Posters with quotes - Fashion trend or poverty?


In the modern interior it is difficult to come up with a new one, especially for small accessories. And yet now it becomes fashionable to decorate the walls not by photographs, not paintings and mosaics, but posters with various phrases and quotes in the frame under the glass or without it.

Posters with quotes - Fashion trend or poverty?

Third grade

Proponents of traditional decorations believe, despite the popularity of posters, such an accessory is too cheap and tasteless. Designers argue, the idea of ​​hanging a quote on the wall may arise from those who cannot afford more artistic option. It is impossible to deny, some posters really look unpretentious and similar to a regular piece of paper on which the document is printed.

Posters with quotes - Fashion trend or poverty?

Too simple, the primitive design of such an accessory can hardly be harmoniously fit into the interior of a modern apartment, where the preference is given to good and high-quality things and techniques.

Why and "yes"

However, the supporters of this idea are much more. Many ideas with posters with spaces accounted for the shower due to the fact that such a decoration looks minimalistically and in spirit comes to styles minimalism, Scandinavian or High-tech.

The phrases are drawn up in different colors, the fonts change, and then the poster fit originally into any room.

Posters with quotes - Fashion trend or poverty?

Of course, it's not easy to choose the desired option. For the poster, not every place is suitable, where sufficient space for accommodation.

  1. It is necessary to determine the specific place that you want to decorate. Based on this, the size, font style and text itself will be determined.
  2. As for the genre, posters are usually hanging in the bedroom using the classic usual glaze of medium-sided fonts, and the quotes themselves usually encourage reflection. In the living room or in the kitchen it is already possible to afford to hang life-affirming even provocative phrases, decorated with font with intricate curls and in any color scheme. In any case, it is important that words are selected individually depending on the values ​​of a particular family, a person, their aspirations of ideals. Hardly the poster will fully fulfill its function if some escalated phrase will be placed on it.
    Posters with quotes - Fashion trend or poverty?
  3. As for the font, it is better to stop not on what it likes in itself, but on what will successfully look in the context of a particular room and it is desirable that the font to summarize the meaning of the phrase written to some extent.
  4. Come up with a way to acquire. On the one hand, the poster design can be developed, attributed it to the printing house and for a couple of minutes get a ready-made option to be placed in the frame. The store sells ready-made options. For greater personalization, it is better, of course, take advantage of the services of professional designers and artists. They can be found on the Internet and in specialized stores. It is enough to familiarize yourself with the human portfolio and explain the idea.

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Posters with quotes - Fashion trend or poverty?

Accommodation ideas

  • in the kitchen . If there is free space, it is better to place a large poster in bright colors. Thus, it turns out not only a stylish accessory, but also inspiring the message reading for a cup of morning coffee;
    Posters with quotes - Fashion trend or poverty?
  • Maybe someone will seem strange, but posters look good and in the bathroom, if you harmoniously enter them into the interior. Typically, the phrase carries a cheerful and relaxing message;
    Posters with quotes - Fashion trend or poverty?
  • Hall - a great place for posters with quotes. They can depict the fundamental principles of residents at home comic or serious form, as well as encouraging quotes for anyone who is included in the house;
    Posters with quotes - Fashion trend or poverty?
  • bedroom . This place for relaxation and reflection, which has to be distracted from routine affairs and listen to their true desires. Posters with certain phrases will help to gain the right attitude and think about significant things;
    Posters with quotes - Fashion trend or poverty?
  • In the living room, it is customary to hang large posters, but this should not be done if the room is small. Let it be better to be a small decoration with a summary than a huge frame "eating" space.

Posters in Scandinavian style (1 video)

Posters with quotes in the interior (9 photos)

Posters with quotes - Fashion trend or poverty?

Posters with quotes - Fashion trend or poverty?

Posters with quotes - Fashion trend or poverty?

Posters with quotes - Fashion trend or poverty?

Posters with quotes - Fashion trend or poverty?

Posters with quotes - Fashion trend or poverty?

Posters with quotes - Fashion trend or poverty?

Posters with quotes - Fashion trend or poverty?

Posters with quotes - Fashion trend or poverty?

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