Shrubs for living hedges in the country: selection and planting of plants (30 photos)


Shrubs for living hedges in the country: selection and planting of plants (30 photos)

One of the most spectacular elements of garden design, which is considerable popularity is a live fence. She protects against noise and dust and at the same time perfectly emphasizes the bends of the tracks. If the fence is not very beautiful, then with the help of a living hedge, you can hide it, and if the fence is not at all, it will become an excellent element of the design, which always looks much more attractive.

Shrubs for living hedges in the country: selection and planting of plants (30 photos)

What are the living hedges?

If you decide to equip in your site a regular or fast-growing alternating hedge, first of all it is necessary to determine if you form it or it will grow freely. For household plots, the first option is very common.

Shrubs for living hedges in the country: selection and planting of plants (30 photos)

Shrubs for living hedges in the country: selection and planting of plants (30 photos)

Smooth live fence

Shrubs for living hedges in the country: selection and planting of plants (30 photos)

Live hedge fence

Shrubs for living hedges in the country: selection and planting of plants (30 photos)

Shrubs for living hedges

Shrubs for living hedges in the country: selection and planting of plants (30 photos)

Labyrinth of shrubs

The hedge can be divided by height on:

  • Low, not more than half meter high
  • Average, above half a meter and up to 2 meters high
  • High, from two meters and above

Shrubs for living hedges in the country: selection and planting of plants (30 photos)

Low live elevation

Shrubs for living hedges in the country: selection and planting of plants (30 photos)

Average livestock

Shrubs for living hedges in the country: selection and planting of plants (30 photos)

High livestore

Shrubs for living hedges in the country: selection and planting of plants (30 photos)

Living hedge of different heights

Free-frequency living hedge

For free-growing hedges, the following shrubs are usually picking up: almonds, lilac, honeysuckle, quince Japanese, Chubuschnik. Frequently used by hawthorn, elderberry and snowy year. When forming a hedge, it is best to use plants of various heights so that it never is broken.

Shrubs for living hedges in the country: selection and planting of plants (30 photos)

Lipa or Grab planted in the event that a live fence is needed to three meters in height. These trees are one of the ideal breeds to implement such a designer solution due to a dense and relatively easily formed crown. In addition, to create a living ingredion large in height, you can land a mulberry, maple, Ilm Rashavy.

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Shrubs for living hedges in the country: selection and planting of plants (30 photos)

Shrubs for living hedges in the country: selection and planting of plants (30 photos)

Borders of living hedges

Shrubs for living hedges in the country: selection and planting of plants (30 photos)

Flowering livestock

Shrubs for living hedges in the country: selection and planting of plants (30 photos)

Shrubs for hedge

Shrubs for living hedges in the country: selection and planting of plants (30 photos)

Fast-growing live elevation

Evergreen livestock from Tui, spruce, tees and juniper

To create evergreen, hedges are most often used:

  • Juniper ordinary, which is the most drought-resistant type of evergreen plants.
  • Tis berry. This planting material is not sufficient, but is durable. It prefers fertile and rather wet soils.
  • Spruce, very shadowed, loves wet soils on the plot.
  • Western Thuja, which is most commonly used in landscape design.

Shrubs for living hedges in the country: selection and planting of plants (30 photos)

Shrubs for living hedges in the country: selection and planting of plants (30 photos)

Live hedge juniper photo

Shrubs for living hedges in the country: selection and planting of plants (30 photos)

Live hedge of tees photo

Shrubs for living hedges in the country: selection and planting of plants (30 photos)

Live rod fir photo

Shrubs for living hedges in the country: selection and planting of plants (30 photos)

Living hedge Thuja photo

Selection of shrubs for livelie

To form a living hedge of medium height, you can take the most different bushes: the dend is red and white, toll, the caticker is black and many others. Barbaris ordinary, picracarts are also suitable.

Shrubs for living hedges in the country: selection and planting of plants (30 photos)

Live hedges are less than half a meter highly called borders. They can be formed from low-spirited ate or thuly, as well as use magnolia adhesive, Japanese quilient, Toll, and the Samshet Evergreen.

Shrubs for living hedges in the country: selection and planting of plants (30 photos)

How to make a living fence in the country with your own hands?

When creating a living hedge, it is best to use coniferous shrubs with age three - five years, deciduous - two or three year olds. At the site of planting seedlings it is necessary to pull the cord so that the hedge is smooth. After that, a smooth trench is digging, into which plants are planted. Depending on the types of plant species used, they are planted with a distance of up to 60 cm. Between the ranks of the hedge, the distance should be approximately 50 cm. Before planting seedlings, in advance, if necessary, you need to pour and focus.

Shrubs for living hedges in the country: selection and planting of plants (30 photos)

Shrubs for living hedges in the country: selection and planting of plants (30 photos)

Flowers and plants for living hedges

Shrubs for living hedges in the country: selection and planting of plants (30 photos)

Shrubs for living hedges

Shrubs for living hedges in the country: selection and planting of plants (30 photos)

Living hedge of tees or thuu

Shrubs for living hedges in the country: selection and planting of plants (30 photos)

Landing of alive hedge

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If you need a barbed green livestock, which will be reliably protected from unreasonable guests, the best solution will be the use of a rosehip for its formation. This plant is extremely unpretentious, can bloom a couple of times in one season. Hedge from rosehip is often used as an addition to the fence from the grid. You can also use other blooming shrubs.

Shrubs for living hedges in the country: selection and planting of plants (30 photos)

Excellent livestock will come out of juniper. In addition to decorativeness, it has bactericidal properties, and from berries you can cook useful, delicious little tart jam. Do not forget that a live fence can be used not only for planting a fence, but also to create a labyrinth:

Shrubs for living hedges in the country: selection and planting of plants (30 photos)

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