Paper gun with your own hands: Schemes with photos and video


Sometimes each of us wants to return to childhood and play for a long forgotten, but hot favorite toys. And sometimes it is very interesting to succumb to memories and make something with your child, grandson or nephew. Let's look at the options for how to make a pistol from paper.

There are several ways to create a paper pistol with your own hands, let's understand each of them in more detail.

In Origami technique

The art of origami created in ancient China, it developed rapidly in Japan. In Europe, this passion passed in the 15th century. It received world distribution in the 2nd half of the 20th century. Today there are many competitions, exhibitions and championships. With the help of books and master classes, everyone can master this art, both adult and the child. For this, the hobby does not require special skills, special premises and equipment.

This technique is not the simplest, as it seems, but very useful, it develops the motility of hands and attentiveness. It is above all strictly and consistently follow the instructions. Let's try to create a gun in such a technique.

Take the album sheet, cut the square. Then bend it in half. Carefully stroke the fold in the middle, turn and tear one half. And now bend it along in half, as shown below.

Paper gun with your own hands: Schemes with photos and video

Now again bend the same part in half, and then across, as shown in the image.

Paper gun with your own hands: Schemes with photos and video

This part is complete, put it off and take the next sheet.

One of the edges of the leaf turned out to be torn, so bend it inside and fold the sheet twice the length in half, as in previous actions. Then we fold again in half, as shown in the picture.

Paper gun with your own hands: Schemes with photos and video

Now the time has come to connect the resulting parts, it turns out a pistol. Apply the figures to each other with single sides.

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Paper gun with your own hands: Schemes with photos and video

Conduct the upper part under the bottom to be bend, as shown below.

Paper gun with your own hands: Schemes with photos and video

Align the product and bend one strip strictly along the bend line.

Paper gun with your own hands: Schemes with photos and video

Turn the product and repeat the same actions with the second strip, we should get the letter "g".

Paper gun with your own hands: Schemes with photos and video

I turn over the product, turn it out to the end, and then we fold again, in half.

Paper gun with your own hands: Schemes with photos and video

We take the second part of the pistol. Take it into the holes, as depicted in the picture. We do with special accuracy so as not to break the paper.

Paper gun with your own hands: Schemes with photos and video

Our product is ready. It should be a gun, as in the photo below.

Paper gun with your own hands: Schemes with photos and video


In the manufacture of such a gun of paper, a tape is needed, a stationery gum, a thick pen, a pencil and several album sheets, such an eyelet will accurately attract a child.

First, make a pistol barrel.

Take a wide handle, put on a sheet of paper and finish to get a thin tube. Pull out the handle by pushing it with a pencil. Then glue the edge to the edge so that the tube does not spin.

Paper gun with your own hands: Schemes with photos and video

Create a piston. It must be made smaller in diameter than the trunk. To do this, take a pencil, lay it on the sheet and repeat the past action. After the pencil is removed from the tube, fix it with scotch.

Paper gun with your own hands: Schemes with photos and video

Slightly shorten the piston with scissors. In size, it should be a little more trunk. And again glue the edge of the scotch.

Paper gun with your own hands: Schemes with photos and video

To the edge of the piston glue a scotch band.

Paper gun with your own hands: Schemes with photos and video

And now let's create a handle for this pistol.

Re-twist the tube with the handle and take it out. Then we slightly weaken the tube so that its diameter becomes more. It is necessary that the handle was quite wide. The edges of Krepim Scotch and fold it in half.

Paper gun with your own hands: Schemes with photos and video

Then we do the trunk in the handle so that it does not bend it. Then secure the details to each other scotch. The edges of the handle also need to glue the scotch.

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Paper gun with your own hands: Schemes with photos and video

For a full-fledged pistol, there is not enough sight, let's make it.

We make a paper tube with a pencil and crepaim her scotch. Cut from it 2 small pieces, and then cut the remaining tube in half.

Paper gun with your own hands: Schemes with photos and video

We take one of the larger parts and glue to it with a tape two small pieces.

Paper gun with your own hands: Schemes with photos and video

With the help of a scotch glue the gun to the sight.

Paper gun with your own hands: Schemes with photos and video

Take the piston in the barrel and put on the handle of the gum, as shown in the picture.

From the tube, which remained, make the cartridges, for this finely cut it so that the pieces calmly passed into the trunk. Or you can use crumpled pieces of paper. To increase the power of the shot, you can add more elastic bands than them more, the point is more powerful. Meanwhile, our product is ready.

Paper gun with your own hands: Schemes with photos and video

There is another, easier way to create a shooting gun. Let's look at it.

We take the scan shown below, print it and cut out.

Paper gun with your own hands: Schemes with photos and video

Then we collect a gun on the following scheme:

Paper gun with your own hands: Schemes with photos and video

We fold it in the drawing, then we cut and insert the gum. Let's look in more detail how to do a blow:

Paper gun with your own hands: Schemes with photos and video

A homemade bullets will fly to the groove. The circle in the picture below depicts a bullet, you can take any suitable round form in size, or just roll it out of paper.

Paper gun with your own hands: Schemes with photos and video

Benth gun

We need only two album sheets. This option to create a paper pistol is very simple, let's be proceeding.

We fold a sheet of paper along the length in half, then again in half.

Paper gun with your own hands: Schemes with photos and video

Then we turn the resulting item in half and stroke the fold line. We deploy and bend the edges to the middle, as in the image below. It is necessary that the distance from the fold line in the middle and to the extreme corners was equal.

Paper gun with your own hands: Schemes with photos and video

Then we turn our product through the middle of the folding line. It will be our handle.

Paper gun with your own hands: Schemes with photos and video

We take the second sheet of paper and turn into the tube, then we turn in half.

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Paper gun with your own hands: Schemes with photos and video

We produce a folded tube in the handle.

Paper gun with your own hands: Schemes with photos and video

We have a gun with two trunks. In the manufacture, it is quite simple, even the smallest children will be cope.

Paper gun with your own hands: Schemes with photos and video

Maximum realistic

From paper you can make a more complex version of the pistol, which will look like a real weapon.

Take several album sheets (you can take sheets tightly), tape, glue and scissors, proceed to the manufacture.

Take a paper sheet, we fold it along in half and again in half, fix the scotch.

Paper gun with your own hands: Schemes with photos and video

The resulting detail turn into a blank for a frame by making sides.

Paper gun with your own hands: Schemes with photos and video

For the handle, we make a tube, as in the first step, just make it thicker and short compared to the first tube. Krepim Scotch tape. That part that will lay down to the trunk, cut off the painter. We glue both parts by glue.

Paper gun with your own hands: Schemes with photos and video

To repeat the shape of the present pistol and give it a reality, as in the image below.

Paper gun with your own hands: Schemes with photos and video

Under the paper square hide all flaws and attach the safety bracket as in the picture.

Paper gun with your own hands: Schemes with photos and video

We make two tubes, in each of them cut the rectangular hole, then hiding it for a small rectangle of paper.

Paper gun with your own hands: Schemes with photos and video

We collect our gun, all the details we connect with scotch or glue.

Paper gun with your own hands: Schemes with photos and video

We make a shutter on the technique in step 1, cut out a rectangular hole in it.

Paper gun with your own hands: Schemes with photos and video

Attach the shutter using an additional part, as shown below.

Paper gun with your own hands: Schemes with photos and video

Now our product is ready, but if you want, you can still do the clip.

Paper gun with your own hands: Schemes with photos and video

Video on the topic

You can make such toys from cardboard, but children to start better to fill the handles on album sheets, because they are easier to be flex. Paper pistols are not difficult at all, rejoice with children, creating such a product together. In conclusion, we give a few videos to manufacture a pistol from paper.

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