Trim balcony tile do it yourself


Select the material for trimming the balconies is quite complicated.

He should not be afraid of temperature drops, climatic precipitation and dampness. This is especially true for the so-called "cold" balconies.

Trim balcony tile do it yourself

Try to choose the most frost-resistant tile for cladding, it will allow you to turn a balcony or loggia into a cozy, warm and comfortable room even in the coldest days.

Floor finishing is hardly the most important thing in the repair of the balconies. Materials for this in the construction market mass. But are they all suitable in order to decorate our loggia?

The most popular materials for the flooring on the loggia can be called a cement screed, lining and linoleum. But all of them have their own characteristics that are noticeably spoiled the finish. The screed collects dust and over time it has a property to collapse. Lining and linoleum are very afraid of moisture. And because after a while you will have to redo everything. We also have to spend time, and forces and money.

Having considered all the well-known options for the flooring, you can safely stop your choice on the floor ceramic tiles. It has so much advantages that the tile can be used not only for flooring or walls indoors, but also for external work.

Porcelain stoneware is so durable that even when the temperature drops, it retains its original view for a long time. And for wear resistance, he simply has no equal.

Trim balcony tile do it yourself

Rubber hammer, toothed spatula, level, plastic crosses - all this you will need to be needed when laying

So if you decide to start finishing a "cold" balcony and make it all qualitatively, you should stop your choice precisely on the ceramar.

Do not forget to purchase the required tools:

  • level;
  • rubber hammer;
  • putty knife;
  • rule;
  • Platekorez.

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Recommendations for laying

Before you begin to choose, you need to specify the main thing: the floor tile refers to 5 - the highest level of abrasion. And you need to choose small tiles. The smaller they are in size, the less their weight and pressure on the supporting structures, and they easier to make arrangement.

Remember that the space of the balcony - the room is small, it means that the tile should be selected light. She will see him visually. But if the tile is spotted or with a pattern, then you visually much reduce the area of ​​the loggia.

But it is not necessary to choose a ceramic tile of only one color - select two contrasting views and place them in a checker order. The effect of such a coating will be unusual.

Trim balcony tile do it yourself

Floor and wall tiles for the balcony interior must necessarily have increased resistance to any mechanical effects, including friction.

Another condition that must be strictly observed when choosing, attention to the characteristics.

So, for example, a tile, which is perfect for the bathroom or kitchen, will not be able to survive and the first frost on the balcony. It is simply not designed for large temperatures.

That is why the perfect coating for the balcony is considered a porcelain stoneware, and it also has an anti-slip coating. For a loggia or balcony, you can choose ceramic tiles - it is not exposed to aggressive external factors. Such decoration will be appreciated home and guests.

Finishing space

So, proceed precisely to laying.

If the base of your balcony consists of several plates, then the slots between them need to be thoroughly smeared with putty. It is necessary so that the cold air does not flow from below. And on top of the putty you need to still strengthen the strips of fiberglass.

Trim balcony tile do it yourself

Putting the tile from a long corner to the door, it will help you not damage the laying before it is complete drying.

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Now you need to determine how the tile will be laid. If it goes to a cement solution, then the concrete tie of the floor should not do. It will only waste the entire design and will become an additional cargo for the carrier parts of the loggia.

However, the floor of the balconies will have to thoroughly align and treat a special primer, which will help to make the highest quality grip with the floor.

Stop tile start with angle framing next. It is basically laid dry. That is, the glue is applied either on the tile or the floor itself.

For aesthetic, the extreme tiles can be trimmed at an angle of 45 degrees. This will not only provide maximum adjacent to the walls, but also make a junction between them less noticeable. If there is special gaskets between the tiles, then the seam will be perfectly smooth.

When placing on the balcony there are some rules that should be observed to achieve maximum effect. So, on the "cold" balcony, the tile begins to fit from the warm wall to the fence, and on the "warm" - the finish is made from one of the corners of the cold wall to the input. In this case, each angle begins equally.

The best visual effect will be achieved if the seams between the tiles rows are not coincided. This can be easily achieved, alternating halves and whole squares.

Now we leave our coating for a couple of hours. After that, the rubber spatula and sponge remove the remnants of the glue from the surface.

Finishing strokes

The main work on the arrangement of the balconies is practically complete. Now the tile must be completely dry. And it might need quite a lot of time. Especially if you decorated the "cold" balcony, not an internal finish.

After complete drying, the glue can be seamless to seams. This uses a special grout.

Grout for seams is applied to the tile with a rubber spatula, which allows you to evenly fill the intercutant emptiness.

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By the way, today it is sold in such a wide color scheme that you can experiment. If you are a supporter of the classics, pick up the grout of the same shade as the tile for the balcony or the loggia, or a little darker.

And if you want something truly unusual, then stop the choice on the material of the contrasting color. The brighter it will be, the unusual will look at your loggia. Friends and acquaintances will accurately appreciate.

Remember the main thing, from what tile you choose will depend on the atmosphere, which will be present on the balcony and in the room adjacent to it, and the entire decoration of the balconies in general. If you want heat and the sun, stop on warm peach or pink tones.

And if the fan of a laconic classics, then you will fit white, gray and black tones for balconies. They are always in fashion. Therefore, dare, it all depends only on you and your imagination.

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