Several ways: how to wash the floor after repair


No repair do without dirt and dust. Regardless of what is repaired (ceiling, walls, etc.), most unpleasant contaminants remain on the floor. Even if trying to spend all the work neatly, it can get over whitewashes, paint, plaster or just building dirt and trash. That is why, proceeding to cleaning work after the repair, it is necessary to pay special attention to the floor. The choice of funds in this case will depend on exactly what it has been contaminated and what sex coating was smeared during the repair process. It should be borne in mind that not all means are suitable for one or another case.

Several ways: how to wash the floor after repair

Most of the pollution after repair remains on the floor, even if you carry out repair work with maximum accuracy.

Floor washing after repair - General recommendations

Sometimes it is very difficult to wash the floors from the accumulated mud. One time is not to do here. We will have to at least wash the floor in several stages. At first, a soap solution is used to which the surface is well wetted and left for a while. After that, special detergents are applied. At the same time you need to try to tip all the dirt. Now the floor is clean with warm water without any solutions and means. In order to wash the floor faster, you need to wash the rag as often as possible. Do not smear the dirt over the entire surface.

Several ways: how to wash the floor after repair

To clean the floor from blotch or plaster, warm water with salt is perfect.

In the event that only the dirt was present on the floor, which formed during the walk on it during the work, you can apply a national method. To do this, you need to add a small amount of kerosene into water. With it, even the most emergency dirt will be laundering without difficulty. Some will refuse this method due to the sharp and unpleasant smell of kerosene, but there is a way out. You only need to pour 200 ml of vinegar into a bucket of water and just wipe the floor. The smell will not remain completely.

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In case, after repairing on the surface, two or plaster remained, you need to act differently. First of all, it is necessary to dream and remove all the remnants of whitewash. What will remain is necessary to wash with a concentrated dishwashing agent. All the whots do not wash in any case, so the next step will be the use of warm water with the addition of salt. This will help to quickly get rid of stunkers from the spots. If the whits were laundered, but the divorces from it still remain, you can try to add ordinary manganese into water. She quickly dismisses all divorces. Its color should get bright pink.

Cleaning various floor coatings after repair

Wash parquet

Several ways: how to wash the floor after repair

When washing the parquet, it is categorically not recommended to use coarse brushes or metal scrapers.

The process for laundering after repair of the parquet will be entirely dependent on the nature of pollution. In the event that these are water-soluble materials, such as dirt, putty, whitewashes, etc. It is possible to cope with ordinary water with the addition of detergent. Any serious action in this case cannot be applied. Parquet perfectly tolerate wet cleaning, so you can not be afraid of damaging it.

When repairing the parquet, such substances such as paint, glue, etc. can be reached. They are resistant to water, and to remove such pollution, you need to try well. We will have to use dissolving means. Here you should be very careful, because some of them can damage the layer of varnish and spoil the parquet. Therefore, it is necessary to choose such substances that have only soft compositions. It is suitable for this Whitespit, methyl alcohol or kerosene. You need to pour a little money on a stain and rub it well. It is best to do on fresh paint that did not have time to dry. Such stains can be cleaned with means designed to care for plates. In order not to spoil the coating, it is better to first check how it will affect this or that substance on it, on an imperceptible piece in the corner. Then everything will be able to preserve in the original form.

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Regardless of the pollution of the parquet, it can not be rubbed with rude brushes or metal scrapers. So you can only scratch the coating, thereby spoiling it. In addition, you should remember that it is not necessary to wet it too much. Also, cleaning can not be used cleaning agents that contain abrasive particles or severe solvents. They will also negatively affect the floor.

We wash the laminate floor

Several ways: how to wash the floor after repair

Whitepirite is an ideal laminate cleaning agent after repair.

As if cautious builders neither tried to carry out repair work, even on the floor of the laminate remains spots and dirt. Not all means will help in this case cope with the problem. If the laminate hit the laminate and small spots remained, then it is best to use Whitepite. It will most gently help remove the contamination of this kind. You can also apply in this case a car chemistry that serves as a means to remove bitumen stains. Color paint is necessary only with a soft rag, which does not hurt the upper protective layer of laminate. Abrasive means here is simply unacceptable here.

If black traces of shoes remain on the laminate, which do not wash themselves with simple water, it is possible to linse them with the help of an ordinary elasty. In addition, mounting foam can enter the floor after repair. Remove it will help the drug Dimexide, which is sold in the pharmacy. It is applied to the spot and leave for a while, and then carefully cleaned with a spatula and sponge. It is necessary to do it with extreme caution. After removing all dirty and appeared, the stains remain only rinse the floor. To do this, you can use special means for cleaning the laminate and well-squeezed rag. In this case, the divorces will not remain.

Wash the linoleum after repair

Several ways: how to wash the floor after repair

After repair, linoleum is recommended to wash clean water.

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Wash linoleum is necessary for clean water. In addition, it should be warm. After repairing on linoleum, very unpleasant traces of dust, dirt, shoe prints, etc. remain. You can finally get rid of them only if you constantly change the washing rag. Otherwise, there will be divorces on the floor, which will be difficult to get rid of. You can add soap to the water, but in no case can it be used by soda, how many mistresses do. It can negatively act on the surface, which will subsequently lead to the rapid burnout.

If the stains are not amenable to such a wet cleaning, you can use Skipidar. He rubs well with many types of pollution. Big stains can be tried to tip with a wet chalk powder. If after harvesting still there are matte spots, they must be grateful to mastic. It is sold in construction stores and perfectly cope with its task. In addition to the fact that the stains will not be visible, the linoleum will acquire the initial shine. Linseed oil is also suitable for this purpose, which specifically lubricates such floor coverings.

Thus, it is quite possible to cope with stains of various origins.

Any sexual coating can be laundered and not damaged if you know what to apply for it.

Of course, in order not to use strong agents and break your head over what to do, it is best to simply cover the floor at the time of repair work.

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