tool

Roller for rolling of walls of wallpaper

For cutting in hard-to-reach places, an ordinary metal spatula is useful, which is very convenient to cut the unnecessary edge. After you separated the unnecessary part of the wallpaper, it is easy and smoothly cut off with a knife.

Use the spatula very gently in order not to damage the decorative part of the wallpaper.


If you have high ceilings, then you should take care of normal convenient tools for working at height. Wallpaper sticking with stools or stool carries many difficulties and can be dangerous. While the normal stepder will greatly facilitate all the workflow.

Choose aluminum stepladders, iron hard to move, taucing it backwards throughout the whole shook wallpaper, you definitely very tired.

Wallpaper sticking, the more convenient to apply glue, tool

Low stepping that is easy to use at home

For a successful blowing wallpaper, you will additionally need:

  • plumbing or level to smooth off the vertical direct, relative to which sticking will be made;
  • pencil or marker in order to make marks on the walls;
  • Roulette for clear marking of pieces of wallpaper and walls;
  • Tara to mix glue, preferably with a lid, in case you have to leave glue in the finished condition;
  • a stick for kneading glue, or a special mixer worn on a drill;
  • Heat and screwdriver to ensure safety in places where sockets and switches are present, especially if you are not going to completely de-energize the room.

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If you have the entire listed tool in stock, then with a large share of the probability of the wallpaper, it will be successfully. Perhaps we are unnecessarily focusing on simple and understandable things, but you can just forget about them. If there is no of our list, then try to find it in order not to complicate your work.

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